Penn East Federal Credit UnionAbusive Member Policy
Penn East Federal Credit Union is committed to treating members with courtesy and respect and in return requires that employees are treated in the same manner. The purpose of this policy is to protect the employees and members from abusive behavior by members or other persons.
This objective of this policy is not to restrict the rights and freedoms of anyone, but rather to address certain unacceptable conduct and the consequences of such conduct in order to assure the rights and protections of the credit union’s employees and members.
In the event any member of Penn East or other person engages in any type of abusive conduct towards an employee or member, management is hereby authorized to impose sanctions against such member or other person.
IV.Abusive Conduct Definition
“Abusive conduct” includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Engaging in verbal abuse;using profane, abusive, degrading, intimidating or threatening language towards employees, fellow members or affiliates including unwanted remarks regarding age,gender, sexual orientation, ethnic, religious or racial harassment;
- Making sexual flirtations, advances or propositions; engaging in sexual conduct or making sexual overtures; displaying sexually suggestive objects or pictures;
- Making false, vicious or malicious statements about any employee or Penn East Federal Credit Union and its services, operations, policies, practices, management or affiliates;
- Making or suggesting threats of bodily harm or property damage to an employee or their family members or engaging in offensive or abusive physical contact;
- Attempting to coerce or interfere with employees in the performance of their duties at any time;
- Conducting or attempting to conduct or engage in any fraudulent, dishonest or deceptive activity of any kind involving employees or Penn Eastservices;
- Destruction, appropriation or misappropriation of Penn East funds, property or other material proprietary to Penn East Federal Credit Union;
- Deliberate or repeated violations of security procedures or safety rules;
- Possession, use or being under the influence of drugs or alcoholic substances on Penn East premises;
- Fighting or possession of weapons of any kind on credit union premises except foron-duty law enforcement officers or security officers.
Anyone engaging in abusive behavior may have any or all of the following sanctions imposed on them:
- Denial of all services other than the right to maintain a share account and theright to vote at the annual meeting and special meetings;
- Denial of services which involve personal contact with employees;
- Denial of access to credit union premises;
- Taking of other action as deemed necessary under the circumstances that is notexpressly precluded by the Federal Credit Union Act, the NCUA Rules and Regulations or the bylaws of the credit union.
Abusive Member Policy.docPage 1 of 2Revised 10/17/2005