Rainbows First Addition Homeowners Association (HOA)
PO Box 357904
Gainesville, Fl. 32635-7904
September 12th, 2016
Brandon Peterson
Don Kimbrell
Kathy Hendrickson
Cliff Janney Myrna Janney Michael Steinberg
Penny Bryant Carlos & Karen Piedra and 2 children
Meeting called to order at 7:33 pm by HOA Chairwoman, Kathy Hendrickson.
1) Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was presented. Motion made to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented by Don; motion seconded by Kathy and passed unanimously.
2) Secretary’s Report: July meeting minutes were posted to the website.
Topics of Discussion:
Annual Budget: The Board discussed the expenses for the 2016 calendar year and proposed the estimated costs for the 2017 budget. The dues will not increase nor decrease based on consistency in expenses and satisfaction with maintenance contracts.
Pond Fountains: The ponds are healthy and on September 26th the two North Pond fountains will be installed.
Neighborhood Awareness: In July, there was a neighborhood disturbance most commonly known as the “ding-dong-ditch”. As a result, one neighbor had video evidence regarding the issue. The evidence was turned over to authorities. No known results were received but we thank all who participated in the email chain which lead to this information.
The Rainbows Sign: Don Kimbrell agreed to coordinate with our maintenance service about the use of “Spray & Forget” to wash the entrance signs clean without the use of a power washer. The Annual Budget has a proposal for painting the signs.
Annual Meeting: November 14th will be the Annual Meeting at the Forest of the Unicorn Clubhouse. The 2017 Budget will be presented and discussed for approval.
Home Sales: Lot 17: Franklin D & Lindsay A Fields, III
Lot 47: Akela Robinson
Lot 30: Tanner & Julie Chelsea Stump
The ACC Approved: Lot 72: Painting, close in screened patio, trim or remove oak tree, install pool.
Lot 46: Painting, close in screened patio, update landscape, build attachment to south side of house matching current siding and shingles.
Covenant Violations: Lot 22 Business vehicle with commercial sign visible.
Lot -- Past Due Association Fees: Informative Arrears Letter Mailed.
Next Meeting: November 14th meeting will be the Annual Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm by Chairwoman Kathy Hendrickson.
Brandon Peterson, Secretary