RARPA Progress Record - Drawing Continued VH430 May – June 2014
(Nb Sections in bold can be copied and pasted on to lesson plan as a reminder about feedback, extension activities, catch up activities.)
Name / Week 1 Learning Outcomes· Improve accuracy of proportion and angle by using measuring techniques
· Plan a composition
· Include the negative space in the drawing
· Draw using line / Week 2 Learning Outcomes
· Consolidate measuring skills
· Consolidate composition skills
· Describe form by using 3 tones
· Explore magnifying scale
· Select own objects to draw / Week 3 Learning Outcomes
· Consolidate techniques in previous sessions (measuring, composition, tone, Form, Neg space)
· Analyse and represent a full tonal range
· Experiment with mark making techniques
· Use mark making to express surface texture
· Experiment with expressive gesture
· Render form / Week 4 Learning Outcomes
· Combine viewpoints in one drawing
· Use measuring, negative space, line, tone, gesture, mark making, rhythm and movement in one drawing
· Identify and enhance rhythm, repetition and a journey across the picture plane
· Allow the drawing to evolve, making decisions that relate to the drawing itself, rather than the original subject
· Begin to control a larger scale work / Week 5 Learning Outcomes
· Begin to use a sketchbook
· Use some alternative materials
· Collect visual data at a chosen site
· Develop initial sketches using sketchbook with a view to making future work
J / Done drawing summer school
Likes working in pastels. Would like to be able to draw architecture.
Tendency to work small. Struggled with measuring, comp and proportion. Made lots progress in aft. / Much progress made, more confidence, gd progress with transferring measurements. Gd tone. Needs help to let go a bit. / Gd work in texture. Much progress in consolidating previous skills. Comp needs work. / Great line drawing in a.m. Handled large scale very well. Bold attempt at abstract project. Lots of imaginative ideas coming through. Very good attempt. Gained a gd understanding of abstract art, evidenced in discussion. / Enjoyed working at the BM. Gd sketches, tried to capture a lot of detail and he engaged very well with the chosen objects. Started to have some gd imaginative ideas. Made excellent progress on course.
C / Done lots of courses here inc life drawing.Loves charcoal and colour.
Gd drawing skills, all learning outcomes achieved to a high standard. / Excellent proportion and measurement. Gd comp. v gd tone. All outcomes achieved to a high standard. / Lovely delicate, sensitive texture and mark. Gd comp. All outcomes achieved to a good standard. / Excellent work in a.m and aft. / V gd sketchbook work . V gd progress throughout course.
A / Did drawing 1 with me. Has gd existing skills. Done life drawing and draws a lot at home.
Gd drawing skills, all learning outcomes achieved to a high standard. / Gd comp. v gd tone. All outcomes achieved to a high standard. / Excellent work, achieved all outcomes to high standard. Needs to practice mark making as she uses it very well and invigorates her drawing. / Gd attempt at abstact, could have done with more time,gd mark making and comp. / V gd sketches, bold and interesting. Should develop this imaginative side to her work.
JG / Done printmaking, into to drawing and drawing 1 and watercolour.
Gd drawing skills, all learning outcomes achieved to a high standard. / Gd tone. Gd measuring. All outcomes achieved to a good standard. / Very gd texture and mark. Gd consolidation. All outcomes achieved to a good standard. / Gd work in a.m and aft. Lovely texture and mark making. Interesting abstract piece. Lots movement and rhythm. / V gd sketches, had some gd starting points for future printmaking/painting
C / Done intro to drawing and drawing 1. Done sketchbook. Gd existing drawing skills. , all learning outcomes achieved to a high standard. / Gd skills, gd comp, gd understanding of tone. Excellent interpretation of brief / Gd understanding of form, tonal modelling v gd. Needs to be more free and gestural with mark and texture. Struggled with this aspect. / Struggled with the aft work. She found it difficult to see the piece as a separate thing. Was out of her comfort zone, but challenged herself and started to get the idea. Tends to be tentative with new ideas. / Very intense, gd sketches. Gd progress made on course.
J / Done drawing 1. Struggles with proportion. Wants to do life drawing. Struggled with measuring, tried it without using pencil technique, worked a lot better. / Needs a lot of help with measuring, not got it yet, but slight progress made. Gd Tone.Needs help with comp. / Struggled with texture and gesture. Gd comp, measuring better. Finds the day a bit too long, concentration goes about 3.30.
Needs to push drawings further and be prepared to rub out and amend more. / Gd work – she enjoyed this way of working and had a good outcome. / Excellent sketches, interesting ideas generated. Works better with experimental work and ideas based work.
S / Done drawing 1. Made loads progress on drawing 1. Gd start on drawing contd. All learning outcomes achieved / Gd comp, gd measuring. Systematic approach with tone. Needs to relax and move the drawing about more. All outcomes achieved well. / Excellent drawing in a.m with form. Gd texture and tone. Making steady progress. All outcomes achieved to a good standard.
Encourage working faster and making more alterations. / Only here for a.m .Very gd line drawing. / ABSENT
L / Drawing 1.
V good work today, gd comp and measuring. / Excellent work. All outcomes achieved to a high standard. Help her to have a lighter touch with the charcoal. / Struggled with mark making and texture, tended to flatten out into pattern. Needs to try to combine form and texture. / Gd line drawing in a.m. Struggled with abstract, ended up with a surreal imaginative drawing. Gd tone and comp. / A.M only. A gd start with sketchbook. Has made loads of progress on course.
Cs / Gd drawing skills, all learning outcomes achieved to a high standard. / GD measuring, excellent tone, strong drawing skills. Comp needs practise. / V strong, bold texture drawing . All outcomes achieved to a high standard. / Struggled with abstract, ended up with a surreal imaginative drawing. Showed strong drawing skills, but was resistant to the brief. / Excellent sketches, very strong skills.
L / On Foundation (not here)done life drawing and lots painting, wants to improve observational drawing skills and proportion.
Needs more practise at measuring, tends to work in a gestural way, needs to be more considered in order to achieve all learning outcomes. Needs to regularly re-focussed on the objectives of the session. / Needs to focus on looking. Gd comp. progress made. Gd tone. Tends to fudge by using too many indecisive marks. / Making slow but steady progress. Needs to work on controlling the surface and making decisive marks. / Excellent drawings in a.m and aft. Added collage to abstract drawing and had v interesting results. / ABSENT
C / Done drawing1 and a lot of drawing at home.
Measuring a bit rusty, good comp. / Gd comp/tone. Measuring and angles improving. Needs extra help with measuring and angles. / Gd initial experiments with textures. / Struggled with this project, although a.m drawing was excellent. Needs to be able to be objective about the strengths and weaknesses of her work. / ABSENT
H / Done drawing 1. All learning outcomes achieved / Gd comp and tone. Gd progress made. All outcomes achieved to a good standard / Excellent large drawing in aft. Gd comp, gd mark making. All outcomes achieved to a
high standard. / Gd results in a.m and aft. / V gd sketches, enjoyed working in this way. V gd progress made on the course.
R / ABSENT / ABSENT / A bit behind due to attendance gaps, but did well with comp and measuring.
Needs extra help to catch up. / Gd results. / Gd sketches. Missed too much of course to make significant progress.
C / ABSENT / Drawing 1. Gets nervous and under confident, but very gd in all learning outcomes. Gd measuring , angles. Lovely mark making.looking / Excellent drawing quality. Great tone, painterly gestural marks,. Struggles with transferring comp to paper. / ABSENT / Gd sketches, gd ideas generated. Gd progress made on course.
With thanks to Jayne Kaye.