8th Grade RICA
Quarter 4 Contract and Grade Sheet
A / Figurative Language Book
--Begun in the 3rd quarter, this book is a collection of seven examples of figures of speech connecting to a theme of your choice. / Writing
A / Bell Work—Week 1 / QUIZ--DRP
A / Bell Work—Week 2 / QUIZ--DRP
A / Bell Work—Week 3 / QUIZ--DRP
A / Unit 1 and Unit 2 Literary Analysis Workshop (Theme, Central Idea, Character and Plot, more Theme)
--Use the answer sheet provided to answer the questions that are printed in the L.A.W. sections of the red literature book. / Test
A / Quarter 4 Vocabulary Definitions
--Four assignments stapled together:
- vocabularyhashtags
- vocabulary crossword puzzle
- vocabulary pictures
- vocabulary matching quiz
A / Autobiography
--Four assignments stapled together:
- “Travels with Charley” analysis
- “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” reaction
- “Anne Frank Remembered” predictions
- Your own autobiographical essay
A / Spelling: Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 Vocabulary
--This will not be a dictation test. It will be multiple choice, where you select the correct spelling of the word. / QUIZ—Vocab, etc.
B / Bell Work—Week 4 / QUIZ--DRP
B / Bell Work—Week 5 / QUIZ--DRP
B / Bell Work—Week 6 / QUIZ--DRP
B / Unit 3 and Unit 4 Literary Analysis Workshop (Point of View & Purpose; Organizational Structure; Word Choice & Tone; Figurative & Connective Language; Meaning & Tone)
--Use the answer sheet provided to answer the questions that are printed in the L.A.W. sections of the red literature book. / Test
B / Quarter 4 Vocabulary Synonyms
--Four assignments stapled together:
- a vocab synonyms/antonyms crossword puzzle
- a vocab synonyms replacement exercise
- a vocab synonyms word find
- a vocab synonyms quiz
B / Book Report, including reading log
--This will be a choice assignment, where students can decide which type of book report they would like to complete (from a list provided). The reading log will be 10 hours of documented reading time (form provided); the materials read during this time can include more than just the book report book. / Writing
B / Quarter 4 Vocabulary
--This will include definitions, synonyms, and basic usage. / QUIZ—Vocab, etc.
C / Bell Work—Week 7 / QUIZ--DRP
C / Bell Work—Week 8 / QUIZ--DRP
C / Bell Work—Week 9 / QUIZ--DRP
C / Unit 5 and Unit 6 Literary Analysis Workshop (Character, Conflict, Social and Cultural Context, Theme)
--Use the answer sheet provided to answer the questions that are printed in the L.A.W. sections of the red literature book. / Test
C / Performance Coach Lesson Book Lesson
--Lesson 4: Analyzing Literature / Test
A or B / Vocabulary Sentence Journal
--This is a journal that is based on a THEME (e.g., Disney, video games, music, animals, etc.). The journal contains 100 sentences. Each sentence contains one vocab word from this year AND connects to your chosen theme. The journal will have an illustrated, theme-centered cover page and a blank back page. / Writing
A or B / VOCABULARY: 100 Words Every Middle Schooler Should Know
--This is a 100 question test. It covers all 100 words we have studied this year (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4). Know synonyms and definitions; be able to use context clues to gather the word’s meaning in context. Multiple choice, word bank, and matching. / Test
AMarch 20th – April 7th
BApril 10th – April 28th
CMay 1st – May 19th
- Complete all assignments on the checklist.
- Complete all work within the proper date range. ***Tests and quizzes that have not been taken by the end date of a date range will be given (ready or not) on that day in class.
- Keep the checklist and all work in your assigned folder.
- Leave folder and work in the classroom. This is CLASS work and is not to be taken home. (Exception: Please read your book at home as often as you want to!)
- Do all work on your own. Do NOT copy another student’s answers on any assignment. (This would count as CHEATING—results in a zero & discipline referral.)
- Honor the Quarter 4 Daily Routine:
- Get your folder from the basket.
- Complete your bell work/SSR.
- Turn in your bell work (Thursdays).
- Work on your Q4 course.
- Place all work in your folder.
- Turn your folder to the basket.
**A Note about Sustained Silent Reading (SSR):
Your Q4 course involves 45 minutes of in-class reading each week. This is in addition to any reading you want to do at home. Our 45 minutes will be our bell work on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (15 minutes each day). KEEP UP WITH A READING LOG EVERY TIME YOU READ IN CLASS.
I understand that this is the list of assignments I must complete this 9-weeks, as a review of essential skills and practice in the kind of independent learning I will do in online course environments in high school and college. I understand the due dates and my responsibility to turn work in on time. I understand that ANY form of copying another student’s work will be considered cheating, and I will be given a zero for that assignment (as well as an office referral). I will ask questions if I don’t understand something.
______Date: ______Period: ______
Reading Log
Start a new reading log each time you change books.
Date / Pages read from___ to ___ / Summary in 15 words or less