Facile construction of robust superhydrophobic tea polyphenols/Fe @cotton fabric for self-cleaning and efficient oil-water separation
Qingqing Zhou, Guoqiang Chen, Tieling Xing*
College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China
*Corresponding author: Tieling Xing
Phone: 86-512-67061152
Fax: 86-512-67061152
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Video S1. Movie of the sliding “lotus effect” of the super hydrophobic cotton fabric.
Video S2. Movie of the anti-fouling and self-cleaning properties of TPs/Fe @cotton fabric. (The powder on the fabric is reactive brilliant red dye)
Video S3. Movie of the selective absorption process of oil-water mixture (toluene dyed with oil red O) from acid solution (pH=1) by the combination of porous sponge and superhydrophobic cotton fabric with repulsive state.
Video S4. Movie of the selective absorption process of oil-water mixture (toluene dyed with oil red O) from alkali solution (pH=12) by the combination of porous sponge and superhydrophobic cotton fabric with repulsive state.
Video S5. Movie of the selective absorption process of oil-water mixture (toluene dyed with oil red O) from hot water (80 ℃) by the combination of porous sponge and superhydrophobic cotton fabric with repulsive state.
Video S6. Movie of rapidly continuous absorption process of oil-water mixture (toluene dyed with oil red O) from water by the combination of porous sponge and superhydrophobic cotton fabric under the assistant of vacuum pump.
Video S7. Movie of rapidly continuous absorption process of oil-water mixture (yellow edible sunflower seed oil obtained from local the market) from water by the combination of porous sponge and superhydrophobic cotton fabric under the assistant of vacuum pump.
Video S8. Video of the selective collection of oil from surfactant-free oil-in-water emulsions by the superhydrophobic cotton fabric with a dynamic stirring process.
Figure S1. Photographs of combination of robust superhydrophobic fabric and three-dimensional highly porous sponges.
We have carefully studied the data of separation efficiency of toluene in each cycle, and the detailed information is shown in the Figure S2. With the increasing of the number of laundering and scratching, the oil-water separation efficiency of the superhydrophobic cotton fabric reduced gradually. After 5 cycles accelerated laundering and 1000 cycles scratching tests, the separation efficiency of superhydrophobic cotton fabric to toluene maintained at about 95% and 97%, respectively.
Figure S2. The effect of laundering and scratch cycles on corresponding oil-water separation efficiency.