Kids and Money

Money Sense for Your Children – A Home Study Series

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension

Price: No charge.

Thrive by Five™: Teaching Your Preschooler about Spending and Saving

In English and Spanish

Credit Union National Association and eXtenstion

Price: No charge for educational and non-commercial purposes

Money on the Bookshelf

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension

Children ages 4-10 and their parents will enjoy this program is built around children’s books. Parent guides highlight the money ideas presented in the book.

Price: No charge.

Right on the Money: Talking Dollars and Sense with Parents and Kids

Penn State University Extension and the Pennsylvania Office of Financial Education developed this program for children ages 5-7 that uses children's story books with money themes. Family time includes reading to all then separate lessons for kids and parents. Contact the

Publications Distribution Center, The Pennsylvania State University, 112 Agricultural Administration Building, University Park, PA 16802-2602 Telephone: 814-865-6713 Fax: 814-863-5560E-mail:

Great Minds Think: A Kid's Guide to Money

In English and Spanish

A colorful, fun, and activity book from the Cleveland Federal Reserve Bank. This book is a great way to begin conversations about money. Book topics include money basics to help kids make thoughtful money choices. While learning and practicing skills related to each topic, kids are encouraged to “Ask an Adult” about the choices they’ve made. The activity book also includes a certificate so children can celebrate when they complete the activities. Information on ordering this free resource available at

or by calling 216-579-3188.

The US Mint

This website includes coloring pages that you may download and print...and much more.

March, 2014