1260 Maryland Avenue, Suite 103 ● Hagerstown, Maryland 21740
Phone: 301-671-1800 ● Fax: 301-671-1800
Website: www.wmrcd.org
Western Maryland Resource Conservation and Development Council Meeting
Quarterly RC&D and Council Meeting Minutes
June 22, 2017
Council President Craig Hartsock called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m. at the Western Maryland Research and Education Center, in Keedysville, MD. In attendance were Craig Hartsock (Allegany SCD), Roger Troxell (Frederick Soil Conservation District) Ed Null (Carroll SCD), Paul Shogren (Garret SCD), and Willy Lantz (Council Member At-Large), and WMRC&D employees Laura Michael and Mark Goldbach (WMRC&D).
Guests included Jackie Sivalia, Natural Resource Specialist, Gwenda Brewer, Maryland DNR, Wildlife and Heritage Service, and Corey Armstrong, Frostburg Grows.
Council President, Craig Hartsock welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance and recognized the guests attending the meeting.
Ed Null presented the Treasurer’s Report financial status to the Council and meeting attendees.
Jackie Savilia, with the Maryland DNR, Biological Stream Survey gave a power point presentation on stream survey work throughout Maryland. Jackie explained the process of conducting stream surveys to protect Maryland’s ecological resources through stream evaluations, assessment, management and restoration. Jackie presented stream sampling methods including taking samples, stream data, fish sampling methods, rating stream conditions, and developing trend conditions. Jackie’s presentation was very informative and resulted in many questions from meeting attendees.
Corey Armstrong, Frostburg Grows gave a power point presentation on the updated status of Frostburg Grows. Corey showed the new on-site additions including the Multi-Purpose Building (prefab) that was delivered to the site and the new Tractor both purchased with grant funding. Corey talked about the Community Gardens which consist of 10 raised beds built within a high tunnel hoop house for community use. A flyer was developed and distributed and all puds have been purchased for community use. Corey identified a rabbits eating vegetable plants problem due to the lack of predators. Cory stated that 4 out of 6 high tunnel hoop houses are currently in full production. Cory spoke about the “Friends Aware Partnership” that provides 5-18 people with special needs to get experience with growing vegetable plants. Cory stated that tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce greens are in full growth and that they made their first vegetable delivery sale to FSU’s Chartwells the college’s food service contractor.
Laura Michael, Environmental Coordinator with WMRC&D gave a verbal update on her work including final reports for Paul Petzrick, relocating the Material Science Lab’s equipment, the Hoyes Run report, and her work on a Tree Species Report with includes areas with the greatest potential for planting, native tree species to plant (including Red Spruce), trees displaced by Solar Field development and identifying partners. Laura identified her coordination work with MD Forestry Service and looking at areas in Western Maryland with the greatest potential for power plant operation using biomass for fuels.
Craig adjourned the meeting at 12:00 PM for lunch. The meeting was resumed at 1 PM.
Craig reconvened the meeting at 1:00 PM and then opened up the council meeting for staff reports.
Gwenda Brewer, Maryland DNR, Wildlife and Heritage Service gave a power point presentation on the Maryland Bird Conservation Initiative. Gwenda identified the 2015 Maryland Statewide Action Plan and the species with the greatest conservation needs including birds. With guns and ammo tax funding from the Pittman Robertson Act and matching funding from the Maryland Orthanological Society the Maryland Bird Conservation Partnership was formed. Gwenda spoke about the Avian Data Management Working Groups that assist with data availability, bird nest monitoring, monitoring targets, and the website www.MarylandBirds.org developed for this purpose.
Council Member Business Meeting:
At 1:45 PM, Craig Hartsock called the roll of voting members and determined a quorum was present in order to conduct council business. The following Council Members were present;
Craig Hartsock
Roger Troxell
Ed Null
Paul Shogren
Willie Lantz
Minutes from the March, 2017 Quarterly Council Meeting were approved without any changes.
Old Business:
Willie Lantz and Corey Armstrong presented a revised Frostburg Grows Fiscal Policy that proposes that all Frostburg Grows earned income from the sale of produce, community gardens, training fees, etc. is deposited with the Foundation for Frostburg (FFF) a non-profit organization. The FFF administrative fee will be 5% to administer these funds. FFF will establish a bank account specifically for the Frostburg Grows project. This policy also proposes the establishment of a Frostburg Grows Advisory Board. A Willie Lantz motion, seconded by Paul Shogren to pursue FFF to handle earned income was passed unanimously.
New Business:
WMRC&D Fiscal Year 2018 Operating Budget was unanimously approved with a change showing Frostburg Grows Income as $2,500.
The next scheduled Executive Council Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 17th, 2017 at the WMRC&D Office in Hagerstown.
The next Council Quarterly Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at 10 AM at either Garrett County Community College, in McHenry, Maryland or the Allegany College of Maryland in Cumberland, MD. Mark will check on the availability of meeting facilities at Garrett CCC.
There being no further business, President Hartsock adjourned the council business meeting at approximately 2:30 P.M.
All programs and services of the Western Maryland RC&D Council are offered on a non-discriminatory basis, without regard to race,
color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital or family status, disability, or political beliefs.