Research BiologyNaturalist Journal: Instructions for pages34 through 43

PAGES 27 & 28 Revisited: Bird Feeder Continued

This part pertains to those of you that were unable to get a photo of a bird feeding at your feeder prior to the previous deadline. If at this point you have managed to get photos of birds at your feeder, please go back to pages27 & 28 and place them there. Be sure to identify the birds.

PAGE 34 of Journal: Page 2 Revisited “Changes in Spring”
For page 2 of your journal, you were required to mount a photograph of a deciduous tree. For page 34 of your journal you must locate that same deciduous tree and take a color photo of it. Mount this photo on page 34 of your journal. Below the photo you must note the differences between the photo on page 2 and the photo on page 34. Write a detailed description of the changes that have occurred.

___ Photo of tree (5 points)
___ Description of changes under photo (2 points total)
PAGE 35 of Journal: Prunus yedoensis
Washington D.C. is famous for a plant species known as Prunus yedoensis that blooms around this time of year. On page 35 of your journal, you must paste a color picture of this organism in bloom and underneath it write the common name and the scientific name. In a complete sentence,tell methe story of how these specific plants arrived in Washington, D.C.
___ Photo (5 points)
___ Common name and scientific name (2 points)
___ Origins (2 point)

PAGES36 through 41of Journal: Wildflower Collection and Pictures

Collect 6different wildflowers. Wildflowers are not planted by people. They are found in wild places (forests, meadows, roadside). These are commonly called weeds by gardeners. Weeds are simply plants that are growing where a person does not want them. You can, sometimes, find wildflowers growing in your lawn!

You must collect the flower, stem and leaves of the flower. You will carefully press the flowerimmediately upon picking it. This is important to do so that the liquids from the flower do not leak through the pages of your journal.

Drying and Pressing your wildflower.

This process is similar to how you dried and pressed your leaves during the first quarter. To press plant, place it between 2-3 layers of newspaper, making sure that all parts of the plant are flattened out. Flatten out plant if necessary by using your fingers to bend leaves flat or begin to flatten flowers such that the internal structures (carpel, stamen, petals) will be visible. Place a couple heavy book or two on top of the paper and leave for 7-10 days, or until items are completely dried.

Mounting the Wildflower

Mount each floweron its own page, starting with page 35 of your journal by using a rectangle of clear contact (or clear packingtape) and press the contact paper into place over the specimen. Avoid folds or creases in the clear material.

Using the internet, determine the identification of each of your specimen. You must also print out a color picture of your flower using an internet source and mount this picture next to your flower. There are many online sources to assist you with this, but I have listed to potential ones below.

Under your plant/flower record the common name and scientific name (written correctly).

___ Flowers Mounted (5 points each) x 6 = 30 points total
___ Picture of Flower (2 Points each) x 6 = 12 points total
___ Common Name (1 point) x 6 = 6 points total
___ Scientific Name (1 point) x 6 = 6 points total

PAGE 42 of Journal: Spring Observations
The spring is obviously a busy time of year, with lots life “waking up”. Sit outside, alone, and still for about 15 minutes in silence (no talking, no music, etc…) and listen to the sounds of nature. Consciously ignore any sounds that are man-made. Note the date and time of day in your journal as well as the weather (include temperature). Create and fill in a table with your observations on page 42. Make notes of all the colors in the living things that surround you. Smells? Do you see any animals? Insects? Which birds do you see or hear?

___ Essay/Poem (5 Points)

PAGE 43 of Journal: Writing
After you have spent your “quiet time” with nature, look over your descriptions and observations from page 42 and compose an essay (100+ words) or poem (50+ words) to record your experience. You will probably want to write a draft on another paper before entering your writing into your naturalist journal. Write neatly and use a ruler if you need to keep your writing fairly straight.

___ Essay/Poem (5 Points)

The total point value for this assignment is 80 points. There will be a 5 point deduction for each school day that it is late. Due Date: ___