RaefordUnited Methodist Church
308 N. Main St., Raeford, NC 28376
Reverend Adolph C. Smith
(910) 875-2111 FAX 875-0208
(email: )
(web site:
“But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came to the tomb, taking the spices that they had prepared, They found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body. While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men in dazzling clothes stood beside them. The women were terrified and bowed their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” Luke 24: 1-5
Because it marks the anniversaries of some of the most important events of the Bible, the week before Easter is called Holy Week. It was natural that Easter should become the most important day on the Christian calendar. For the first several centuries after Christ, it was the most important day of the year. A recalling of Jesus’suffering and death was part of the celebration, but the early Christian emphasis on the living Christ and his any-day-now return made the Savior’s resurrection day more important than his death day. When you read the book of Acts, you see that the disciples couldn’t stop talking about the Resurrection. It has never happened before. The church imitates those disciples by making the Resurrection the chief subject of every Sunday.
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday didn’t become a part of congregational worshipuntil about the fifth century. It was during that era that Christians began to travel again to the Holy Land. While they were there, they retraced Jesus’ steps to the upper room and to Calvary. These processions (which are still a part of Holy Week observances in Jerusalem) made deep impressions on European pilgrims and were soon carried to their homelands. So the day on which the Lord’s Supper was instituted became Maundy Thursday. The name most likely comes from the “new command” (Latin: manadatum) that Jesus gave his disciples. That command was to love one another as he loved us. Good Friday commemorations also began to take place. Services during the afternoon and Friday evening “darkness” services remembered the Lord’s death and burial.
During Holy Week we, too, have the opportunity to remember what our Lord had accomplished for us.
Grace, Rev. Smith
RUMW have been busy attending meetings and doing fundraisers for missions. On February23rd, we had verya successful spaghetti supper with good food and fellowship. On Saturday,March 16th,four members attended the Gateway District Spiritual Day Apartat Sandy Grove UMC. Sandy Bunnells, Sandra White, Kathy BrigmanandVerna Barnhillwere able to attend. The meeting was a spiritualuplifting event.
The nextfund raisingproject will be the High Tea Luncheon to be held on Saturday, April 13th at 11:30 am in the fellowship hall. Jane Britt and Wanda Ingram areheading up the organization for thisannual project. A wonderful menu has been planned andit promises tobe very nice and fun for those who attend.Tickets are $10.00 and proceeds will be donated to missions of the RUMW. Please call the church at 875-2111, if you need tickets.
The next meeting will be the Gateway District Mission Study on Saturday, April 20that 9:00 amin Rockingham.
There will be workshops on Haiti and Poverty, among othertopics to choose, during the event. Pleasecall Kathy Brigman, Education Coordinator, if youwould like to attend.
Hope to see you at the High Tea!
Yours in Christ,
Sandy Bunnells, President
The Women’s All-together meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 23, at 6:00pm. This will be held at Raeford Presbyterian Church. Tickets are $10.00. See Sandy Bunnells to get your ticket.
Updated 2/20/13
As we enter into this holy season of Lent, let’s remember our military—ones deployed, ones who are “away from home” and ones who are serving here at home. Let’s be sure they know they are cared about and prayed for; remind them of the meaning of this Easter season—how much God loves us and that He sent Jesus to show this love.
Our deployed military are:
Matthew PateCollins, Cory
PSC 78 Box 378TF Pacemaker
APO AP 96326-003HHC864 EN BN
(Mina Townsend’s godson)FOB Sharana,
APO-AE 09311
(Sharon Bala’s Grandson)
Let’s also remember the following military men and their families:
Stephen Alex Connell
5001 North Mesa St.
Apt. 2222
El Paso, TX 79912
(Robin and Steve Connell’s Son)
Jey Love (Kay & Baby Terron)
144 Kuahale Ct.
Unit 202
Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786
(Kathy & Gary Brigman’s son-in-law)
AMN Smith, Wesley C.
5697 Redwood Street
Bldg 1243 Box #9
WPAFB, Ohio 45433
(Maria and Rev. Smith’s son)
Note: Wesley will be leaving his current location, coming to Raeford for a visit, and then going to his new post. We will get that new address to you as soon as we have it. Continue to keep him in your prayers during this transition time.
Please keep us informed of any needed changes in our military information--additions to our list, or in the status of a military person. We want to keep everything current. We also would appreciate any donations to support our ministry. Note this on your checks.
Military Support Committee: Sharon Bala, Maxine Colston, and Wanda
The Corner Café will be open to serve you each Sunday Morning between early service and Sunday School. Available will be coffee, Hot Chocolate and Hot Cider and light fare. Donations appreciated to support our Children’s Programs.
Dear Friends and family:
I just wanted to thank you all again for the donations I have received. It helped so much and I’m so glad I got the opportunity to go on this trip. On my trip we did a lot of things, we dug ditches for sewer systems and we also made a chicken coop and a pig pen. We also had a Vacation Bible School for the children at an Elementary School and the local church. We stayed at a High School and did some fixer uppers there as well. It was a wonderful experience and I am a lot more appreciative of what I have. Thank you again!
Madison Breyak
Wed. Night Supper Schedule
Servers: Delivery:
Apr. 03 No Meal/Holiday
10Choir Harley Adams
17Pearl Cole Class Kathy Brigman
24UMW Wendell Young
(as of 3/24/13)
The Pantry is in need of items listed below. Small Jars of Mayonnaise, Apple Sauce, Fruit Cocktail, Peaches, Spaghetti Noodles, Beef Stew, Spam, Treet, Corned Beef Hash, Chicken & Dumplings and 2lb. Bags of Sugar, Instant Potatoes, 1 lb Box of Grits, Sml. Bags of Rice, Canned Yams, Kool-aid and Jell-O. Diapers any size. Monetary donations are welcome as well to this fund.
The Scholarship Committee has met and updated the Scholarship Criteria. The new criteria and application will be available in the church office and will be posted on the Church Web Site. If you are graduating and applying to college and are accepted you will need to obtain the application and complete it and return it to the church office or the Chairman of the Scholarship Committee by the last Sunday, in April of 2013. If you have any questions, please contact the church office or Billy Colston.
01Mack Coxe
03 Sandy Potter
06Robin Connell
07 Jerry Lytle, Evangelina Avila
09Margaret Allen
11 Megan McMenamin
12 Rev.Adolph Smith, Patrick Ingram
16 Erin Tuttle, Ryland Jones
18Dr. Bob Nelson
19 Denny Floyd
21 Mildred Maxwell
23 Jimmie Warner, Carl Walters
24 Hannah Lee
25Martha Sanks
26 Kathy Leandro, Dr. Howard
Stansberry, Catherine Monroe
27 Ruth Pecora
30 Elijah Danet
Everyone’s birthday is important to us, young and “older” alike. If you are a new member or constituent of RUMC and your name is not on the birthday list, please let the office know (in writing) so we can update the list. Thank you!
Raeford UMC Non-Profit Organization
308 N. Main St. Bulk Rate
Raeford, NC 28376 Permit #11
Return address Req. Raeford, NC 28376