Questions for Chp. 6 Religion - REVIEW for Test

1.Religions are classified as either Universalizing or what? ethnic

2.Name the 3 branches of universalizing religions. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism

3.Name 6 examples of Ethnic religions. Confucianism, Taoism/Doaism, Animism, Hinduism, Judaism, Shintoism

4.A large and fundamental division of a religion is called what? Branch

5.A break away from a major religion branch is called what? sect

6.A division of a branch that unites several congregations is called what? denomination

7.What is the largest religion in the world? Christianity

8.What is the largest universal religion? Christianity

9.What is the 2nd largest universal religion? Islam

10.What is the 2nd largest religion in the world? Islam

11.What is the 3rd largest religion in the world? Hinduism

12. What is the 3rd largest universal religion? Buddhism

13.What is the largest Ethnic religion? Hinduism

14.What are the 3 branches of Christianity? Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic

15.What religion believes in the Five Pillars of Faith? Islam

16.What religion believes in the Four Noble Truths? Buddhism

17. Which religion has its people worship at home and go to the temples for prayer and visit the shrine of their gods? Hinduism

18.What religion incorporates other religions? 2 answers. Buddhism and Hinduism

19.Which religion believes in cremation as the #1 way of disposal of bodies? Hinduism

20.Where do Christians worship/building? church, basilica, cathedra

21.Where do Islamic people worship? mosque

22.How do Christians dispose of their bodies? Cremation/burial

23.What is China doing now that there are 9 million burials a year? out to sea

24.What group of people have occupied the area of Jerusalem the longest? Islam

25.What religion believes in Siddhartha Gautama's writings? Buddhism

26.Which religion does not have a HOLY Book or rules to live by? Hindus

27.Which religion was founded by Jesus? Christianity

28.Which religion's hearth is Palestine/Israel? Christianity and Judaism

29. Which religion does not have a founder? Hinduism

30.Which organization has watched over Jerusalem to avoid fighting between the Jews and Palestinians? United Nations

31.Which MDC once controlled Palestine and even suggested that the Jews have part of Palestine and the Arabs/Palestinians have another? British

32.Northern Ireland voted to do what? Be a part of the United Kingdom

33.What religion is Northern Ireland predominately? Protestant

34.What 2 religions fought, bombed each other, killed, rioted, etc. in Northern England? Protestants and Catholics

35.Name 3 holy sites of Islam. Jerusalem, Mecca, Medina

36.90% of the Western Hemisphere is what religion? Christianity

37.Most of Latin America is what religion? Roman Catholic

38.What is the TORAH? holy book of Jews

39.Who is the common ancestor of Jews, Christians, and Muslims? Abraham

40.Where is the hearth of Islam? Mecca, Saudi Arabia

41.How was Christianity first diffused? relocation

42. How was Islam diffused? relocation + powerful army

43. Which ethnic religion did not stay is the same area where it originated? Jews

44.Who was the founder of Islam? Muhammad

45.Where is the hearth of Buddhism? Nepal

46.Where do Hindus go to visit their holy sites? rivers, mountains, coasts

47. Christian churches are ______as opposed to Muslim mosques. sanctified

48. An Ethnic religion has MORE or LESS of a widespread distribution than Christianity? LESS

49. The Jewish calendar is based on events surrounding what? agriculture

50.What part of the USA do you find Baptists? southEAST

51.Where do you find Lutherans in the USA mostly? Midwest

52. Where is the hearth of Mormonism? Utah

53.Christianity declined in Eastern Europe and Russia due to what? Communism

54.Taliban is associated with which religion BUT more as fundamentalism? Islam

55.Ireland became a separate country in 1949. Who granted them their freedom? United Kingdom

56.The CASTE system is found in India, outlawed by India but is often part of what religion? Hindu

57.Name two hierarchical religions in the USA: Mormon and Catholic

58.Autonomous religions means what? loose cooperation, individual congregations make rules

59.Give an example of a religious toponym. Canada, Quebec with Saint names - Catholic

60.India was once controlled by what MDC that wanted the Hindus to stop the caste system? British

61. Before the British left India, they divided India into how many parts? TWO countries

62. The United Nations’ partition plan divided Palestine and Jerusalem under whose authority? United Nations