Questionnaire on the implementation of the Basel Convention as relates to the interpretation of certain terminology used in the Convention and a list of other relevant terms related to the implementation of the Convention
IntroductionThe Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention, at its tenth meeting, adopted decision BC-10/3 on the Indonesian-Swiss Country-led Initiative to improve the effectiveness of the Basel Convention.
Section C of this decision requests the Secretariat, assisted by legal and technical experts as appropriate, to prepare:
(a) A study on the implementation of the Convention as it relates to the interpretation of certain terminology used in the Convention and a list of other relevant terms related to the implementation of the Convention, including: waste/non-waste; hazardous waste/non-hazardous waste; re-use; direct re-use; refurbishment; second-hand goods; and used goods;
(b)A draft report containing the above study and possible options for the interpretation of the terms.
The Secretariat was also requested, assisted by legal and technical experts as appropriate and taking into account other initiatives such as the "Partnership for Action on Computing Equipment” (PACE), to prepare a study to identify options for dealing with the problem posed by used and end-of-life goods, which could include take-back obligations and clarification of the concept of “charitable donations”.
This questionnaire aims tocollect the views of such experts within Parties, to provide information towards the preparation of theabove reports and study.
The Secretariat would be most grateful to the Focal Points, assisted by legal and technical experts as appropriate,for completing and returning this questionnaireto:Ms. Yvonne Ewang-Sanvincenti () no later than 15 March 2012.
We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.
The Secretariat of the Basel Convention
Please fill in the following information:
Party: Date when form completed(D/M/Y): -- / -- / ----Name of the person who completed the questionnaire:
Telephone no:Fax no:
For further information and clarification, please contact:
Secretariat of the Basel Convention
11-13, chemin des Anémones
1219 Châtelaine, Geneva
Tel: +41 22 917-8218
Fax: +41 22 797-3454
I.Implementation of the Basel Convention as it relates to certain terminology
- How does your country interpretthe following terms? If relevant, please provide the text of the basis for any such interpretation(s) e.g. legislation, regulation, policy(in English)
(ii)Hazardous waste/non-hazardous waste
(iv)Direct re-use
(vi)Secondhand goods………………….………………………………………………………………..
(vii)Used goods…………………….……………………………………………………………..
- Please provide any other informationyou feel relevant about the interpretationof these terms
- Does your country participate in any bilateral, regional or multilateral efforts, initiatives or agreements to harmonise implementation of the Basel Convention as it relates to the interpretation of any of the terminology listed in Question 1 above?
If yes, please specify and provide texts of any related measures (in English):
II.Options for dealing with the problem posed by used and end-of-life goods
- Has your country been faced with or identified problems posed by used and end-of-life goods, particularly transboundary movements of such goods? No Yes
If yes, please specify the problem(s) identified:
- Please provide details of any legislation, measures, initiatives or other options that have been implemented in your country to address this problem, including take-back obligations:
- Does a definition or interpretation of “charitable donations”exist in your country?
No Yes
If yes, pleasespecify and provide any related text of legislation or other measures adopted (in English):
- Does your country link any measures adopted to address these problems with the implementation of its obligations under the Basel Convention?
No Yes If yes, please provide details:
- Does your country participate in any bilateral, regional, multilateral efforts, initiatives or agreements to harmoniseits approach for dealing with problemsit may face from used and end-of-life goods? No Yes
If yes, please provide details, in particular as may relate to take-back obligations and/or “charitable donations”?
III.Other Relevant Information
- Is there any other information you would like to provide concerning the implementation of the Convention as it relates tothe interpretation of the terminology listed in question 1and/or concerning the options for dealing with the problem posed by used and end-of-life goodsthat could be of relevance to the preparation of the studies? ………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………………..………
Thank you for completing the questionnaire!