- coup/kuː/ - an occasion when a group of people takes control of a country, usually by means of military force; vojni puč;

- raid - a sudden short military attack; napad, racija;

- regain - to get something again that you lost, especially an ability or a mental state; povratiti;

- casualty - someone who is injured or killed in an accident or military action; žrtva;

- outgun - to have more guns and other weapons than someone who you are fighting; to defeat someone in a game or competition; nadjačati;

- stronghold - a place where people fighting an enemy can defend or organize themselves; uporište;

- rage on - continue with a lot of force, violence, or angry arguments; divljati, bjesniti;

- hassle - a situation that causes problems for you or that annoys you very much; maltretiranje, gnavaža;

- under way - already started or happening; u toku;

- habit - something that you do often or regularly, often without thinking about it; navika;

- exceed - to be greater than a number or amount; prevazići;

- seek ways – tražiti način;

- come up with - to think of something such as an idea or a plan; smisliti;

- put ahead of - to move or place someone or something in front of someone or something; biti ispred; staviti se ispred; prestići;

- differentiate - to see or show a difference between things; razlikovati;

- cutting edge - the most modern and advanced point in the development of something; najmoderniji, posljednja riječ tehnologije, razvoja itd.;

- upgrade - to improve the quality of a service or product; nadogradnja, poboljšanje;

- attitude - someone's opinions or feelings about something, especially as shown by their behavior; ponašanje, stav;

- waking - relating to all the time that you are awake;

- comprise - to consist of two or more things; sastojati se, činiti;

- speeder – someone who drives fast;

- outgoing - someone who is outgoing is friendly and enjoys meeting and talking to people; otvoren, druželjubiv;

- upmarket - upmarket services or goods are designed for people who have a lot of money; skup;

- common thread - a similar idea or pattern to a series of events; zajednička nit;

- catch up - to go faster so that you reach the person or vehicle in front of you; sustići;

- affect - to change or influence something. If something affects something else, it has an effect on it; uticati;

- overdue - if something is overdue, it should have been done before now; zakašnjelo;

- overpriced - worth less than the price that is being charged; precijenjen;

- downmarket - cheap, or of low quality; jeftin;

- understaffed - not having enough workers to do a job quickly or effectively; koji ima malo zaposlenih;

- outdated - old and no longer suitable for modern purposes, methods, or situations; zastarjelo;

- overworked - forced to work too hard; koji previše radi;

- updated - to add the most recent information to something such as a book, document, or list; ažuriran;

- underpaid - not earning enough money for work that you do; malo plaćen;

- overdrawn - if you are overdrawn, or if your bank account is overdrawn, you owe your bank money that you have spent when there was no money in your account; prezadužen;

- moderately - to some degree but not to a great degree; umjereno;

- somewhat - to some degree but not to a large degree; donekle;

- persuasive - good at making people agree to do or believe what you want them to; ubjedljiv;

- appeal - if something appeals to you, you like it or want it; svidjeti se;

- put off - to make someone not want to do something, or to make someone not like someone or something; odvratiti;

- straightaway – immediately; odmah;

- commission - an extra amount of money that you have to pay to a bank or other organization when they provide a service for you; provizija;

- give up - to stop doing something that you do regularly; odustati;

- draw up - to prepare and write something such as a document or plan; sastaviti;

- enquiry - a question intended to get information about someone or something; pitanje, raspitivanje;

- make a splash - to do or say something that becomes very popular or is noticed by a lot of people; ostaviti utisak, ostaviti traga, privući pažnju;

- bottler - a company which mixes drink ingredients and fills up cans and bottles with the drink; proizvođač pića;

- leave someone high and dry - to put someone in a very difficult or unpleasant situation that they cannot escape from; ostaviti nekog u bespomoćnoj situaciji; “nasukati” nekoga;

- beverage – a drink; piće;

- handful - a very small number of people or things; šačica;

- take the plunge - to finally do something important, difficult, or dangerous after thinking about it; učiniti odlučan korak u teškoj situaciji;

- unveil - to announce something officially that was previously a secret; otkriti, objaviti;

- municipal - belonging to or relating to a place that has its own local government; opštinski;

- purify - to make something clean by removing dirty or harmful substances from it; pročistiti;

- A soft drink (also called soda, pop, coke,[1] soda pop, fizzy drink, tonic, seltzer, mineral,[2] sparkling water or carbonated beverage) is a beverage that typically contains water (often, but not always carbonated water), usually a sweetener, and usually a flavoring agent; bezalkoholno piće, obično gazirani sokovi;

- hasten - to make something happen sooner or more quickly; ubrzati;

- radius - the distance from the centre of a circle to its edge, or a straight line from the centre to the edge; poluprečnik;

- purveyor – provider of information, ideas, or products; nabavljač, snadbjevač;

- fizzy - a fizzy liquid has bubbles of gas in it; gazirano;

- gusher – flowing abundantly; nalet, izliv, provala.