RN Upward Mobility Program
NURS 381: Family & Communication- 2010
Course Number and Title
NURS 381, Family and Communication (3 credits)
Course Description
This course focuses on communication as an intervention with family as client. The student will be exposed to major family and communication theories. Emphasis is on holistic family assessment and interventions. The professional value of "autonomy" or the patient's right to self determination is the value-based behavior central to this course.
FacultyKayFoland, PhD, RN,PMHNP-BC, CNS-BC, CNP
Office =SDSU WestRiver Nursing, 1011 11th Street,Rapid City,SD57701
Office Phone = 605-394-6195
Secretary = 605-394-5390; Fax Number = 605-394-1250
Toll Free 1-888-819-1725
Home Phone = 605-341-3876; Email: InternalD2L email, or
Required Texts
American Psychological Association (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed.,Washington ,D.C.
Arnold, E. & Boggs, K. (2007).Interpersonal relationships. Professional communication skills for nurses. (5th ed).Philadelphia ,PA :W.B. Saunders.
Kearney-Nunnery, R.K. (2008).Advancing your Career. (4thed).Philadelphia,PA: F. A. Davis.
Kaakinen, J., Gedaly-Duff, V., Coehlo, D., & Harmon Hanson, S. (2010).Family health care nursing: Theory, practice and research. (4rd ed).Philadelphia,PA : F. A. Davis.
Course ObjectivesThe student will be given the opportunity to:
1. Apply the principles of family theory and family development to the promotion and maintenance of family health.
2. Examine the professional value of autonomy and relate to practice of nursing in the role of provider of care, designer/manager/coordinator of care, and member of a profession.
3. Identify appropriate therapeutic communication techniques when working with families in the home setting.
4. Analyze the components of a comprehensive family assessment incorporating the principles of health beliefs and lifestyle change.
5. Assess the impact of the environment (including socio-economic status, culture and physical surroundings) on the delivery of home-based health care services to families.
6. Select research findings pertinent to the nursing care of families.
7. Analyze family response to psychosocial, spiritual, and environmental health status changes.
Instructional MethodsLearning experiences in this course will include any or all of the following: Discussion, on-line assignments, student presentations, examinations, projects, readings, research, and independent study. This course has due dates designated throughout. Students progress through the course during the time allotted on the university calendar.
Policies and ProceduresSDSU Academic Dishonesty Policy:
South DakotaStateUniversity has taken a strong and clear stand regarding Academic dishonesty. The consequence of Academic Dishonesty ranges from Disciplinary Probation to Expulsion. The full policies are found in Chapter 1 of the Student Code (01:10:23:01-1:10:23:04) within the Student Policy Manual. A student charged with Academic Dishonesty who wishes to appeal that charge may follow the Appeals Procedure outlined in Chapter 2 of the Student Policy Manual (Academic Appeals and Classroom Standards) or contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs, AD 230, 688-4173. Any evidence of cheating or dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment/test and may also result in an "F" for the course, according to the discretion of the instructor.
Evaluation Policy
Students will be evaluated by the academic and professional judgment of the individual faculty member(s) assigned to teach this course, based on requirements and performance standards approved by theCollege ofNursing . You must receive a 'C' in this course in order to proceed in the nursing major. University policy for filing delinquent slips for less than 'C' grades at mid-term will be followed. Students will receive periodic feedback throughout the course.
Evaluation Procedure
Quizzes/Exams / 30 %Discussion Forum Postings & Participation / 50 %
Group Analysis Paper / 10 %
Family Case Study Presentation in Discussion / 10%
*Module Assignments:
Each module will contain a variety of written discussion assignments. These assignments will be part of yourclass participation grade.Assignments turned in late will be loweredone letter grade per day late. Fifty (50) percent of the grade is related to actual content of the student's posting. Fifty (50) percent of the grade is related to timely participation with at least two (2) colleagues in the student's discussion group.Students are expected to "log on and"participate"a minimum of two (2) times per week for class on separate days. Remember that just logging on is not the same as "logging on &participating
Exam II is an open book exam and includes purchase or rental of the film "Ordinary People"
*Class & Clinical Conferencing Participation:
* Participation reflects own preparation and learning.
1. Discusses assigned readings, web sites, and other preparation activities (via the Discussion area).
2. Shares insights for clinical interactions and observations.
3. Offers rationale/documentation for opinions/ideas expressed.
*Participation contributes to learning of others.
4. Reads others' entries in the Discussion. Subsequent response comments arethoughtful and relevant.
5. Builds on the contributions of others in discussion.
a. Requests clarification/elaboration of other's comments.
b. Provides additional information in support of others' comments.
c. Provides information about contrasting/alternative viewpoints.
d. Seeks solutions to problems/concerns raised in discussion.
6. Initiates aspects of discussion.
a. Raises issues or introduces topics problems and perspectives.
b. Stimulates discussion by insightful thought provoking comments.
7. Shares information with group about additional learning resources.
*Participation demonstrates clarity, relevance, precision, and timeliness.
Performance Standards
TheCollege ofNursing Undergraduate Grading Scale will be used as the performance standard to calculate the final grade in this class:
A = 92 - 100%
B = 84 - 91%
C = 76 - 83%
D = 67- 75%
F = 66% or below
Additionally, qualitative behavioral standards set by the faculty team will be used for evaluation
'A' Exceptional (A+ = 10, A = 9.6, A- = 9.2)
Written assignments and presentations show originality of thought in stating and developing a central theme/idea. Ideas are clear, logical and thought provoking, reflecting superior critical thinking skills. Material is carefully constructed and organized in sentences and paragraphs. Positive qualities of writing excellence are demonstrated throughout, i.e. careful choice of effective words and phrases, the absence of spelling and grammatical errors. References, when applicable, are strategically incorporated strongly reinforcing the central theme/idea. The logical development and firm support of the content reflects thorough understanding/application of family nursing and communication. Professionalism and accountability are consistently demonstrated.
'B' Superior (B+ = 9.1, B = 8.8, B- = 8.4)
Written assignments and presentations have a clearly individual insight or tone and clearly state a purpose, with logical development. Ideas are clear with some positive qualities of writing excellence and verbal deliver, comparatively free from errors in the use of English. Reference selection, when applicable, does not strongly reinforce the main purpose to the paper. Imaginative competence is evidenced, but presentation lacks the reinforcing qualities of mechanics and style which characterize 'A' work. Mastery of family nursing and communication concepts is reflected by a moderate understanding/application. Professionalism and accountability are usually manifested.
'C' Average (C+ = 8.3, C = 8.0, C- = 7.6)
The average written assignment and presentation has a strong central idea and is organized clearly enough to convey its purpose. Serious error in the use of English is avoided. Reference selection, if applicable, is weak. The assignment lacks the vigor of critical thinking and expression which merit a higher rating. Minimal understanding/application of family nursing and communication concepts is evident. Professionalism and accountability are occasionally evidenced.
'D' Unsatisfactory (D+ = 7.5, D = 7.1, D- = 6.7)
Written assignment and presentations contain serious errors in the use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation and fails to present a central idea or logical thought development. The conception and expression of ideas are incorrect/ineffective. References, when applicable, are inadequately incorporated/analyzed. Understanding/application of family nursing and communication concepts, as well as nursing concepts is lacking throughout. Professionalism and accountability are rarely portrayed.
Academic Freedom and Responsibility
Under Board of Regents and University policy student academic performance may be evaluated solely on an academic basis, not on opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards. Students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, but they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study for which they are enrolled. Student who believe that an academic evaluation reflects prejudiced or capricious consideration of student opinions or conduct unrelated to academic standards should first contact the instructor of the course to initiate a review of the evaluation. If the student remains unsatisfied, the student may contact the department head and/ or dean of the college which offers the class to initiate a review of the evaluation.
Students with Disabilities:
Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact NancyHartenhooff-Crooks, Coordinator of Disability Services privately to discuss specific needs. Please contact the Office of Disability Services at (605) 688-4505 in room 145Binnewies Hall, to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. (Fax: 605-688-4987).
Blood-Bourne Pathogens:
Students of theCollege ofNursing must be aware that the College of nursing has a policy and procedure for students who are infected with a blood borne pathogen such as Hepatitis B Virus, Hepatitis C Virus, and Human Immunodeficiency Virus and other infectious diseases. The student may review this policy at the office of any department head. All students who have been diagnosed with a blood-borne pathogen should inform the clinical instructor in person. This is medical information and will be kept confidential while informing only those "who need to know." This information is needed to protect the health of patients, the public, and to remain in compliance with the clinical facilities that you may attend.