
Portfolio #1:I’m a Leader


☐Qualities that make good leaders

☐You, a Leader – 3 explanations

Learning Goal:Throughout the semester, you will be required to act as leader in a variety of situations. This portfolio tasks will allow you the opportunity to reflect on your leadership skills and to set goals on further developing these skills throughout the semester.


Step 1: Qualities of a Good Leader

-Make a list of at least 10 qualities that you feel good leaders possess.

Step 2: You, a Leader

-Choose 3 qualities from your list that you feel reflect your biggest strengths as a leader.

-For each of these 3 qualities explain:

  • Why this quality is important for good leadership.
  • How you feel you show this quality.
  • How this quality will benefit you as a leader in dance this semester.

Step 3: Setting Goals

-As a leader you are in a unique position to make a positive impact on other member of our class, and people in our school community.

-Set goals that outline the positive impact you hope to have as a leader in the dance community here at NPSS.

Step 4:Share it!

On your page:

-Creatively present the above on a page in your portfolio.

Presentation in Portfolio:

-Don’t forget to ensure that your page(s) are professional and well organized.

-Make sure that you edit for appropriate language, spelling and grammar.

-Make it stand out! This page should be a creative representation of you as a dance artist – use colours, fonts, borders, images, etc. that represent you and your credo.


Portfolio #1:I’m a Leader

Criteria / Below Level 1
Evidence / Level 1
Success / Level 2
Success / Level 3
Success / Level 4
Able to list 10 qualities that makes a good leader / Does not list qualities that make a good leader / Able to list 3-6 qualities that makes a good leader / Able to list 7-9 qualities that makes a good leader / Able to list 10 qualities that makes a good leader /
Able to list more than 10 qualities that makes a good leader
Student explains why selected leadership is important, how it applies to them, how they plan to use it.
Quality #1
Quality #2
Quality #3 / Student does not explain why selected leadership is important, how it applies to them, how they plan to use it.
Quality #1
Quality #2
Quality #3 / Student explains why selected leadership is important, how it applies to them, how they plan to use it with limited success.
Quality #1
Quality #2
Quality #3 / Student explains why selected leadership is important, how it applies to them, how they plan to use it with some success.
Quality #1
Quality #2
Quality #3 / Student explains why selected leadership is important, how it applies to them, how they plan to use it with success.
Quality #1
Quality #2
Quality #3 / Student explains why selected leadership is important, how it applies to them, how they plan to use it with excellent success.
Quality #1
Quality #2
Quality #3
Student sets appropriate leadership goals for the semester. / Does not set goals. / Sets goals that are vague and make little connection to dance. / Sets goals that are somewhat specific and appropriate. / Sets specific and appropriate leadership goals for the semester. / Sets very specific and appropriate leadership goals for the semester.
Portfolio entry is presented in a clear and professional manner / Portfolio is incomplete. / Portfolio entry is presented in an unclear and lacks professionalism / Portfolio entry is presented in a somewhat clear and professional manner / Portfolio entry is presented in a clear and professional manner / Portfolio entry is presented in a very clear and professional manner
What You Did Well / What You Can Work On / Grade