Curriculum Vitae (Summary)

Personal Details:Date of Birth5 July 1947

Email address


Mick Moore is political scientist specializing in applied research on issues of public policy and governance in poorer countries. He has extensive research and advisory experience in many countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and spent long periods of time researching in Asian countries. Having led many in-country advisory teams in Africa and Asia, he now concentrates on the establishment and management of cross-country research networks and on contributing to high level policy debates around issues of governance in poor countries. His specialist skills include leading multi-disciplinary research and consultancy teams; and writing clearly for academic, policymaking and more generalist audiences. He is Chief Executive Officer of the International Centre for Tax and Development.

Research interests:

His main research interests are on the interactions between governance and politics on the one side and finance and the economy on the other. He has focused in particular on the interactions between sources of government revenue (especially taxation) and the quality of governance, and has played a major role in placing these issues on the current development policy agenda.


1981PhD (Development Studies), University of Sussex

1969First Class BA Honours in Philosophy, Politics and Economics,
University of Oxford

Employment History:

1999 onwards
15 months,Sept 1994—Oct 1997 period / Professorial Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
Fellow, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
Visiting Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Major recent professional leadership responsibilities:

November 2010 onwards:founding Chief Executive Officer of the International Centre for Tax and Development, an international research consortium funded by DFID and the Government of Norway.

2000-10:Director of Centre for the Future State, an international research consortium on governance and development based at IDS, with partners and research programmes Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Kenya Pakistan and Peru.

2008: Leader of a team undertaking a study of the politics and political economy of Nepal for DFID, Kathmandu.

2005: Leader of a team revising DFID's 'Target Strategy Paper on Governance'.

2005: Leader of a team reviewing rights-based projects for DFID in Malawi.

2002: Coordinator for a DFID team studying the politics of Bangladesh.

2000: Leader of team producing an outline anti-poverty strategy for UNESCO.

1999: Coordinator,“Responsiveness of Political Systems for Poverty Reduction,” study supported by DfID on behalf of the World Bank.

1998 - 1999: Leader of a research team for the World Bank assessing the institutional development impact of IDA lending in a sample of countries.

Most Frequently Cited Publications:

1983'On Kinship Structure, Female Autonomy and Demographic Behaviour in India' (with Tim Dyson), Population and Development Review, 9 (1).

1998‘Death without Taxes: Democracy, State Capacity, and Aid Dependence in the Fourth World’, in Mark Robinson and Gordon White (eds.), The Democratic Developmental State: Politics and Institutional Design, Oxford University Press.

1985The State and Peasant Politics in Sri Lanka, Cambridge University Press.

1999'Thinking Strategically about Politics and Poverty', IDS Working Paper, 101 (with James Putzel).

2001'Political Underdevelopment. What Causes Bad Governance?' Public Management Review, 3 (3),

Most Recent Publications:

2010 'Ambiguous Institutions: Traditional Governance and Local Democracy in Rural South India', Journal of Development Studies 46(4) (with Kripa Anant Pur).

2009‘Revenue Authorities and Public Authority in sub-Saharan Africa’, Journal of Modern African Studies 47(1) (with Odd-Helge Fjeldstad)

2008Taxation and State-Building in Developing Countries; Capacity and Consent (edited with Deborah Brautigam and Odd-Helge-Fjeldstad), Cambridge University Press

2008‘Between Coercion and Contract: Competing Narratives on Taxation and Governance’, in Deborah Brautigam, Odd-Helge-Fjeldstad and Mick Moore (eds.), Taxation and State-Building in Developing Countries; Capacity and Consent, Cambridge University Press

2008‘Tax Reform and State Building in a Globalised World’, (with Odd-Helge-Fjeldstad), in Deborah Brautigam, Odd-Helge-Fjeldstadand Mick Moore (eds.), Taxation and State-Building in Developing Countries; Capacity and Consent, Cambridge University Press

2008‘Idealism, Realism and the Investment Climate in Developing Countries’, IDS Working Paper 307, (with Hubert Schmitz).

2007‘Ambiguous Institutions: Tradition Governance and Local Democracy in Rural India’, IDS Working Paper 282, Brighton: IDS (with Kripa Ananth Pur)

2007‘How Does Taxation Affect the Quality of Governance’, IDS Working Paper 280, Brighton: IDS

2006‘Britain’s New White Paper: Making Governance Work for the Poor’, Development Policy Review 24(6) (with Sue Unsworth)

2006'The Politics and Bureaucratics of Rural Public Works: Maharashtra's Employment Guarantee Scheme’,Journal of Development Studies 42(8) (with Vishal Jadhav).

2006'Proliferation and Fragmentation: Transactions Costs and the Value of Aid' Journal of Development Studies, 42(1) (with Arnab Acharya and Ana Teresa Fuzzo de Lima).

2005 Elite Perceptions of Poverty and Inequality, Zed Press (Edited with Elisa Reis).

2005'So Near and Yet So Far: Elites and Imagined Poverty in Bangladesh' in Elisa Reis and Mick Moore (eds.) Elite Perceptions of Poverty and Inequality, London: Zed Press (with Naomi Hossain).

2004'Revenues, State Formation and the Quality of Governance in Developing Countries' International Political Science Review, 25(3).

2004'Institutionalised Co-production: Unorthodox Public Service Delivery in Challenging Environments' Journal of Development Studies, 40(4) (with Anuradha Joshi).

Updated Jan 2011