Parkton Elementary
Dear Parent/Guardians,
Your child will be participating in the Parkton Elementary Science Fair, an exciting event that encourages students to think and act like young scientists. During the next few weeks your child will be designing a science project that uses the scientific method to solve a problem.
Each student will be given guidance for the various steps of his or her project. Most of the work will be completed at home. The materials and requirements for the project are attached. For suggestions on helping your child through this process-from choosing a topic to the final report-see various web sites, such as:
We ask that you encourage your child and monitor his or her progress along the way. Your support is the key to a successful project, but please do not allow your involvement to extend any further in order to assure equity and promote student learning. Guide your child whenever and wherever you can, but let the final project reflect your child's individual effort and design.
Please let us know if you'd like more information on creating a successful science fair project. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Sincerely, Grade Level Science Fair Coordinator: Ms. Hessert
Contact Information:
Cell: 207-951-2089
School 910-858-3951
Parkton Elementary
Due Date: February 17th, 2017
Timeline of Events:
Jan 13: Select an experiment and complete the science project proposal form with parental assistance.
Jan 15: Have all materials needed to run the experiment.
Jan 18: Begin experiment no later than today!!!!
Jan 18-Feb 8: Observe your experiment, collect data DAILY! This means you should have 21 days of data.
Feb 10: Complete your conclusion/abstract.
Feb 13: Assemble your poster and bring it to school!
Feb 13-17: Practice your oral presentation.
Materials your student will need:
- Tri-fold Poster Board
- Paper with labels for the board:
- Title – What is the name of the project
- Statement of Purpose – State the purpose of the project in the form of a question.
- Hypothesis – State the hypothesis (educated guess that answers the project question)
- Materials – List the materials used in the experiment
- Procedures – Describe how the experiment was carried out. Provide a step-by-step explanation of how you conducted the experiment. Include drawings or photographs to help clarify your procedures.
- Data/Results – Present data tables and graphs that show the outcome of your experiment
- Conclusion/Abstract– Compare your results to your hypothesis. Did your findings support your hypotheses or not?
- Notebook for taking notes during project (ex. Composition notebook)
- Any materials needed to run the experiment
- Science Fair Display Board Label - Provided by the teacher