Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, Middle, First):

University of Pittsburgh

Department of Critical Care Medicine

Scientific Affairs Committee

Traditional Innovation Grant Application


This checklist
Cover page
Curriculum vitae
Abstract (1/2 page)
Research Plan (76-page limit or 2 pages only for fellows)
Specific aims (1page maximum)
Research Strategy (6 pages maximum)
Human Subjects (if applicable, 1/2-page limit)
Vertebrate Animals (if applicable, 1/2-page limit)
Bibliography (no limit)
Letters of Support from Faulty Sponsor
Budget justification

Innovation Grant Cover Page

Title of proposed mentored research project:

Applicant: Last name: First name: MI:

Doctoral degree:

Department Division:

Are you currently a: Fellow/Postdoc Faculty

Applicant’s current title:

University of Pittsburgh School affiliation:

Email address: Telephone:

Mailing address:

City, State:

Zip Code:

Primary Mentor: Last name:First name:MI:

Academic title:Degree:



Email address:Telephone:

Campus address:

Secondary Mentor (if applicable): Last name:First name:MI:

Academic title:Degree:



Email address:Telephone:

Campus address:

If an award is made, the recipient will abide by all the guidelines established by the Institutional Review Board, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC), the committee for Oversight of Research Involving the Dead (CORID), and/or the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) of the University of Pittsburgh and any other regulatory approvals.


Signature of the Principal Investigator Date


Signature of Faculty Sponsor/Mentor Date

Curriculum Vitae

(Use additional pages as necessary and delete this text when done)


(Briefly summarize the proposal in ½ page—delete text when finished)

Research Plan: (This section should not exceed six seven single-spaced pages (or 2 pages for fellows) and should be organized as follows —delete text when finished)

Specific aims (Please state the individual aims as well as the research hypothesis for each aim, 1 page maximum if you are not a fellow —delete text when finished)

Candidate: (Brief overview of your training and clinical/research background to date. Emphasize the theme of your work to date. Please state any prior research experience, research awards, and any publication record. ½ page maximum if you are not a fellow—delete text when finished)

Career Development Plan: Please state how the seed grant funding might aid future career development. Please briefly state the list of courses that you are proposing to take and its relevance to the proposed research plan. The main purpose of the seed grant is to seed future research success. Therefore, please summarize how the investigator envisions this grant would seed future career development and future research projects. ½ page maximum if you are not a fellow —delete text when finished)

Research Strategy:(delete text below when finished)


Explain the importance of the problem or critical barrier to progress in the field that the proposed project addresses

Explain how the proposed project will enable the candidate to develop hypotheses, preliminary data, and methods necessary to successfully compete for extramural funding.

Describe the scientific premise for the proposed project, including consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of published research or preliminary data crucial to the support of your application.


Explain how the application challenges and seeks to shift current research or clinical practice paradigms

Describe any novel theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation or interventions to be developed or used, and any advantage over existing methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions.—delete text when finished


Describe the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses to be used to accomplish the specific aims of the project. Include how the data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted.

Discuss potential problems, alternative strategies, and benchmarks for success anticipated to achieve the aims.

Discuss any available preliminary studies, data, and or experience pertinent to this application as part of the Approach section.

Describe the experimental design and methods proposed and how they will achieve robust and unbiased results.

Explain how relevant biological variables, such as sex, are factored into research designs and analyses for studies in vertebrate animals and humans. For example, strong justification from the scientific literature, preliminary data, or other relevant considerations, must be provided for applications proposing to study only one sex.

Please include a brief timeline for the proposed research.

Human Subjects(if applicable; 1/2-page maximum) —delete text when finished

Vertebrate Animals(if applicable; 1/2-page maximum) Any omissions must be explained and/or justified (i.e. Use of Animal or Human Subjects” – No animal for human subjects will be used in this project) —delete text when finished

Bibliography(no page limit) —delete text when finished

Letter from Faculty Sponsor(upload your Sponsor letter here)

The letter must contain the following statement: “As the faculty sponsor of (title of proposal) by (PI), I have worked with (PI) in the development of this project and believe that the proposal contains all the elements required to document its feasibility, as summarized in the outline provided by the SAC.” The letter must also explain what steps the sponsor will take to ensure its successful completion, provide assurance that quarterly reports required will be submitted, and state that the SAC will be notified of project output —delete text when finished

Budget Template: (Please complete the accompanying budget template in the grant and provide a brief budget justification—delete text when finished)
  1. Research Staff and/or Consultants (itemized list that includes salary and fringe benefits based on current University of Pittsburgh rates – see website:

Name/Role / Salary Requested / Fringe Benefits / Total


  1. Small Equipment (itemized list) (should be < $5,000 total)

Item / Number Requested / Cost per Item


  1. Consumable Supplies (itemized list)

Supply Category / Description / Cost


  1. Animals (cost per animal as well as for care and maintenance)

Species / Number Requested / Cost Per Animal / Total Cost / Animal Care Cost Total


  1. Research Coursework

Type of coursework / No. of credits / Cost per credit / Total Cost


TOTAL of subtotals 1-5 ______

Budget Justification (In categories 1-5 above, justify the need for each item. ½ page maximum- delete this text when finished)

(The candidates should provide a detailed and itemized budget for traditional and supplemental grant award requests. For supplemental awards, there should not be an overlap in budget between the primary grant award and the request for supplemental funds. The budget for requesting supplemental funds should also specify the rationale behind why supplemental funds are required from the department and how obtaining the supplemental funds would strengthen the proposal or lead to external funding. Please also note that requesting supplemental funds solely for the purchase of large equipment (i.e., equipment that costs > $5,000) will not be allowed. Whenever a large equipment is required either for the traditional grant award or supplemental grant award, the investigator is strongly encouraged to lease such an equipment from the company. However, the cost for leasing equipment could be budgeted in the supplemental or traditional grant award requests. Funding from CCM innovation grant may not be used for travel, purchasing computer equipment or for salary/fringe benefit for Graduate Student Researchers even though the external funding agency may allow this)