Safeguarding Statutory Compliance Checklist for Safeguarding Governors

Academic Year / 2017-18
Date form completed
Safeguarding governor’s signature
Designated safeguarding lead’s (DSL) signature
Example of evidence of compliance / Actions needed? / Further Guidance
The school has identified an appropriate member of the leadership team as the (lead) designated safeguarding lead (DSL). / Name of DSL / Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) (2016)
The school has identified appropriate staff to provide cover for the lead DSL in their absence (i.e. deputy DSLs). / Name(s) of deputy DSL(s) / KCSiE (2016)
The role of DSL is explicit in each role holder’s job description. / All job descriptions seen / KCSiE (2016)
The DSL takes an active role and holds overall responsibility for safeguarding, and safeguarding related continuing professional development of staff, in the school. / Minutes of staff meeting/briefings / KCSiE (2016)
A DSL is always available throughout school hours. / Staff log in system / KCSiE (2016)
The school has a DSL out of hours contact arrangement in place should out of hours or out of term time activities take place. / DSL contact arrangements / KCSiE (2016)
DSLs are allocated sufficient time, funding, training, resources and support to carry out their role effectively. / Training logs / KCSiE (2016)
The DSL is allowed sufficient time, autonomy and resources to attend Child Protection Conferences and multi-agency meetings. / Meeting minutes. / KCSiE (2016)
The DSL regularly disseminates safeguarding learning to all staff and volunteers. / Minutes of staff meeting/briefings and communications with volunteers / KCSiE (2016)
The governing body has a designated governor for safeguarding and child protection. / Name of safeguarding governor / KCSiE (2016)
The school has a current safeguarding and child protection policy that has been ratified by the governing body. / Date policy was last reviewed / Date due for review / Model Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
And Procedure Sept 2017
The safeguarding and child protection policy is updated (at least) annually and/or following any concerns or changes in statutory guidance. / Date policy was last reviewed / Date due for review / Model Safeguarding and Child Protection PolicyAnd Procedure Sept 2017
The safeguarding and child protection policy is available to everyone in the school community and is included in any induction pack for all new staff (including newly qualified teachers, supply staff, non-teaching staff, governors, trainees and volunteers) / Website and induction pack / KCSiE (2016)
The school has a current preventing radicalisation policy in place. / Date policy was last reviewed / Date due for review / Model preventing radicalisation policy (July 2016) (Czone)
The school has a preventing radicalisation risk assessment in place. / Preventing radicalisation risk assessment / Example risk assessment in the prevent toolkit for schools (Czone)
The school has a current behaviour policy. / Date policy was last reviewed / Date due for review / Department of Education guidance
The behaviour policy is available on the school website. / Website / Department of Education guidance
The school has a current staff behaviour policy/code of conduct that has been ratified by the governing body, and is in line with the ESCC model staff behaviour policy/code of conduct. / Date policy was last reviewed / Date due for review / Model staff behaviour policy/code of conduct July 2017 (Czone)
The staff behaviour policy/code of conduct outlines that it is an offence under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 for a person aged 18 or over to have a sexual relationship with a child under 18, where that person is in a position of trust in respect of that child, even if the relationship is consensual. / Within the policy/code / Model staff behaviour policy/code of conduct July 2017 (Czone)
The staff behaviour policy/code of conduct outlines acceptable use of technologies, staff/pupil relationships and the use of social media. / Within the policy/code / Model staff behaviour policy/code of conduct July 2017 (Czone)
The school has access to competent health and safety advice and a local health and safety policy is in place which includes identifying, reporting and dealing with accidents, hazards and faulty equipment and is reviewed annually. / Name of health and safety advice provider
Date policy was last reviewed / Date due for review / ESCC model policy (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
The school has an appropriate online safety filtering and monitoring system in place. / Weekly reports reviewed by DSL / KCSiE (2016)
The school has a current policy on supporting children with medical conditions in place, which is ratified by the governing body and reviewed annually. / Date policy was last reviewed / Date due for review / ESCC model policy (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
Department for Education (DfE) guidance
A first aid needs assessment has been undertaken to establish the numbers of first aiders required for the school and first aid boxes are accessible at all times, with appropriate content for the use with children. / Names of first aiders
First aid boxes check / ESCC Policy and Guidance on First Aid in Schools (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance
First Aid at Work Regulations and Early Years Statutory Framework
Incident reporting procedures are in place that includes the reporting of minor injuries as well the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) reporting to the Health and Safety Executive when required. / Incident reporting logs / ESCC online incident reporting system (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
ESCC Model minor injuries form (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
Procedures and risk assessments are in place and implemented to ensure the school site is safe, including for contractors. / Risk assessments
Appointment of competent contractors
Safety management system in place / ESCC Risk Assessment Template (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
ESCC model risk assessments (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
HSE guidance
An up-to-date emergency evacuation procedure is in place and effective fire drills are undertaken regularly. / Evacuation procedures
Fire log book / ESCC model fire log book (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
ESCC policy and guidance (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
Government websites
A hazard reporting procedure is in place and staff are fully aware. / Completed hazard reports that include the date issues were resolved.
There is a clear induction process, which includes safeguarding, for all staff. / Induction checklist / KCSiE (2016)
All staff and volunteers know who the DSL is. / Posters, leaflets, lanyard stickers / KCSiE (2016)
All staff know where to access welfare concern forms. / Staff voice / KCSiE (2016)
The DSL is aware of children who are persistently absent and informs the local authority in line with agreed protocols. / Attendance logs / KCSiE (2016)Guidance on Czone
The DSL is aware of children who are missing from education and informs the local authority in line with agreed protocols. / Attendance logs / KCSiE (2016)
Guidance on Czone
The school has undergone appropriate whole school safeguarding training within the last two years that includes online safety and whistle-blowing procedures, and is kept regularly updated. / Date of training session
Register/certificates / Due for renewal date / KCSiE (2016)
All designated safeguarding leads (DSLs) have received DSL initial or refresher training within the two year requirement. / DSL certificate
DDSL(s) certificate(s) / Due for renewal date
Due for renewal date / KCSiE (2016)
All DSLs keep their knowledge and skills updated, at regular intervals but at least annually, to keep up with any developments relevant to their role. / DSL’s CPD file
DDSL(s) CPD file(s) / KCSiE (2016)
The DSL has linked with the local ESLSCB to keep staff informed of training opportunities. / Training emails
Training logs / KCSiE (2016)
At least one member of all recruitment panels have undergone safer recruitment training. / Training logs
Certificates / Due for renewal date / KCSiE (2016)
All staff, including the DSLs, have undertaken prevent training. / Training logs
Certificates / Due for renewal date / KCSiE (2016)
All staff have read and understood Part 1 (and Annex A if a school leader and/or a member of staff who works directly with children) of KCSiE (2016) and have signed to this effect. / Register of signatures
Other evidence of understanding e.g. staff meeting/training discussions/quiz / KCSiE (2016)
All staff members undergo safeguarding and child protection training at induction. / Induction checklists
Training logs
Certificates / KCSiE (2016)
The designated teacher for children who are looked after has received appropriate training. / Training logs
Certificate / Due for renewal date / KCSiE (2016) and guidance on Czone
Nominated staff have received training in the administration of medicines and specific medical conditions, where appropriate. / Training needs analysis
Staff training records
Certificates of attendance / Date for refresher training / ESCC Health and Safety Training Policy (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
ESCC Training Programme
ESCC model policy and templates (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
DfE Guidance
Nominated staff have received training in first aid including paediatric first aid where appropriate. / Training needs analysis
Staff training records
Certificate of attendance / Date for refresher training / ESCC Policy and Guidance on First Aid in Schools (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance
First Aid at Work Regulations and Early Years Statutory Framework
Staff have received training regarding health and safety generally and risk assessment specifically. / Training needs analysis
Staff training records
Certificate of attendance / Date for refresher training (where needed) / ESCC H&S Induction checklist (when purchasing ESCC H&S Service)
ESCC Training Programme
The school maintains a single central record (SCR). / Date SCR checked by Safeguarding Governor:
Term 1______
Term 2______
Term 3______
Term 4______
Term 4______
Term 5______
Term 6______/ KCSiE (2016) or safer recruitment services on the Webshop via Czone
The SCR covers the information set out on the KCSiE (2016). / Date SCR checked by Safeguarding Governor:
Term 1______
Term 2______
Term 3______
Term 4______
Term 4______
Term 5______
Term 6______/ KCSiE (2016)or safer recruitment services on the Webshop via Czone
The school can evidence that original qualifications have been seen and checked. / Photocopies of originals signed and dated in (personnel) files / KCSiE (2016)or safer recruitment services on the Webshop via Czone
The SCR includes all current staff, volunteers, governors/proprietary bodies, contractors, agency and third-party organisations when appropriate. / Date SCR checked by Safeguarding Governor:
Term 1______
Term 2______
Term 3______
Term 4______
Term 4______
Term 5______
Term 6______/ KCSiE (2016)or safer recruitment services on the Webshop via Czone
The headteacher follows Part Four in KCSiE 2016 and East Sussex Local Safeguarding Children's Board guidance in respect of managing allegations. / Records of allegations if appropriate / KCSiE (2016)
Model Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
And Procedure Sept 2017
The headteacher is aware of the need to ensure that Disclosure Barring Service/National College of Teachers and Lecturers referral requirements are adhered to in the event of dismissal/resignation when there is a clear concern about safeguarding/child protection. / Records of referrals if appropriate / KCSiE (2016)
Model Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
And Procedure Sept 2017