Account Name / Description / Account NumberCash, Checking / 1010
Cash, Savings / Cash, Savings / 1020
Petty Cash / Petty Cash / 1030
Cash, Payroll / Cash, Payroll / 1040
Accounts Receivable / Accounts Receivable / 1200
Costs in Excess of Billings / Costs in Excess of Billings / 1300
*Undeposited Funds / 1499
Prepaid Expenses / Prepaid Expenses / 1600
Employee Loan / Employee Loan / 1630
Other Current Assets / Other Current Assets / 1690
Computer Equipment/Hardware / Computer Equipment/Hardware / 1820
Office Furniture & Fixtures / Office Furniture & Fixtures / 1830
Motor Vehicles / Motor Vehicles / 1840
Construction Equipment / Construction Equipment / 1850
Accumulated Depreciation / Accumulated Depreciation / 1900
Franchise Fee / Franchise Fee / 1950
Accounts Payable / Accounts Payable / 2000
Credit Cards Payable / Credit Cards Payable / 2100
*Payroll Liabilities / 2101
Sales Tax Liability / Sales tax liability / 2105
Line of Credit Payable / Line of Credit Payable / 2200
Current Portion of LT Debt / Current Portion of LT Debt / 2240
Payroll Liabilities / Payroll Liabilities / 2300
Payroll Liabilities:FIT/FICA Withheld and Payable / FIT/FICA Withheld and Payable / 2320
Payroll Liabilities:SIT Payable / SIT Payable / 2330
Payroll Liabilities:Accrued FUTA Payable / Accrued FUTA Payable / 2340
Payroll Liabilities:Accrued SUTA Payable / Accrued SUTA Payable / 2350
Payroll Liabilities:Misc. Payroll Deductions / Misc. Payroll Deductions / 2360
Other Accrued Expenses / Other Accrued Expenses / 2450
Billings in Excess of Costs / Billings in Excess of Costs / 2480
Vehicle Note Payable / Vehicle Note Payable / 2700
Due of Stockholder / Due to Stockholder / 2800
Capital Stock / Capital Stock / 2900
Paid-in Capital / Paid-in Capital / 2910
Retained Earnings / 2920
Opening Bal Equity / 2950
Stockholder Distributions / Stockholder Distributions / 2960
Earnings from Construction / 3000
Earnings from Construction:Income Received / Income Received / 3100
Earnings from Construction:% of Complete Earnings / % of Complete Earnings / 3200
Earnings from Construction:Contracted / 3300
Uncategorized Income / 9998
Direct Labor / Direct Labor / 4000
Labor Burden / Labor Burden / 4010
Materials / Materials / 4100
Subcontractors / Subcontractors / 4200
Other Costs / Other Costs / 4300
Account Name / Description / Account Number
Sales and Marketing / Sales and Marketing / 5000
Sales and Marketing:Royalty / Royalty / 5100
Sales and Marketing:Advertising / Advertising / 5150
Sales and Marketing:Job and Truck Signs / Job and Truck Signs / 5200
Sales and Marketing:Marketing and Direct Mail / Marketing and Direct Mail / 5400
Sales and Marketing:Uniforms / Uniforms / 5450
Sales and Marketing:Trade Shows / Trade Shows / 5500
Sales and Marketing:Promotional Items / Promotional Items / 5600
Sales and Marketing:Meals and Entertainment / Meals and Entertainment / 5900
Salaries and Fringe Benefits / Salaries and Fringe Benefits / 6000
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Owners Salaries / Owners Salaries / 6010
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Office Salaries / Office Salaries / 6020
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Indirect Labor / Indirect Labor / 6030
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Indirect Labor:Production Coordinator / Production Coordinator / 6032
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Indirect Labor:Indirect HRS Wages / Indirect HRS Wages / 6035
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Sales Compensation / Sales Compensation / 6040
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Sales Compensation:Sales Salaries / Sales Salaries / 6042
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Sales Compensation:Sales Commissions / Sales Commissions / 6045
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Payroll Taxes / Payroll Taxes / 6100
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Payroll Taxes:FICA Expense / FICA Expense / 6110
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Payroll Taxes:Federal Unemployment (FUTA) / Federal Unemployment (FUTA) / 6120
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Payroll Taxes:State Unemployment (SUTA) / State Unemployment (SUTA) / 6130
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Health Insurance / Health Insurance / 6200
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Life and Disability Insurance / Life and Disability Insurance / 6210
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Workers Comp / Workers Comp / 6220
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:General Liability Insurance / General Liability Insurance / 6230
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Retirement Plan Contributions / Retirement Plan Contributions / 6250
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Recruiting and Hiring / Recruiting and Hiring / 6300
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Payroll Expenses / 6560
Salaries and Fringe Benefits:Allocated Labor Burden / Allocated Labor Burden / 6900
Office Expense / Office Expense / 7000
Office Expense:Rent / Rent / 7100
Office Expense:Utilities / Utilities / 7200
Office Expense:Repairs and Maintenance / Repairs and Maintenance / 7250
Office Expense:Office Supplies / Office Supplies / 7300
Office Expense:Postage and Delivery / Postage and Delivery / 7320
Office Expense:Communications / Communications / 7400
Office Expense:Communications:Office Phone and Fax / Office Phone and Fax / 7410
Office Expense:Communications:Cellular Phone and Pagers / Cellular Phone and Pagers / 7420
Office Expense:Communications:Internet and Answering Service / Internet and Answering Servic / 7430
Vehicle and Indirect Job Expens / Vehicle and Indirect Job Expe / 7500
Vehicle and Indirect Job Expens:Automobile Expense / Automobile Expense / 7600
Vehicle and Indirect Job Expens:Automobile Expense:Vehicle Lease / Vehicle Lease / 7610
Vehicle and Indirect Job Expens:Automobile Expense:Vehicle Repairs and Maintenance / Vehicle Repairs and Maintenan / 7620
Vehicle and Indirect Job Expens:Automobile Expense:Gas and Oil / Gas and Oil / 7630
Vehicle and Indirect Job Expens:Automobile Expense:Vehicle License and Insurance / Vehicle License and Insurance / 7640
Vehicle and Indirect Job Expens:Automobile Expense:Mileage Reimbursement / Mileage Reimbursement / 7650
Account Name / Description / Account Number
Other Operating Expenses / Other Operating Expenses / 8000
Other Operating Expenses:Licenses and Fees / Licenses and Fees / 8100
Other Operating Expenses:Property and Franchise Taxes / Property and Franchise Taxes / 8120
Other Operating Expenses:Package Insurance / Package Insurance / 8200
Other Operating Expenses:Accounting / Accounting / 8300
Other Operating Expenses:Legal Fees / Legal Fees / 8310
Other Operating Expenses:Computer Consulting / Computer Consulting / 8320
Other Operating Expenses:Dues and Subscriptions / Dues and Subscriptions / 8400
Other Operating Expenses:Training and Seminars / Training and Seminars / 8450
Other Operating Expenses:Travel / Travel / 8500
Other Operating Expenses:Credit Card Processing Fees / Credit Card Processing Fees / 8600
Other Operating Expenses:Bank Service Charges / Bank Service Charges / 8700
Other Operating Expenses:Contributions / Contributions / 8710
Interest Income / 9000
Discounts Earned / 9020
Depreciation Expense / 8800
Amortization Expense / 8810
Interest Expense / 9100
Other Expenses / 9150