MondayJune2, 2008

FrostValley News

Classes Begin

What Can You Do at FrostValley?

There are many fun things to do here at FrostValley. You can do Project Adventure where you work as a team with your friends. Another thing you can do is Low Ropes. Low Ropes is basically team work, trust, and balancing. Other awesome things you can do areHighFalls, CableBridge, Castle Tour, Nature Trail, Pond Ecology, GPS, Arts and Crafts, Geology, ClimbingTower, and Outdoor Living.

Brianna (BF)

The Crazy Cool Cabin

On Sunday night my cabin was so crazy! Almost every single person in my squad was bouncing off the walls! In Squad BF (my awesome squad) there are 7 girls. Jenna H, Carlie H, Anya D, Brianna S, Haley V, Shelby B, and me! I got so hyper and people got mad! We were all super loud. Cabin #22 is the best, coolest, and craziest cabin every!!!! Everyone tried to decorate it with pre-wrapped Band-Aids and paper. The pre-wrapped looked great at first but then I just looked at it and it fell down. Weird!!! I am happy with my squad and my cabin.

Sammy L (BJ)

FrostValley Sweat Shirts

The Frost Valley Sweat Shirts are very popular. The original navy blue sweat shirt was out of stock. Those sweat shirts were $25 each. There is a new sweat shirt that is made by Champion. There are many colors such as light blue and light green. These sweat shirts are $35 each. Both of these brands of sweat shirts are popular but they are both the same in many ways.

Rich M (DS)

Food for Thought!

Got Bad Milk?

Monday June 2 I was eating my breakfast and talking to my friends. All of a sudden Mr. Ampula came on the microphone to announce that some of the milk was bad! This doesn’t mean FrostValley serves bad milk, it means that you should check the dates before you open the milk.

Carlie H. (BF)

Dani is at it again. Today at lunch she ordered a salad with extra spicy onions. Dani took too many onions! Rachel Oltmer, Mrs. Shafer, and Mrs. Oltmer had to eat the horrid onions in order to keep our waste at zero. Dani is not allowed to eat onions anymore.

With horrid breath….

Rachel Oltmer (DG)

Things you Miss From Home….

  1. My little sister
  2. My ferret Millie
  3. Nothing, it’s better than home
  4. My doggie
  5. My dog Casey
  6. My family
  7. My puppy
  8. My comfortable bed
  9. Not sharing a bed with someone
  10. My Nintendo Wii
  11. My Play Station
  12. Sleep


  1. A bear leaves his den, he walks two miles due south, then two miles due east, then two miles due north to his den. What color is the bear?
  2. A ladder hangs over the side of a boat. There are nine rungs on the ladder. There are two feet between each rung. Two rungs are under water. The tide rises three feet, how many rungs are under the water?

Answers in Wednesdays Newspaper!!!!

Dave Bossy Here!!

I would like to go fishing, but my friends didn’t want to go with me. My friends enjoy being with me but not when I am there. I recently read a book by H.L. Mencken. It was a good book but I took three years to finish it because it was so boring. My best friend is named Joe, we were born on the same day in different years. The best time here is night time. The chaperones sleep and snore at the same time. I don’t understand how they can sleep through their own snoring. Mencken knew why but I don’t remember what he wrote.

Dave Bossy (Cabin 0 Zero)


Green Hand and Catskill Witch Report

Myth Report

6th graders visiting FrostValley have yet to hear about the Green Hand or the Catskill Witch but many feel that they will be visited soon. Anyone who knows about FrostValley knows the stories of the Green Hand and the Catskill Witch and they also know that they hate visitors. However, both the Hand and the Witch have yet to pull pranks on any unsuspecting visitors.

Jamie C. (DW)

{HA…wait till you screamers hit your cabins tonight}


Don’t be frightened if your room is messy. The pranks start today. Don’t scream if you see a Green Hand or a Flying Witch.

Zach L. (DX)

{Zach…start screaming now…I got your name from Ms. DeLuca}

Green Hand..Myth or Reality?

AHHHH!!!!! Screamed one of the construction workers of the Castle. The worker, name unknown, was working on the rails along the second floor and was trying to reach one of his tools…and fell. On the way down, he caught his left hand in the rail and it got ripped off. He kept falling and with a thud hit the ground. Completely in shock, the man got up and ran into the forest screaming. Mr. Forstman (the owner of the castle) ordered a party of workers to hunt for him but

they failed. Having given up the workers made

a little coffin, put the hand in it, had a mourning ceremony and put the coffin in an unfinished wall. Mrs. Battaglini, a 5th grade math teacher at CFJ claims that as a 6th grader her friend had a dream that something checked her left arm. The next morning her left arm was out of her sleeping bag. So obviously the Green Hand is a lefty. So, is the Green Hand a myth or reality…it is for you to find out.

Andrew R (BT)


F / V / B / I / N / G / O / X / X / S / Y / G / Y / V / E / D
R / V / E / Z / Y / H / L / Y / D / X / E / C / S / E / E / O
O / C / A / Z / Y / H / C / G / E / O / L / O / S / Y / X / N
S / R / R / C / X / G / E / M / C / E / C / S / S / S / X / D
T / N / H / H / I / G / H / F / A / L / L / S / E / C / X / E
V / M / A / B / E / C / H / F / B / A / G / S / X / A / X / C
A / A / E / F / A / D / E / F / L / A / W / E / O / S / O / O
L / R / O / O / E / E / E / A / E / E / R / E / O / L / G / L
L / H / O / R / X / E / E / A / B / P / O / S / O / T / E / O
E / L / L / E / E / R / E / S / R / X / P / G / O / E / E / S
Y / S / I / S / A / R / L / E / I / X / E / C / T / T / Y / X
E / E / T / T / G / C / E / S / D / Y / S / E / O / O / G / G
X / V / A / E / L / E / E / S / G / Z / A / A / V / V / V / V
W / R / V / A / E / C / G / V / E / Y / A / A / R / R / R / R






Liz S (DD)