League of Women Voters of Idaho
2015 Convention May 2, 2015 at Lewiston, Idaho
Maxine Miller, president of Lewis-Clark Valley League of Women Voters, extended greetings to the delegates and observers.
LWVID State President Muriel Roberts IntroducedParliamentarianToni Larson, who is a board member of the League of Women Voters United States.
Muriel called the 33rd biennial convention to order at 9:11 a.m. She explained the reasons for creating a separate Idaho 501 (c) 3 board for our State Education Fund. Doing this makes it simpler for us to use our Ed Fund monies, and keeps Ed Fund contributions tax deductible. Ed Fund monies may only be used for education, study and such activities. LWVID is already a 501 (c) 4 organization, which uses its funds for advocacy.
The Credentials committee reported there are 21 voting delegates and 6 observers.
Muriel appointed the Minutes Committee of Erica Wood, Moscow, and Pam Ward, Pocatello, to approve the Minutes of 2015 State Convention.
The Nominating Committee report was presented by Jo Bohna, Moscow, chair. Nominated for 2015-17 are: President Judy Edwards, Kootenai; Secretary Eula Hickam, Kootenai; and Director Betsy McBride, Boise Member-At-Large (hereafter shown as MAL). Nominated for 2015-16 are: Treasurer B.J. Swanson, Moscow; and Director Elinor Chehey, Boise. MAL. The Nominating Committee for the 2017 Convention. Jo Bohna, Moscow and Tom Lamar, Moscow. The LWVID Board will appoint one more Nominating Committee member. The report was approved.
The Adoption of the Rules for Quorum, Powers, Debate, Motions, and Announcements was moved by Betsy McBride and seconded by Maxine Miller.
The Adoptionof the Order of Business was moved by Pam Ward and seconded by Eula.
Roll Call of Leagues and MALs, as of January 2015, was called. Kootenai County has 29 members, Moscow has 82 members, Lewis-Clark has 17 members, Pocatello has 26 members and there are 23 MALs statewide.
Pledgesor Per Member Payments were accepted from the Local Leagues listed above.
Introduction of a By-Lawsamendment to change the fiscal year was introduced by Judy Edwards. After spirited discussion, the fiscal year will remain the same as in previous years. To avoid confusion about the expenses for the state Council or Convention and National Council or Convention, which occur after the end of our fiscal year, the treasurer was directed to include an estimate of those expenses in the budget.
Betsy McBride explainedour current Program Positions, which includesthe new Idaho State Tax Position. The motion to retain our current program for the next two years was moved by Judy Edwards, seconded by Jo Bohna and approved. The Proposed Program for the coming year was explained by Betsy McBride, Eula Hickam, and Carolyn Abbott. These are Minimum Wage and the Initiative on Tax Exemptions.
RE: Minimum Wage – A study to include: data, costa and benefits; policies, including automatic “triggers” and the policy impacts in other states/localities; information from, and the positions of, proponents and opponents; and from other state Leagues. Acceptance of this recommended study was moved by Betsy and seconded by Susan Ripley. It was approved.
RE: Tax Exemption Initiative: Can League members restore school funding? Representatives of the League of Women Voters of Idaho have been meeting with Bob Huntley and others about moving forward with a ballot initiative that would eliminate many of the special interest sales tax exemptions and lower the sales tax rate from 6% to 5%. Next steps are to identify additional public “champions” and assess the means to meet the costs of a successful petition drive. There are fewer than 12 months to complete a petition drive.
Local Leagues and MALs – Successes and Discussion:
Kootenai County: More than 80 people attended a panel discussion about Medicaid Redesign, which was also televised.
Lewis-Clark Valley: Directories of officials for both counties was prepared. A legislative candidates’ debate was televised. A forum on consolidation of county and city governments was held. Voter registration was held at Lewis-Clark College. Leaguers were judges for a Lewis-Clark College student election.
Moscow assisted with the free summer lunch for school children by the Moscow School District. Voter registration was held at Farmer’s Market and the University of Idaho. The speakers’ series from October through April averages 25 attendees. A candidates’ forum was held. There was a mock election at every high school. A Voters Guide was produced. Support was given for the LWVID Tax Study.
Pocatello League held monthly activities. Members registered voters at the Farmers Market in August and September, plus Idaho State University students at the Welcome Back and Nation Registration Days events. Two student memberships were established with one student serving as the Pocatello League intern. In September a, newspaper editor spoke at Back to League. Candidate forums were held. League welcomed citizens at two Naturalization ceremonies. The movie “Iron Jawed Angels” was shown at a movie night in a private home. The Political Directory was updated. Consensus was reached on the LWVID Tax Study. LWVP co-sponsored the movie “Pay to Play,” with the Pocatello Film Society. The LWV logo is shown on the movie theater screen before each weekly show.LWVP Positions on School district budget strategies and child care facilities were reviewed and updated. Voter registration was held for seniors at four high schools. LWVP co-sponsored a public meeting on water issues with the Portneuf Resource Council.
LWVUS Liaison Toni Larson discussed a 3-part Making Democracy Work program to include Money in Politics, Redistricting and Amending the Constitution. She reminded us of the LWVUS 100th anniversary in 2020, with events starting now leading up to the anniversary. The League website is being updated and VOTE 411 received a million hits.
Treasurer’s Report by Judy Edwards for the current fiscal year was approved.
The 2015-16 Proposed Budget Report by Judy Edwards was approved.
Written reports were received from Mary McGown on Energy and Bonnie Douglas on the Columbia River Treaty.
Outgoing President’s Remarks: Muriel hopes to get MAL units started in the Treasure Valley and Idaho Falls or Twin Falls, which could later become Local Leagues. She wants to grow all Local Leagues by using the Membership Leadership Development Program of LWVUS.
Incoming President’s Remarks: Judy wants to involve LWVID in the Idaho Gives project for nonprofit organizations. We need to push VOTE 411 as a way to connect League with various social media. We need to continue our good work on educating people about the issues and registering voters.
Invitation to LWVID Council 2016 was issued by Kootenai County for late April or early May of 2016.
Announcements: The Medicaid Expansion Coalition ended with just LWVID and medical providers active. We need to continue our efforts.
Instructions to the new Board included participating in VOTE411.
Meeting was adjourned at 4 p.m.
An evening Social and silent auction wrap-up was held prior to a catered dinner at which Robert Huntley spoke about tax exemptions. We discussed the time line necessary to get it on a ballot. Time is very short to raise money, develop a coalition and get petitions signed and checked by every county. He presented a list of current exemptions and an Initiative Petition.