CPCU Volunteer Form

Contact Information

E-Mail Address

Please check which committees below interest you:

___ Diversity& Inclusion
Diversity is an important perspective in the CPCU Society. One of the Society’s five core values is Diversity of Views, and under the 2015 Strategic Plan, a significant objective is assisting the industry in attracting diverse new talent.
___ Education
CPCU is committed to professional development by maintaining comprehensive rigorous examinations, crucial to understanding the business. This Committee provides an excellent opportunity to help others prepare and complete their studies and achieve their goals,.
___ Financial Analysis & Budget Review
Assists the Treasurer by helping to produce, review and communicate financial information to the Institutes, Board members, and the local chapter.
___ Golf Tournament
Activities include: Working with other volunteers to set up the golf tournament, define the location, price, and sponsorships for the tournament. Assist with other activities for a successful golf tournament.
___ Good Works
The Good Works Committee identifies specific charities and schools for the Chapter to support. Support is provided with both physical service and donations. Being on the committee helps the Chapter promote itself in Atlanta and serving on the Committee is a way to learn more about the needs of Atlanta.
___ I-Day
Activities include: Create the I-Day theme -Reserve the facility and coordinate speakers -Collect the registrations - Solicit sponsors and vendors – Help coordinate I-Day activities-Introduce speakers.
___ Membership & Social Planning
This Committee plans and coordinates Member Social and Educational Events. It develops and implements new member benefits, maintains the chapter roster of members, and emphasizes the value of Society membership to chapter members.
___ Monthly Business Luncheons
Activities include assisting at the luncheon site, help locate qualified speakers and activities for the luncheon. Also work with the hosting facility and Administrator on special requirements for the speaker.
___ New Designee
Be the first to recognize and congratulate the newest members who have just completed their CPCU studies. The Committee advises New Designees on their complimentary membership with the chapter and CPCU Society. The committee members plan and attend mixers designed to spotlight our new designees and assist them with understanding benefits available.
___ Newsletter / Research
Assists the Secretary and Administrator with the Chaptergram Newsletter, email publications and research projects as they may arise.
___ Professional Development
Serving on this committee provides you with one-of-a-kind networking, learning, and fellowship opportunities that often translate into career advancement. An example is recruiting new CPCU candidates by offering presentations to local insurance offices highlighting the value of pursuing the CPCU designation.
___ Public Relations and Social Media
If you like to Tweet and are active on Facebook and/or LinkedIn, we have an opportunity for you. This Committee assists with our social media sites to develop and refresh content, and it publicizes programs, special events, and new designees in local media and industry press.
___ Scholarship
This Committee reviews and determines appropriate candidates for scholarships. Assists potential CPCU candidates meet their goals and develop mentor relations. .
Please contact if you have any additional questions. Email this document to

Special Skills or Qualifications

Briefly describe any special skills and qualifications you have acquired from employment, previous volunteer work, or through other activities, including hobbies or sports.

Thank you for completing this application form and for your interest in volunteering with us.

Please save document and attach to email. Email to

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