The RAC Region I teleconference was held on Thursday 12/04/14. The following individuals participated.
Allison Hardt (Chair) Maryland DOT
Mike Bonini (Vice Chair) Penn DOT
Ann Scholz New Hampshire DOT
Camille Crichton-Sumners NJ DOT
Jim Fallon Conn DOT
Soumya Dey District of Columbia DOT
Gary Frederick New York DOT
Bill Ahearn Vermont DOT
Chris Jolly (Secretary) FHWA- Vermont
Agenda was revised to Table two items due to Mass DOT unable to be on call.
Minutes from 11/06/14 call were approved.
Old Business:
The minutes from the 10/09/14 RAC Leadership call were distributed to RAC Region 1 for review/comment on 12/3/14 via e-mail from Allison. FHWA still looking into eligibility of tuition fees for SPR funds. Hoping for a determination at TRB or will be discussed. Round 5 of SHRP2 will open up on 1/16/15. Next Leadership call will be 12/11/14. Let Allison know if you have any topics to bring to Leadership.
No Regional Research Publications for November.
Please remember to submit any publications to Alison.
We need to identify host state for RAC 2016 annual meeting before TRB meeting in January. AASHTO may send letters to CEO’s of each Region 1 state.
New Business:
Looking at 1/13/15 for the Regional dinner during TRB. Allison to send out info. on possible locations and feedback.
Looking for additional clarification on John Moulden’s confirmation that tuition cannot be reimbursed with federal funds. Will pursue with Leadership.
Discussed the FHWA Program Review of the Research Program -SPR Subpart B. Final report was issued on 11/26/14. Six states were visited including PA and NJ. 3 specific recommendations were made by the FHWA National review Team to Turner Fairbanks to strengthen the program.
Reviewed draft agenda for upcoming RAC winter meeting at TRB. Topics included Roundtable with leaders- TRB, AASHTO, FHWA /OST/R, SCOR Strategic Plan and update, Implementation of State Transportation Innovation Councils (STIC) and RAC Forces.
Implementation of 2 CFR 200 “super circular” will be brought up on the next Leadership call on 12/11/14.
Let Allison know if you have any topics for the next Leadership call or our next
RAC call.
No call in January due to TRB. Next call 2/5/15.