Hercules Middle
Academic Workshop
2014/15 Academic Year
Instructor: Mr. Fowler & Ms. Clark
Classroom: M-514
Contact Information:
Phone: (510) 231-1429 Ext. 25184 or E-Mail:
I. Mission:
It is my mission to help educate and prepare students to be collective and responsible learners.
(Students will learn from their academic/personal mistakes).
II. Course Description:
Workshop is a class where students are expected to focus and improve their Individual Educational Plan (IEP) goals. At the beginning of each class students will get binders fill out what they will work on during guided learning. (Students should know what they need to work on before coming to this class). The class will begin with a 10 minute warm up or 20min reading. Students will be graded and expected to participate in this portion of the class. To help with academic improvement and success, students will be expected to bring unfinished and or challenging assignments to work on in this class. If students do not bring assignments to work on from other classes, then they will be provided with an assignment that will improve their IEP goals.
III. Class Goal:
Academic Success!!!!
IV. Class Objective:
Students will learn how to reflect positively and take pride on individual self image, academic performances, and personal development. They will find appreciation in all school subjects and will understand how use these academic skills throughout their lives.
V. Class Guidelines:
1. Students are expected to come to Academic Workshop prepared, motivated and ready to learn.
2. Come to class on time; be in your assigned seat ready to work when the tardy bell rings.
3. Follow directions the first time they are given. “We don’t want to waste instructional time.”
4. Bring all learning materials to class which include; books, paper, pencils folders school work etc.
5. Treat each person in this room with dignity and respect. “Regardless of the situation.”
6. No food or drink, gum, candy! (except water)
7. No cell phones/ipods or other electronic devices.
(All devices will be taken away if seen during the period).
8. Follow all school procedures that are not covered in the guidelines.
9. No whining, everything that is done in is in the best interest of the class.
10. Follow the guidelines so everyone can work in a stress-free classroom & have fun while learning.
VI. Required Supplies:
Two inch binder with 6 dividers (At school use only!)
Supply box for classroom use only(At school use only!)
VII. Daily Routine Class Routine
1. Get classroom binders and supplies then sit at your desk
2. Take out school planners open planners so Ms. Clark or I can stamp them ( Complete or Void )
3. Fill in what assignment you will work on during Guided Learning
4. Be ready for class warm up or group reading activity
5. Transition into Guided Learning work on assignments
6. Before dismissal students will be seated and have their participation card stamped
(Complete or Void)
Class Participation
- Warm up (15-20 min)
The philosophy of doing the warm up is to mentally prepare the students for class. The warm up to every class will focus on reading, writing, organization, critical thinking and character building.
- Guided Learning Time (30-35min)
This class is to help and provide support to students who need assistance with their academic classes. During guided learning, students can bring in work from their core classes that they may have a question or may need further explanation. The teachers in this room will facilitate and assist students when they ask for help. Students may also take exams from other classes during this time.
- Clean Up & Closing
The last few minutes of class students will be responsible for room clean up.
1. Put all learning materials back “neatly” where the student found them.
2. Make sure that their work space is clean which include “table and floor space.”
3. Students are ready to be dismissed if they have are sitting in their chairs waiting to have participation cards stamped. “The bell does not dismiss students the teacher will!”
- Stars & use of electronic devices
If a student earns three stars next to their picture they can use quietly use a classroom tablet or electronic devise for cur research and free time. When a student obtains 3 stars they start over. Students can earn stars by consistently:
1. Showing up on time for class.
2. Working cooperatively with classmates and teachers.
3. Class participation( warm up and guided learning)
4. Not having a void stamp on participation and planners card for at least a week.
***Tablets are to be used in the Tablet Zone and are for individual use only!!!!!***
- Classroom Jobs
Every two weeks students will be assigned classroom assignments to help manage the class.
Jobs will include:
1. Door opener- Open and close the door for people
2. Quarterback- Pass out and collect classroom material.
3. Scribe- Post and write down information in classroom
4. Recycle- Take out bin
5. Runner- Run classroom errands for teacher.
VIII. Grades:
Students will be graded Bi-weekly by participation cards.
Points: Pass = 50-75
Fail = 70- below not passing
***Quarter and semester grades will also be pass or fail.***
IX. Attendance:
· Excused Absences- Students will automatically get five points for excused absences
(Please provide parent note E-mail or phone call)
· Unexcused absences- Students who are absent will receive 0 points for that day. The points cannot be made up.
· Tardy Policy- If a student is late two days during the week they will serve detention with me on Wednesday after school. (Detention 20min)
· Bathroom policy- Students get one bathroom pass a month. Unused bathroom passes do not carry over into the next month. Lost bathroom pass will not be re-issued.
Students may not use the bathroom
7. Beginning of the period
8. During directions
9. Warm up/ Reading
10. Last 15min of the period
Students can use the bathroom
1. Once they have filled in their participation card and have started on an assignment.
2. During guided learning. Students must notify a teacher and have their passes initialed before leaving the classroom.
X. Behavior Policy:
1st misbehavior in class students are verbally warned and redirected.
2nd misbehavior in class students name is written on the board and given a see me after class pink slip.
3rd misbehavior Students who get two pink slips during the same week get a 20 min lunch or after school detention and a phone call home. They must bring back a signed Action Plan.
Constant disruption- Student will get another Action Plan to be taken home reviewed and signed
(2 day class suspension).
Constant disruption- Parent, teacher and administration conference.
Severe Misbehavior Clause:
Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property ( this includes property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful as defined by the teacher will be sent to the office and will need a parent signed Action Plan to return to class.
Student Signature:______