Rhithron Associates, Inc.

Quality-assured taxonomic identification of aquatic

invertebrates and algae and related bioassessment services

33 Fort Missoula Rd.

Missoula, MT 59804

P: 406-721-1977

F: 406-721-2028


GSA Contract Number:GS-10F-0138V

Contract period: April 8, 2009 - April 7, 2019

Class: F999

Federal Supply Schedule: 899-1 and recovery purchase SIN 899-1RC

Small Business

Woman-owned Business

Rhithron specializes in quality-assured processing and taxonomy for freshwater invertebrates, periphyton, phytoplankton, and zooplankton, and associated biological services.

Our expertise includes the fauna and flora of streams, rivers, wetlands, and lakes of all ecological regions of North America.

Our taxonomy teams are the most accomplished in North America.

We provide data, data analysis and interpretation to aid our client’s understanding of the biological condition of freshwater aquatic resources.

Our services include:

  • Freshwater invertebratesample processing and taxonomy, including macroinvertebrates (benthic and drift) and zooplankton.
  • Algal sample processing and taxonomy, including diatoms and non-diatom periphyton and phytoplankton.
  • Chlorophyll analyses.
  • Biomass measurements, including ash free dry mass, and morphometry-based analysis with regressions. Biovolumeand density estimates.
  • Fish diet analysis, including biomass and caloric content calculations.
  • Statistical and ecological data analysis and reporting.
  • Development of bioassessment tools.
  • Otolith and fish scale aging.

Rhithron Associates, Inc.

Quality-assured taxonomic identification of aquatic

macroinvertebrates and periphyton and related bioassessment services

  1. List of GSA Services and Rates

No. / Service / Unit Price
899-1-001 / 500-count sample. Identification of taxa to lowest practical levels. Full QA/QC procedures for sample processing, taxonomy and enumeration, and data management. / $295.00/
002 / 500-count sample: Surber/Hess-collected sample or other similar protocol. Identification of taxa to lowest practical levels. Full QA/QC procedures for sample processing taxonomy and enumeration, and data management. / $280.00/
003 / 300-count sample.Identification of taxa to lowest practical or specified taxonomic levels. Full QA/QC procedures for sample processing, taxonomy and enumeration, and data management. / $245.00/
004 / 600-count diatom sample with 300-count non-diatom algae. Sample processing and permanent slide mounts of diatoms. Enumeration and species-level identification of 600 valves. Enumeration and genus-level identifications of 300 natural units of non-diatom algae. Full QA/QC procedures for enumerations, identification, and data management. / $385.00/
005 / 600-count diatom sample: Sample processing and permanent slide mounts of diatoms. Enumeration and species-level identification of 600 valves. Full QA/QC procedures for identification, enumeration, and data management. / $291.00/
006 / 300-count non-diatom algae sample: Enumeration and genus-level identifications of 300 natural units of non-diatom algae. Full QA/QC procedures for enumerations, identification, and data management. / $109.00/
007 / 500-count macroinvertebrate sample analysis: Ponar or dredge sampling. Identification of taxa to lowest practical levels. Full QA/QC procedures for sample processing, taxonomy and enumeration, and data management. / $350.00/
008 / 300-count macroinvertebrate sample analysis: Ponar or dredge sampling. Identification of taxa to lowest practical levels. Full QA/QC procedures for sample processing, taxonomy and enumeration, and data management. / $300.00/
009 / 800-count diatom sample analysis: Sample processing and permanent slide mounts of diatoms. Enumeration and species-level identification of 600 valves. Full QA/QC procedures for identification, enumeration, and data management. / $350.00/


Rhithron Associates, Inc.

Quality-assured taxonomic identification of aquatic

macroinvertebrates and periphyton and related bioassessment services

  1. List of GSA Services and Rates

No. / Service / Unit Price
010 / Data analysis, statistical analysis, reporting: Project specific analysis of taxonomic composition and/or biological metrics using statistical methods and/or narrative ecological interpretations of data. Written reporting. / $85.00/hour
011 / Macroinvertebrate morphometric analysis: 500-count. Head capsule or body length measurements of specimens and application of published regression equations to determine biomass. / $250.00/
012 / Macroinvertebrate morphometric analysis: 300-count. Head capsule or body length measurements of specimens and application of published regression equations to determine biomass. / $200.00/
013 / Chlorophyll-a analysis: Chemical extraction of chlorophyll and spectrophotometric analysis of chlorophyll fractions. / $85.00/
014 / Biomass analysis for macroinvertebrate samples: Ash-free dry weight analysis: drying, burning, and mass analysis. / $115.00/
015 / 500-count pre-sorted macroinvertebrate sample analysis: Identification of taxa to lowest practical levels. Full QA/QC procedures for sample processing, taxonomy and enumeration, and data management. / $200.00/
016 / 300-count pre-sorted macroinvertebrate sample analysis: Identification of taxa to lowest practical levels. Full QA/QC procedures for sample processing, taxonomy and enumeration, and data management. / $185.00/
899-1-017 / Macroinvertebrate Hess sample analysis: 500 count, up to 2
morphometric measurements. Identifications to lowest practical resolution. Blotted wet weights for all family-lever sample components by life stage. / $270.00/
899-1-018 / Benthic macroinvertebrate sample analysis: 500 count. Identifications to genus for most organisms. / $230.00/
899-1-019 / Macroinvertebrate Hess sample analysis: 500 count with whole-sample sort, identifications to lowest practical resolution. Biometric calculations. AFDM measurements on 2 sample fractions. / $315.00/
899-1-020 / Benthic macroinvertebrate sample analysis: 500 count. Identifications to lowest practical level; chironomids to sub-family/tribe resolution. / $204.00/
899-1-021 / Benthic macroinvertebrate sample analysis: 1000 count. Identifications to genus for most organisms. / $335.00/
899-1-022 / Periphyton sample analysis: 600 count diatom sample with identifications to species, 300 count non-diatom sample with identifications to genus and relative abundance and biovolume rankings. / $295.00/

Rhithron Associates, Inc.

Quality-assured taxonomic identification of aquatic

macroinvertebrates and periphyton and related bioassessment services

  1. List of GSA Services and Rates

No. / Service / Unit Price
899-1-023 / Fish diet analysis: identifications to lowest practical resolution, including terrestrial and aquatics. Measurement of 1 morphometric parameter. Samples with less than 20 organisms. / $10.00/
899-1-024 / Fish diet analysis: identifications to lowest practical resolution, including terrestrial and aquatic prey items. Measurement of 1 morphometric parameter. Samples with 20 or more organisms. / $20.00/
899-1-025 / Fish diet analysis: identifications to family resolution for aquatic and terrestrial prey items. Measurement of 1 morphometric parameter. / $13.50/
899-1-026 / Fish diet analysis: whole stomachs: identifications to family resolution for prey items; oligochaetes to sub-class. Measurement of up to 2 morphologic parameters. Blotted wet weights for all family-level sample components by life stage. / $22.00/
899-1-027 / Fish diet analysis: extracted stomach contents, identifications to family resolution for prey items; oligochaetes to sub-class. Measurement of up to 2 morphologic parameters. Blotted wet weights for all family-level sample components by life stage. / $20.00/
899-1-028 / Fish diet analysis: identifications to lowest practical resolution for prey items, including terrestrials. Measurement of 1 morphometric parameter. / $10.00/
899-1-029 / Macroinvertebrate drift sample analysis: complete sort, with identifications of aquatics to lowest practical resolution and terrestrials to family resolution. Measurement of up to 2 morphologic parameters. Whole-sample single AFDM measurement. / $220.00/
899-1-030 / Macroinvertebrate drift sample analysis: 500 count. Identifications to lowest practical resolution, including terrestrials; chironomids to sub-family/tribe resolution. Measurement of 1 morphometric parameter. / $250.00/
899-1-031 / Macroinvertebrate drift sample analysis: Complete sort, identifications to lowest practical resolution for aquatics and terrestrials. Measurement of up to 2 morphometric parameters. Blotted wet weights for all family-level sample components by life stage. / $235.00/
899-1-032 / Macroinvertebrate drift sample analysis: 500 count with large/rare survey. Identifications to lowest practical resolution, terrestrials to family. Measurement of 1 morphometric parameter. / $220.00/
899-1-033 / Macroinvertebrate neuston tow sample analysis: 500 count. Identifications to lowest practical resolution with exceptions: terrestrials and chironomids to family, oligochaetes to sub-class. Measurement of up to 2 morphometric parameters. Blotted wet weights for all family-level sample components by life stage. Samples returned whole. / $246.00/
899-1-034 / Macroinvertebrate neuston tow sample analysis: 500 count. Identifications to lowest practical with exceptions: terrestrials and chironomids to family, oligochaetes to sub-class. Measurement of up to 2 morphometric parameters. Blotted wet weights for all family-level sample components by life stage. Samples returned vouchered. / $261.00/
Rates include the .75% Industrial Funding Fee
Labor Category / Rate
Chief Biologist / $85/hour
Taxonomist / $26.81/hour
Lead Taxonomist / $33.96/hour
Diatomist / $33.96/hour
Operations Officer / $33.96/hour
Data Technician ** / $16.56/hour
General Manager / $26.02/hour
Biological Technician ** / $15.77/hour

**SCA Eligible

Contract Labor CategorySCA Equivalent code – TitleWD Number

Data Technician 01151-Data Entry Operator I 05-2317

Biological Technician 01151-Data Entry Operator I 05-2317

The Service Contract Act (SCA) is applicable to this contract and it includes SCA applicable labor categories. The prices for the indicated (**) SCA labor categories are based on the U.S. Department of Labor Wage Determination Number(s) identified in the SCA matrix. The prices offered are based on the preponderance of where work is performed and should the contractor perform in an area with lower SCA rates, resulting in lower wages being paid, the task order prices will be discounted accordingly.

Category / Description
Biologist / Responsible for all laboratory procedures, employees, and data quality within the company. Minimum education required: Master’s Degree. Minimum years of experience required: 10 years.
Taxonomist / Responsible for taxonomic identification of aquatic macroinvertebrates, internal quality control, creating voucher collections, and sample handling. Minimum education required: Bachelor’s Degree. Minimum years of experience required: 3 years.
Taxonomist / Oversees the application of the QA/QC protocols for the taxonomy department, tracks statistics for each taxonomist and each project, and institutes corrective actions. Minimum education required: Ph.D. Minimum years of experience required: 10 years.
Diatomist / Responsible foridentification of diatoms and periphyton, and application of QA/QC protocols for the diatom department. Minimum education required: Master’s Degree. Minimum years of experience required: 5 years.
Officer / Responsible for project management, oversight of data handling, management of biological technicians. Minimum education required: Master’s Degree. Minimum years of experience required: 10 years.
Technician / Inputs all sample and identification data into database. Minimum education required: Bachelor’s Degree. Minimum years of experience required: 2 years.
Manager / Responsible for office management, human resources, marketing, and bookkeeping. Minimum education required: Bachelor’s Degree. Minimum years of experience required: 1 year.
Technician / Responsible for sorting and processing samples prior to identification. Minimum education required: no requirement. Minimum years of experience required: no requirement.
Contract Information
Maximum Order: / $1,000,000
Minimum Order: / $100
Geographic Coverage: / 50 United States and US Territories
Point of Production: / Missoula, Montana
Discount: / N/A
Quantity Discounts: / None
Terms: / Net 30
Commercial credit cards are accepted in full.
Government purchase cards are accepted above the micro-purchase threshold.
Foreign Items: / N/A
Time of Delivery: / 90 days after sample arrival
Expedited Delivery: / N/A
Overnight and 2-Day Delivery: / N/A
Urgent Requirement: / Contact the Point of Contact to negotiate terms for a faster delivery
FOB Point: / Destination
Ordering address: / 33 Fort Missoula Rd.
Missoula, MT 59804
Ordering procedures: / For supplies and services, the ordering procedures, information on Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs), and a sample EPA can be found at the GSA/FSS Schedule homepage (fss.gsa.gov/schedules)
Payment address: / 33 Fort Missoula Rd.
Missoula, MT 59804
Warranty provision: / N/A
Export packing charges: / N/A
Terms and conditions of Government purchase card acceptance
Terms and conditions of rental, maintenance, and repair / N/A
Terms and conditions of installation / N/A
Terms and conditions of repair parts / N/A
Terms and conditions for any other services / N/A
List of service and distribution points / N/A
List of participating dealers / N/A
Preventive maintenance / N/A
Special attributes: / N/A
Section 508 compliance: / N/A
DUNS number: / 105550037
Rhithron Associates, Inc. SAM registration is valid through 5/18/2017.
GSA Contract Contact: / Wease Bollman

Project Point of Contact: / Jennifer Bowman