Queanbeyan Agency Network Meeting (QuANG)

Meeting Minutes 1st May 2014

Date: / 1st May 2014 / Time: / 10-12pm / Venue: / DADHC
Chairperson: Sheila Kirk, Centrelink / Minutes: / Lyn Malcolm, QCC
Meeting Objective: / a forum where community organisations can meet to share information, strengthen community links and provide collaborative opportunities for Queanbeyan services.
Present: / Debra Vido- Barnardos
Marilyn Waind- SIDS &Kids ACT SE NSW,
Sam Ankers- Mission Australia
Kerri Huett- Family Referral Service- Marymead
Sheila Kirk- Centrelink
Juliette Spurrett- Family and Community Services
Brent Buyer- The Smith Family
Kerry Mobbs- South Eastern Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services
Lyn Malcolm- Queanbeyan City Council
Libby Smith- Alzheimers Australia NSW
Arno Drygalm- Disability Trust
Robin Vote- Southern NSW Medicare Local
Jodie Dair- RF PHAMS ACT
Vicki Wood- Care Inc
Jane Penny- Community Options Illawarra
Lance Thomas- Illawarra Forum
Andrew Hore- Funnyworks Oz
Brooke Hardy- Schools as Community Centres
Kellie Strawbridge- Campbell Page
Barb Boswell- Mission Australia
Karolina Vladic- QBN Multicultural Centre
John Gunn- QBN Multicultural Centre
Grant Watt- Red Cross
Apologies: / Emma Hawke- QCC
Christine Kennedy- Community Options

Guest Speaker/s

John Gunn, Queanbeyan Multicultural Centre / John spoke about all the different programs offered by QMC. They have changed their name to Queanbeyan Multicultural Centre, but overarching organisation is still called Queanbeyan Multilingual Centre

Service Updates

Organisation / Update
Southern NSW Medicare Local (SNSWML)
Robin Vote
1800 006 841 (intake and information line) / New mental health services in place in Queanbeyan and surrounding area. For further information check the service directory on snswml.com.au/mental health
Alzheimer’s Australia NSW
Dementia Advisory services
Libby Smith
6241 0881
/ My role covers the Queanbeyan, Braidwood, Bungendore and Captains Flat areas and I provide support to carers and people living with dementia. I provide information, emotional support and practical day to day advice about coping and living well with dementia and memory changes.
Schools as Community Centres
Brooke Hardy
6297 2167 or / Queanbeyan Starting School Expo Sat May 24th 10am-12pm @ Bicentennial Hall for all families in Queanbeyan with children starting school next year. Stalls include all local schools, preschools, playgroups and there will be lots of fun activities for the family – BBQ, jumping castle, face painting, craft, kindy gym, lucky door prizes and more. More info call Brooke 6297 2167.
Southern NSW LHD
Health Promotion
6124 9869
/ Go4Fun
Go4Fun is a FREE, 10 week healthy lifestyle program for children above a healthy weight aged 7-13 years and their families. It has been designed as a fun, interactive way to learn about healthy eating and being physically active.
Children who participate in the Go4Fun program:
* Make new friends while increasing their confidence and self esteem
* Become more physically active, improving their skill and fitness levels through fun games
* Set goals and work towards maintaining a healthy weight
* Adopt lifelong healthy habits
The Go4Fun program in Queanbeyan will commence on the 30th April 2014 and will be held at Letchworth Community Centre, Queanbeyan on Wednesdays from 3:45-5:45 pm. Enrolments will still be taken up until week 2.
Additionally, the program will be run in Goulburn in Term 3 & 4 – dates still TBC
To reserve a place for your family or further information:

Free Call: 1800 780 900
SMS 0409 745 645 for a call back
(02) 6124 9972

Physical Activity Leaders Network (PALN)
The PALN currently offers two approved courses – Tai Chi for Arthritis and Community Exercise. The network covers many small towns and rural centres across the Southern NSW district and offers an accessible means of providing low cost physical activity options to people living in small communities, older people, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and low socio-economic groups. The overall focus is on older people who are independently living in the community and who are at low risk of falls. Classes are held in community settings and advertised locally to encourage participation.
There are currently 62 volunteer leaders operating approximately 68 classes across the district.
There is currently one TCA class operating in Queanbeyan at the Queanbeyan Bowling Club, Cnr George and Campbell Street. Classes run on Wednesdays from 9:15am-10:15am. For more information contact Joann Taylor on 6298 9306.
Munch & Move
Munch & Move is a NSW Health initiative that supports the healthy development of children birth to 5 years by promoting physical activity, healthy eating and reduced small screen time. Munch & Move offers training and resources to educators working in NSW early childhood education and care services. The training aims to assist educators to implement a fun, play-based approach to supporting healthy eating and physical activity habits in young children.
All childhood education and care centres in Queanbeyan have participated in the Munch & Move program. A workshop will be scheduled in August 2014 for services to have more staff trained and to give the opportunity for services in other areas of the LHD to become trained.
Live Life Well at School (LLW@S)
Live Life Well @ School is a long-term program that aims to get more students, more active, more often, as well as focusing on healthy eating habits.
The program aims to develop teachers’ knowledge, skills and confidence in teaching nutrition education and fundamental movement skills as part of the K - 6 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE ) syllabus. The focus of these workshops is to provide primary teachers the opportunity to participate in a two-day professional learning workshop that promotes a ‘whole of school’ approach to physical activity and nutrition education.
The next workshop is scheduled for 13th and 14th August in Queanbeyan
Southern NSW Family Referral Service
Phone Number: Intake- 1300 736 384/ Queanbeyan worker direct: 6162 5891
/ Referral service for families with children- prenatally to 18, as well as vulnerable youth up to 24. Conducts assessment of needs and makes appropriate referrals on to community supports as appropriate and agreed to by families. Case coordination
Southern NSW Family Referral Service are to be recruiting a new part time worker in Young, NSW.
Family Referral Service accepts referrals from families (self- referred or from agencies) to assess their support needs and to make onward referrals to appropriate community supports. Ongoing support and case coordination to families can also be provided according to need. Referrals can be made to access support for families and/ or vulnerable youth to the intake line on 1300 736 384. Onward work with families can be by phone, at shopfront locations or through home visiting. The Queanbeyan shopfronts (Queanbeyan centre and Karabar) operate three days per week with flexibility to work with families across all weekdays as required.
Smith Family
Service Saver Plus Program
6283 7606
  • Matched Savings and Financial Confidence Program
  • Matches a family or adult student dollar for dollar for school / sports / music costs up to $500
  • Build a savings habit, learn more about money management and receive up to $500 for education expenses.
  • Eligibility:
-Have a Child in P-12 or be themselves studying at uni/ TAFE / Apprenticeship
-Some form of income aside from Centrelink benefits.
Mission Australia
Brighter Futures
/ Currently at capacity with a large waitlist however second part time caseworker will commence in Queanbeyan in the next few weeks. Worker is based out of Goulburn but will service Queanbeyan two days per week, looking at picking up 4+ families.
Upcoming “Keeping Children Safe” course to be run by Mission Australia. This course helps parents recognise abuse and neglect capacity. The course will be run for 5 weeks from Monday 21st July from 10.30-12.30 and will run each subsequent Monday thereafter. Looking at conducting course at Barnardos- TBC. Referrals must be complete for participants for this course. Please contact Alfie Walker for further details 0408 317 243 or
Mission Australia
Community Connections
62992851 or 0408317977
/ Community Connections have another 12 months to run and in this time we can help homeless or in risk of homeless people/clients with outreach support and referrals to other agencies. Mission has their own financial counsellors and legal aide advice staff for all our clients to access.
Mission currently work from St Benedicts the Home at 284 Crawford Street Queanbeyan. Our office is open 5 days a week from 8-5. On Tuesday 6th May Mission is running a rent it keep it course in Goulburn for clients to attend it will be run from 10-2pm at Mission Australia office. Anyone wishing to attend please contact Barb on the above numbers