Nominating Committee Questions

Questions for potential officers:

1. What do you like about the ways PTSA is active at <this school>? Are there any additional programs or actions you think PTSA should take on?
2. The job descriptions for our elected officers are on our website; please take the time to look them over! Which position(s) are you interested in? What skills or experience do you have that prepare you for that position?
3. Are you a member of the<this school>PTSA? For the coming school year, are you willing and able to attend aThursday eveningmeeting once a month (board meetings), aWednesday eveningmeeting every other month (membership meetings), and complete a 1-2 hour training class in the fall (several daytime and evening options will be available)? <make sure to fill in the appropriate days/times/frequencies for your school>
4. Because we want to recruit a Board that is representative of our whole<this school>community, can you please tell us what your neighborhood elementary and middle schools are (whether or not your students attended them)? What grades will your student(s) be in next year (high school and younger)?
Let us know if you have any other questions! We look forward to talking with you about your participation in<this school>PTSA! Thank you!

Questions for current board members (whether or not they were eligible to return to their position):

1. Did you feel equipped and empowered to do your job effectively this year? Is there anything you would've liked to know before you started in your current position? (this will help us if we're recruiting someone to fill the position you currently well as help us to give new board members good expectations of what being part of the board is like)

2. PTA rules state that a person may not serve more than 2 consecutive years in the same office. If you are in the first year of service in your current position, are you interested in serving a second year? For all current board members, are there any other board positions you are interested in or willing to serve in next year?

3.Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for next year's<this school>PTSA Board? (These could include people who we should talk to about joining the board, or programsthe board should consider, or changes to how the board and/or the PTSA operates...anything you'd like to share with those who will follow in your footsteps!)