Department of International Relations

University of Peshawar

Phone: (091) 5854312 / 9221100



Professional individual offering twenty six years of experience in the field of international relations. Established track record of academic leadership, consensus building, team management and effective communication skills in diversified environment. Active member of international research circuit with publications in the leading international research journals. Senior member of the team involved in faculty recruitment, development and management.


Post Doc: Center for Afghanistan Studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA2006-07

Monograph:Protracted Afghan refugee situation in Pakistan: A need for policy shift.

Doctor of Philosophy. University of Peshawar (UoP), Khyber Pukhtunkhwa 2005.

Dissertation: Politics of repatriation: A case of Afghan repatriation from Pakistan (1979-2003)

M.Phil Department of Politics, University of Bristol, UK. 1994

Dissertation:Pakistan: A Power in Central Asia?

Masters. International Relations, University of Peshawar (UoP), 1983

Bachelor of Arts. University of Peshawar 1983


Professor University of Peshawar Department of International Relations

Feb 2011 - present

Associate Professor: University of Peshawar. Department of International Relations

March 21, 2009 to-date

Assistant Professor:University of Peshawar. Department of International Relations

April 1996- March 20, 2009

Lecturer:University of Peshawar. Department of International Relations

Oct 1986- April 1996


Graduate and Ph.D Courses:

Foreign Policy Analysis

Politics of International Economic Relations

Forced Migrants in International Relations

Research Methodology

Pakistan in World Affairs

Middle East in International Politics

Theories of International Relations


Assist: M.Phil / PhD. Program. Department of International Relations. UoP

Teaching:Masters and M.Phil/PhD Programs

Examiner and Paper Setter:Masters and M.Phil /PhD. Examinations.

Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan: Supervisor for MPhil./Ph.D

Responsibilities: To recommend and plan course of studies, propose the topic of research in consultation with the research scholar and to supervise and review the progress.

Member Academic Council, University of Peshawar (1999-2001)

Responsibilities: To formulate proper standards of instruction, research and examination. As a team responsible for regulation of the academic life of the university and colleges.

Co-opted Member of Advanced Research and Studies Board, University of Peshawar:

Responsibilities:To advise the authorities on all matters pertaining to the promotion of advanced studies and research. Propose regulations regarding the award of research degrees, appoint supervisors and to recommend examiners

Member:Admission Committee, Department of International Relations.

Responsibilities:To process applications for admission, set up and conduct entry test, evaluate and tabulate the results.

Member:Graduate Studies Committee, Department of International Relations.

Responsibilities: To process applications for admission in M.phil and PhD, manage and facilitate the smooth functioning of the academic program, conduct and supervise the examinations including comprehensive examinations and to prepare tabulated results.

Member:Board of Studies, Department of International Relations.

Responsibilities:To advise authorities on all academic matters connected with instruction, examination and research in the subjects concerned. To formulate and design courses for masters and Mphil/ PhD program.

Member:Board of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Peshawar

Responsibilities:To co-ordinate the teaching and research work in the subjects assigned to the faculty; toscrutinize the recommendations of the Boards of Studies comprising the faculty with regard to the appointment of paper-setters and examiners for Graduate and Postgraduate examinations and to forward the panels of suitable paper setters and examiners for each examination to the authorities

Member: Fee Waiver Committee of the Department of International Relations

To assess and recommend students for fee waiver to the university administration.

Counseling:Students from various Programs



Politicsof Afghan Refugee Repatriation from Pakistan: Complications and Challenges(September 2010), VDM Verlag Dr. Muller, Germany


1.“The Role of UNHCR and Afghan Refugees in Pakistan.”November 2011 Strategic Analyis Volume:35 Issue:6 Routlege, 945- 954

2.“Institutional Analysis of Globalization: A Case of Pakistan”. Asian Social Science. Vol. 7, No. 8, August 2011. 145-153

3.”Afghan Migration: Threat or opportunity for Pakistan” BIISS Journal, Vol. 31 No.2 April 2010. Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies 126-144

4. “Pushtun ethnonationalism and the Taliban insurgency in the North

West Frontier Province of Pakistan” Asian Survey; Vol. XLIX. No.6, November/

December; 2009 University of California Press. 1092- 1114

5.“Afghanistan in 2007: A Bleeding Wound” Asian Survey; Vol. XLVIII. No.1, January / February; 2008 University of California Press, Berkley154-163

6.“Afghan refugees in Pakistan: Current situation and future scenario” Policy In XXI Century: Challenges and Realities, No7 (17) 2007Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, Moscow. 149-161

7.“Afghanistan in 2006: The complications of post-conflict transition” Asian Survey; Vol. XLVII. No.1, January/February; 2007 University of California Press, Berkley, 87-98

8.“Afghanistan in 2005: The challenges of reconstruction” Asian Survey; Vol. XLVI. No.1, January/February; 2006 University of California Press, Berkley,.85-94

9.“Taliban the civil war entanglement” in Asian Survey; Vol. XLI. No.3, May-June Issue; 2001. University of California Press, Berkley.462-487

10.“The Islam factor in Pakistan’s relations with the Central Asian Republic”, BIIS JournalVol. 16, No. 2, 1995 , Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies .234-261


  1. “Challenges of refugee repatriation (2000-2005): Success or Failure?”The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009,Vol. XVII, No.2. University of Peshawar


2.“Conflict, postwar reconstruction and corruption: Institutionalized corruption by donors in Afghanistan’s reconstruction”,The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009, Vol. XVII, No.2.University of Peshawar 38-55

3.“Afghans in Pakistan: A ‘protracted situation”,Policy Perspectives, Vol 5, 2008, No.2. Institute of Policy Studies. Islamabad. 117-130

4. “Women in security: An N.W.F.P perspective.” Journal of Law and Society. Vol. XXXI. No. 44 July 2004. Faculty of Law, University of Peshawar13-24

5.“South Asian refugees in the post-cold war era”,The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sept1995,Vol. III, No.2.University of Peshawar. 26-37

6.“Pakistan foreign policy towards Central Asia”,Central Asia No. 37, winter 1995 AreaStudyCenter, University of Peshawar. .39-46

7.“Pakistan, The Central Asian Republics and economics”, The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol. II, No. I, March 1994, Peshawar University.45-73

8 “The role of Islam in Central Asia”, Strategic Perspective Winter 1994 & Spring
1995 Vol.3. No. 1 & 2. The Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad. .63-79


1.Afghansin Pakistan: Plight, Predicament and the Way Forward, Ed. Kahlid Rehman, Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad. 2009

2. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy Regional Perspective: A Critique. Edited Conference Proceedings 10-11 May 1999. Department of International Relations and Hanns Seidel Foundation, Islamabad.

  1. “Refugees in the post-cold war era: A case study of Tajik refugees”,International Seminar onCentral Asia, March1996, Area Study Center, University of Peshawar.139-152

4. “The changing international scenario and its economic implications for Pakistan”,Emerging Central Asia and Pakistan. July1992, Conference Proceedings of Peshawar University Summer Seminar, Area Study Center (Central Asia), University of Peshawar. 37-44


1.“Parsis a minority community in Pakistan”in Religious Minorities in South Asia: Selected Essays on Post Colonial Situations edited by Monirul Hussain and Lipi Gosh. Vol.1 2002, Manak Publications Pvt Ltd. India 167-180

2.“Repatriation of Afghan refugees: Achievements and Obstacles” in The Challenges of Rebuilding Afghanistan. Ed. by Moonis Ahmar. Program on Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution. Department of International Relations, University of Karachi and Hanns Siedel Foundation, Islamabad. Bureau of Composition, Compilation and Translation Press, University of Karachi. 2005 117-140

3.“Repatriation of Afghan Refugees (2002-2005): Achievements and Obstacles” in The Challenges of Rebuilding Afghanistan. Vol. II; Ed. by Moonis Ahmar. Program on Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution. Department of International Relations, University of Karachi and Hanns Siedel Foundation, Islamabad. Bureau of Composition, Compilation and Translation Press, University of Karachi. 2006 125-142.


Projects & Referee

  1. Bertelsmann Transformation Index, Political Management in International Comparison, 2012, (Project) Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, Munich, Germany

2. Berttelsmann Transformation Index, Political Management in International Comparison, 2010, Project) Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, Munich,Germany

3. Berttelsmann Transformation Index, Political Management in International Comparison, 2008, Project) Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung, Munich, Germany

4. Referee, Asian Survey, California. Berkeley, US


HEC Scholarship (2006-2007) for post doctoral studies, University of Nebraska at Omaha, US

Fulbright Fellowship (2000) American Studies Program on The Foundation of US Foreign Policy, University of Delware, US.

Secured Foreign and Commonwealth Office Award, UK. 1993

First Position in Course “Work for Doctoral Research” Area Study Center for Central Asia, Peshawar. 1992

Gold Medal for Securing First Position in M.A. International Relations. 1983


Certificate in Modern English Teaching Methods, American Center. Peshawar. 1982

Certificate in Advanced Theory and Research Methods. Department of Politics. University of Bristol, England 1993

Certificate in Legal Literacy, Women Study Center. University of Peshawar, 1995

Certificate in Teachers Training, Staff Training Institute, University of Peshawar 1995


2006 (April)Roundtable conference on Afghan Refugees in Pakistan: Current Situation and Future Scenarioat Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad

2005 (Oct)Presented a paper on Afghan Migration: Threat or Opportunity for Pakistan?in a regional conference on Media and Public Interest in South Asia: Some Priority Areas; Organized by Asian Media Information and Communication centre of India and Centre for South Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaher Lal Nehru University, Delhi. at the International Centre, Goa, India

2004 (Nov) Participated inPak-Afghan Academicians Dialogue,organized by Fredierich Naumann Stiftung,. in Kabul, Afghanistan

2004 (Aug)Participated in Pak-Afghan Academicians Dialogue, organized by Fredierich Naumann Stiftung, in Islamabad, Pakistan

2001 (Nov) Participated in a regional conference on Including the Exluded, organized by South Asian Human Rights, New Delhi

2001 (Oct) Participated in the national conference on Kashmir-What Next organized by Fredierich Naumann Stiftung, Islamabad

2001 (Aug) Presented a paper on “Women in security: An N.W.F.P perspective”in a national conference on Women in Security, Peace and International Relations in Pakistan organized by Ford Foundation, India at the Centre for Human Rights Studies, University of Peshawar

2001 (July)Participated in the bilateral conference of India –Pakistan social scientists conference in the back drop of Vajpayee-Musharraf Summit’ organized by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi.

1999 (Nov) Presented a paper on “Afghan women refugees & the conflict” at the conference onWomen & Children Refugee & Refugee like situations in South Asia at Dhaka. Bangladesh.

1999 (May) Participated in the Regional Workshop on Globalization and Security in South Asia, organized by Bangladesh Institute of International Strategic Studies Dhaka, Bangladesh.

1999 (April)Presented a paper on “Afghan refugees women in Pakistan”in an International conference onRefugees, internally displaced persons & stateless people: The Humanitarian Challenge, organized by Department of International Relations and Hanns Seidel Foundation, Karachi

1998 (Dec) Presented a paper on “Refugees: A comparative study of India and Pakistan, at a conference on The Challenge of Cooperation, organized by Fourth Freedom Forum,USA, Katmandu, Nepal

1998 (Dec)Participated in the international workshop on Regional International Affairs Programme in Asia, Colombo. Srilanka.

1998 (Feb)Presented a paper on “Afghan refugees children in Pakistan”at the Conference of Scholars and other Professionals Working on Refugees and Displaced persons in South Asia, in Bangladesh, Organized by the Oxford Refugees Program, UK, RCSS, Sri Lanka and BIIS, Dhaka.

1997 (Sept)Presented a paper on “Refugees and the preventive strategy” at an international conference on Refugees in the post Cold War Era, organized by the Department of International Relations, Karachi in collaboration with the Hanns-Seidel Foundation. Germany.

1997 (May)Presented a paper on the “Emerging trends in world politics”at a provincial workshop on Political Educationorganized by Aurat Foundation. Peshawar

1997 (March)Participated in the regional workshop on Sources of conflict in South Asia: Ethnicity, refugees and environment. (10 days intensive workshop) organized by the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Colombo at Kandy. Sri lanka.

1996 (March) Presented a paper on “Central Asian refugees in the Post-Cold War: A Case Study of Tajik Refugees”at an International seminar on Central Asia, organized by theArea Study Center for Central Asia, University of Peshawar and Hanns-Seidel Foundation. Germany.

1995 (Oct)Presented a paper on “UN and the Muslim world”at an International Conference on UN at 50, organized by the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Karachi.

1994 (Nov)Participant in the USA International Visitor Program on Conflict Resolution in South Asia, organized by the USIS, sponsored by the Government of United States

1994 (Aug)Presented a paper on “Pakistan’s foreign policy toward Central Asia” at the Baragali Summer Seminar on Pakistan’s Foreign Policy and Central Asia. Organized by the Area Study Center and Department of International Relations. University of Peshawar.

1994 (Feb)Presented a paper on “The world of Islam and the challenges to it”at the national seminar organized by The Mir Khalil-ur-Rehman Society. Peshawar.

1992 (July)Presented a paper on “The changing international scenarioand its Economic Implications for Pakistan”at the Baragali Summer Seminar on Emerging Central Asia and Pakistan.Organized by the Area Study Center (Central Asia) and Department of International Relations, University of Peshawar.


South Asians for Human Rights

Peshawar University Teachers Association

International Relations Students Association

Pakistan Liberal Forum