The Junior League of Tampa
Community Action / Enabling Fund Grant Application
(Due by July 31, 2017 at Midnight EST)

The Junior League of Tampa provides opportunities for community organizations to request hands-on volunteer service and/or financial support through our grants process. These opportunities may be available to any qualified agencies despite alignment with the League issues areas of child welfare and education.

Your request will be thoroughly evaluated by The Junior League of Tampa. You must complete and submit the entire form with the required supporting documents in order to be considered.

Questions, please contact the Community Manager .

We recommend that you compile a draft of the application before starting the online application as it does not always save via the online form (if you wish to return to the form at a later date).Here is a link to download the questions in Word format.

Please select the type of support you are requesting (you may select multiple options):


Volunteers and financial support (up to $1,250) for a done-in-a-day project

Financial Support (up to $3,000)


Organization Name (NOTE: Should be the same as listed on your 501(c)3 documentation)*

Contact Name (for this request)*

Contact's Title*

Organization's Mailing Address*

Contact's Email Address*

Contact's Phone Number*

-Area CodePhone Number

Website Address*

Organization's Main Number*

-Area CodePhone Number

1-Organization's Mission Statement*

2a - Year Organization was Founded*

2b - Year Organization Became a 501(c)3*

3-Population served by the Organization*

4a-Connections to Junior League of Tampa and/or its members*

4b-Was your organization a recipient of a Done-In-A-Day or Enabling grant in the last year? This may be weighted in the decision-making process.*

5-Top 3 donors (from most recently completed fiscal year and the amount each contributed)*

6-Organization's Summary Budget*

Click the document iconto the left for anexample budget.


Volunteer Event (please answer n/a if not applicable)*

Project Name (please answer n/a if not applicable)*

Program Name*

1-Description of the specific need, project or program and explanation of the status.*

2a-Explanation of the specific tasks to be completed by JLT volunteers (if applicable).

2b-Explanation of the number of JLT volunteers needed (if applicable).

2c-Additional staff and non-JLT volunteers assigned to the volunteer event/project (if applicable).

2d-Impact of the volunteer event/project (if applicable).

3-Implementation/Usage Timeline*

4-Evaluation Procedures*

  • 5-Detail Budget

NOTE: We encourage you to research the exact products to be purchased with their projected cost and include that information in the detail budget. The more specific you are, the easier it will be to understand what the funding will be used for.

Please note: requests for the followingwill NOTbe considered:

  • Current signature project partnerswith the League.
  • Travel and Transportation Expenses, including:
    - Gas Cards
    - Bus Tickets
    - Airline Tickets
    - Car Rental
    - Taxi Fare
    - Charter Bus Expense
    - Hotel Expenses
  • Salaries of regular part- or full-time employees
  • Insurance
  • Capital Campaigns
  • Fundraising Campaigns
  • School Tuition
  • Religious instruction
  • A person's personal project (e.g., a Boy Scout project)
  • Government functions / programs
  • Operating Budget off-sets: grant request should be very specific down to the number of items or the exact project budget line items that will be covered with this grant money

If you have any questions regarding eligibility, please contact the Community Manager .

a. Detail Budget for the Need / Project / Program*

Click the document iconto the left for anexample budget.

b. List line items in the full project / program budget that will be covered by this request(s)*

c. Explain how the grant funds would be leveraged for the need/ project / program.*

d. List other funding sources providing financial support for the need / project / program.


  • Copy of 501(c)3 documentation*
  • List of Current Board Members*
  • Enabling Fund Grant Certification Form*

Click the document iconto the leftto downloadthe Enabling FundGrant Certification Form.

  • Most Recent Audited Financial Statement and/or IRS Form 990*


  • Annual Report / Brochure
  • Or provide a direct link to the Annual Report or Brochure online
  • Other Materials
  • Or provide a link to any additional information online

Questions, please contact the Community Manager at.