Quarterly update for ADP from the Denis Law Legacy Trust Streetsport programme

Streetsport were awarded £5000 in October 2014 to fund a new deployment in the Torry area of Aberdeen. This funding would aid in a number of areas including colleague training, volunteer recruitment, equipment, transport and maintenance of a multi sport arena. It would also aid in the marketing and promotion of the weekly deployment.


In the last 3 months 2 coaches have been employed to run the session in Torry for the year. 3 volunteers have been recruited from the Torry area, 1 work placement student from NESCOL taken on and 5 “Soccerista’s” (youths aged 14/15) from Torry academy have been enrolled onto our volunteer ladder.

These 11 people run the weekly Streetsport session held in Torry Academy car park every Wednesday from 19:30 pm to 21:00 pm supported by the Streetsport Development officer.


As a result of the funding one volunteer has completed levels 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 in the S.F.A adult pathway, PVGs have been completed on all volunteers, 2 volunteers have become first aid trained and 2 more are enrolled on a Safeguarding and protecting children workshop.


Since launching on the 3rd November attendance started low, main reasons for this being Bonfire week and the mid term break at school. Since then a large promotion push was made and the session now averages around 28 youths a night. The deployment peaked at 41 one night but due to poor weather/Christmas break (2 weeks)ect the number dropped. Since the new term has started the number is back on the rise and it is expected once the better weather/lighter nights start these deployments numbers will return to its previous high. That said even the current average of around 28 is a very good number.

Week Starting / Torry - Wednesday
Boys / Girls / weather / Volunteers / Total
03/11/2014 / 6 / 0 / d / 3 / 6
10/11/2014 / 9 / 0 / d / 3 / 9
17/11/2014 / 31 / 4 / d / 4 / 35
24/11/2014 / 35 / 6 / w/d / 11 / 41
01/12/2014 / 32 / 4 / d / 6 / 36
08/12/2014 / 25 / 1 / d / 6 / 26
15/12/2014 / 24 / 3 / d / 5 / 27
22/12/2014 / X / m / a / s / 0
29/12/2014 / X / m / a / s / 0
05/01/2015 / 15 / 1 / d / 4 / 16
12/01/2015 / 18 / 3 / w / 5 / 21
19/01/2015 / 20 / 4 / w / 4 / 24
26/01/2015 / 20 / 4 / d / 4 / 24
Totals / 235 / 30 / 0 / 55 / 265

Social media:

Some of the volunteers use the hashtag #Torrywednesdays to keep a record of some of the things going on at the session. Just type #torrywednesdays into the “search twitter” section on a twitter profile to discover whats been going on.
