MARCH 2014


Our regular business meeting this month is on Tuesday, March 11, 2014 at 7:30 P.M. Grand Knight Al Garza invites all Brother Knights to attend the March meeting. We will be discussing the Golf Tournament. We also ask that if you have not paid your annual dues, please pay them at the meeting or mail a check to Brother Howard Cowen at the address above. See you there.


We ask that you continue to keep the following Brother Knights who are ill or receiving treatment and their families in your prayers. Deacon Brother Knight John Riojas who is receiving treatments again, SK Brother Alfonso Rodriguez who is home recovering. Brother Alex (Hondo) Verver is still going for treatment at M. D. Anderson Hospital in Houston. Also please keep KC Wife Reyna Garza in your prayers she is home and is receiving treatments. Continue to please keep our friend and loyal Santa Cruz parishioner Beverly Maldonado in your prayers. She is back in the hospital with a Staph infection now also besides leukemia. Please keep all of these Brother Knights, KC Wives and friends and their families in your prayers.

From the Desk of the Grand Knight

As you may have noticed, I start my comments praising the Lord for his kindness, love and mercy. This one is no different. “GOD is GOOD” “ALL the TIME” A phrase we often hear and recite. Indeed God is good as matter of fact GOD is AWESOME. Even though at times, things do not go as we would like and prayers are not answered as we hoped, we must continue our faith. Did he not promise us eternal glory after our suffering?

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Peter 1:3-5).

Time is passing us by, although we did not have a regular meeting in February or a special meeting to make up for it, our work did not cease. The council was busy and will be even busier the next couple of months. Special THANKS to the following Brother Knights: Jim Coy, Lee Verver, David Rodriguez, Eric Martinez, Howard Cowan, Richard Ginn and Joe Medina who helped Brother Joe Hernandez at the Santa Cruz School Gala and also those members who participated in the event, George Soriano, Paul Curtin, Jim Coy and Bob Johnson to name a few. It is through members’ dedication to the KC organization that we as a council surpass in our charity efforts.

On another note, I appreciate everyone’s total support and unrelenting commitment to Bingo, fundraisers and other events undertaken by the council to raise monies for business operations and charity. Incidentally, if you have not yet decided on a Bingo Sunday to help out, let one of the Bingo operators (Bob B., Lee V., Jim C., Terry E.) or me know. The first Sunday is in dire need of help. All that is asked of you is five hours a month devoted to Bingo.

Our next regular meeting is March 11 at 7:30. We have several events coming up under Old Business and New Business. Your inputs on these activities are much appreciated. Hope to see you then. I will send email to keep you informed of any new developments.

Thank you and God Bless,

Analberto “AL” Garza GK


Santa Cruz Catholic School had their annual Fundraiser Gala on February 15 in the Deane Hall. The Knights of Columbus assisted the Gala by volunteering to cook and prepare the food. We thank Brother Joe Hernandez for coordinating the cooking and preparing of the food. We also want to thank the following Brother Knights:Jim Coy, Lee Verver, David Rodriguez, Eric Martinez, Howard Cowan, Richard Ginn and Joe Medina who assisted Brother Joe in the kitchen with serving of the food.


On May 10, 2014 we will be having our Annual Golf Tournament at the Onion Creek Country Club in Austin. Please start to contact your golfing friends about playing in our tournament. Also try to get some businesses to help sponsor our tournament. The flyers are ready and are available on the Santa Cruz Church web site. Brother Jesse Reyna will have more information at the meeting.

2014 KC DUES

Brother Knight Howard Cowan just sent out the 3rd notice to those of you who have not paid your dues. We encourage everyone to please pay your dues as soon as possible. You can mail a check to Brother Howard Cowan at the address on top of the newsletter. Come to the meeting and pay your dues. The Council has to pay your State and Supreme Dues in the next two months. If you are ill or in a financial bind please talk to Brother Raul Martinez or Grand Knight Al Garza or another Brother Knight about your position.


If you are a 3rd Degree and want to make your 4th Degree now is the time. You need to contact Brother Bob Buras or Brother Mike Diers as soon as possible. Brother Bob or Brother Mike have to get you approved at the 4th Degree meeting. The 4th degree exemplification is at St. John Newman in west Austin,on Saturday March 22, 2014. Call Bob Buras @ 512-292-0958 or Mike Diers @ 512-268-2037.


In June 14, 1985 our council was started and we held our first meeting. In June of 2015 this council will be celebrating our 30th year anniversary. We will start to plan our 30th Anniversary Celebration as soon as I can get the date approved and on the church calendar.


The Retired and Non-Retired Knights of Columbus and KC Wives met for breakfast at Casa Alde in downtown Buda, on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 at 8:30 A.M. We had 10 members and 6 wives who attended the breakfast, we had a great time. This month we will meet again at Casa Alde in downtown Buda on Wednesday March 19, 2014. Come and visit with friends if you can. We will get FREE COFFEE with our breakfast. Please pick up your own tab. The KC Wives enjoyed visiting with the other KC Wives in a group and the men in another group. The KC Wives began joining us for breakfast, and are always welcome to join us. Any and all Knights and KC Wives are invited. Al Garza or I will send out a reminder each month the week before and it will also be in the newsletter for those that do not have e-mail. Any questions call Al Garza at (512) 295-4260. We would like to have more of our KC Wives members or girl friends of our KC members attend. Come on Ladies.


Let’s keep the Bingo going strong in 2014 by coming and helping at the Bingo. We are asking every member to donate one Sunday afternoon a month and help us at the Bingo. Time is from 12:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. This is our only fund raiser that we have to support our activities that we do, and to support our church and our Catholic school here at Santa Cruz. So why not come and join us only one Sunday a month. You pick your Sunday.

1st Sunday Mar. 2 Bingo Bob Buras, Team Operator

2nd Sunday Mar. 9 Bingo Lee Verver, Team Operator

3rd Sunday Mar. 16 Bingo Jim Coy, Team Operator

4th Sunday Mar. 23 Bingo Terry Edwards, Team Operator

5th Sunday Mar. 20 Bingo Bob Buras, Team Operator


If you are a 4th Degree Sir Knight and do not have your Regalia, ask you family or wife to get it for your Birthday, or just because. Let’s keep the Corps looking sharp.

The Blessed Mother Assembly has their 4th Degree meeting on the 4th Wednesday of each month, at the KC Hall in San Marcos. If you have any questions contact SK Bob Buras at (512) 292-0958.


We encourage everyone to give us your e-mail address or any changes so that we can keep our main file updated. Contact Pete Rangel at . Let’s keep down the postage cost. Price of postage went up to .49 cents on Sunday January 26, 2014.


·  Pray for KC Wife Reyna Garza wife of Grand Knight SK Al Garza who is ill and receiving treatments.

·  Pray for Brother Alex (Hondo) Verver who has cancer and receiving chemo treatments.

·  Pray for Brother SK Alfonso Rodriguez who is home recovering.

·  Pray for Deacon Brother John Riojas, husband of KC Wife Vicky Riojas who is receiving cancer treatments.

·  Pray for Brother Knight Raymond Delahoussaye who has cancer and is receiving cancer treatments.

·  Grand Knight Jim Coy’s friend from Albuquerque, New Mexico who has cancer.

·  Pray for those Brother Knights and their families who I mentioned on the Prayer Request on the first page of the newsletter.

·  Pray for Our Pope Francis, for Peace in the World, for our President and his advisors, and

for the safety of our military men and women who are proudly serving our country in the Middle East and throughout the world.


Bingo – Team 1 Sunday, March 2 2:00 P.M.

Ash Wednesday Wednesday, March 5 See Church Bulletin

For Time Schedule

Day Light Saving Time Start Sunday, March 9

Bingo – Team 2 Sunday, March 9 2:00 P.M.

KC Business Meeting Tuesday, March 11 7:30 P.M.

St. Patrick’s Day Monday, March 17

Spring Begins Thursday, March 20

Bingo – Team 3 Sunday, March 16 2:00 P.M.

Retired KC Members & KC Wives Breakfast Wednesday, March 19 8:30 A.M.

Bingo – Team 4 Sunday, March 23 2:00 P.M.

Bingo – Team 5 Sunday, March 30 2:00 P.M.




MARCH 2014

Roy Quintanilla Mar 2 David Martinez Mar 5 David Alston Mar 6

Leonard Vigil Mar 8 Adan Munoz Mar 10 Tom Owan Mar 10

Clifford Newbury Mar 12 Onesimo Rodriguez Mar 16 Fr. Joseph Deane Mar 19

Eric Martinez Mar 29 Edward Leal Mar 30 Paul Limon Mar 31

APRIL 2014

Monty Akers Apr 3 Steve Anderson Apr 10 David Dicarlo Apr 10

Bob Buras Apr 15 Al Garza Apr 22 Jacinto Saucedo Apr 22

Paul DeBarro Apr 23 Bruce Fisher Apr 30


MARCH 2014

Becky Fisher Mar 15 Jolynn Martinez Mar 20 Irene Galvez Mar 21

APRIL 2014




MARCH 2014

Jacinto and Margaret (Margie) Saucedo March 24, 1973 41 years

Gaylon (Monty) and Mary Akers March 25, 1972 42 years

APRIL 2014

Rudy and Gayle Sandoval April 4, 1972 42 years

Joe and Tina Medina April 19, 1997 17 years

Richard and Jo Ann Sadler April 20, 1964 50 years

George and Cynthia Soriano April 29, 2000 14 years