No More

Water in the Tub




A boy telling a story about a
tub over flowing.

--- Conversation Questions---

(1) / Recall where William and Walter live.
(Answer) / Tall apartment building.
(Follow Up) / Do you live in an apartment?
(2) / Recall what Mama told Walter about the water.
(Answer) / Leave on one more minute.
(Follow Up) / Do you fill your bathtub up to the top?
(3) / Tell what happened when Walter turned the facet farther.
(Answer) / Water gushed out of it.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever flooded the bathroom? What happened?
(4) / Recall what happened when the tub broke loose.
(Answer) / William went sailing.
(Follow Up) / Does that sound like fun?
(5) / Recall what Miss. Mabel Hattie doing.
(Answer) / Serving tea.
(Follow Up) / Do you like tea?
(6) / Tell waht Vern and Sue doing.
(Answer) / Watering their houseplants.
(Follow Up) / Who were they expecting at the door?
(7) / Recall what Uncle Nash doing.
(Answer) / Putting out his garbage.
(Follow Up) / Do you ever put out the garbage?
(8) / Tell what Patty Fuzzle doing.
(Answer) / Finishing a jigsaw puzzle.
(Follow Up) / Do you like to do jigsaw puzzles?
(9) / Recall who had a fire.
(Answer) / Mr. Bellow.
(Follow Up) / Have you ever seen a fire?
(10) / Recall what the fireman give William.
(Answer) / A heavy medal.
(Follow Up) / Was that a good story?
1. / Write a story about an adventure you would like.
2. / Draw something one of the people were riding on.
3. / Draw your bathroom.
4. / Write everything you need to take a bath.
1. / Draw a tub, and tell the story with all the people.
2. / Tell what each person was doing at the time of the flood.
3. / Ask students what they would do if their bathtub over flowed.

Book Title: No More Water In The Tub

Author: Tedd Arnold / Illustrator: Scholastic
ISBN: N/A / # of Text Pages: 26 AR: 3.6 LEX: 610
Building Oral Vocabulary
3 / gushed / 6 / speed / 16 / puzzle
Prediction Questions
3 / Tell what you think will happen next?
7 / Tell what you think is going to happen to them?
19 / Tell what you think will happen with the fire?

This resource is provided by THE LEARNING CORPS—Barren County Board of Education, an AmeriCorps project funded in part by the Kentucky Commission on Community Volunteerism and Service and the Corporation for National and Community Service.