Southmere Primary Academy

Pupil Premium Reporting to Parents 2014-2015


At Southmere Primary Academy:

We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of pupils, including the Gifted and Talented.

We ensure that appropriate provision is made for all pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed. In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that not all pupils are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium Funding to support any pupils the school has identified as being socially disadvantaged.

Pupil Premium Funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals. Limited funding and resources means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of pupil premium interventions at one time.

Summary & Objectives of Pupil Premium spending 2014-2015

The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was and will be used to provide additional educational support to improve the progress and to raise the standard of achievement of identified pupils by:

  • Providing quality non-teaching support for every year group to ensure small group work and 1-1 interventions are delivered throughout the year in all areas of the curriculum.
  • Reducing attainment gap between those pupils eligible for PPG and those who are not.
  • Improving school attendance of those pupils eligible for PPG.
  • Improving family engagement for those pupils eligible for PPG.
  • Providing additional teaching and learning opportunities through trained Teaching Assistants and/or external agencies.
  • Assessing every child individually in order to deliver targeted phonics teaching to all year groups.
  • Acquiring effective materials aimed at raising standards, particularly in reading, writing and mathematics.

Overview of the school

Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received

Total number of pupils on roll based on January census (minus Nursery) - 349
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG - 162
Amount of PPG received per pupil £1,300
Total amount of PPG received £210,600

Due to our school having Academy status and the different payment schedule, £36,000 of the Pupil Premium allocation for 2014-15 will not arrive in to school until October 2015 therefore this money will be allocated for use in the 2015-16 Pupil Premium spend report for parents.

Therefore £174,000 will be used to support Pupil Premium children in the 2014-15 academic year.

Performance of Disadvantaged Pupils

Record of PPG spending by item/project 2014-2015

£174,000 Allocated Total Spend £163,023

Item/Projects / Costs / Objectives / Outcomes
Use of Teaching Assistants to boost Reading, Phonics and Writing across KS1 and KS2 / £21,000 / Targeted interventions providing small group support for Reading, Phonics and Writing. / EYFS GLD
PP 42% Non PP 43%
Y1 phonics 14% left EYFS with GLD 41% of these passed Y1 phonics 33% overall PP passed due to mobility
KS1 Reading L2b+:
79% PP 80% Non PP
KS1 Writing L2b+:
71% PP 71% Non PP
KS2 Reading L4:
PP 58% Non PP 82%
KS2 Writing L4:
PP 67% Non PP 88%
Use of Teaching Assistants to boost Maths across KS1 and KS2 / £21,000 / Targeted interventions providing small group Maths support. / EYFS GLD
PP 42% Non PP 43%
KS1 Maths L2b+:
79% PP 71% Non PP
KS2 Maths L4:
75% PP 88% Non PP
Parental & family support / £31,520 / Provide support for identified families, ensuring pupils receive support that they need. Individual pupil mentoring, social and emotional interventions – Socially Speaking, Time to Talk. / Pastoral care provided for 8 PP children to ensure social and emotional wellbeing.
Children happy at school, increased confidence and self-esteem was improved. No exclusions for these pupils.
Speech and Language / £5,900 / Develop children’s Speech, Language and Communication Skills – this is our largest area of need in school – SALT in school ensures families who struggle to attend out of school sessions or have issues with attendance access regular Speech Therapy and miss less hours of school attending out of school therapy. SALT£5000
Blank level staff meeting £100
ELKLAN training £800 / Number of PP children with SLCN:
End of 2013-14 38%
End of 2014-15 42%
Parental Involvement/ Attendance Officer / £15,760 / Work with families supporting them with attendance, punctuality and signposting to local services. Supporting with career prospects and provide family-school liaison / Attendance 2014-15
PP 92.9%
Non PP 93.2%
Attendance 2013-14
PP 92.2%
Non PP 94.1%
Additional Teachers / £14,993 / Additional Y6 Teacher £11493
Art Teacher £3500 / To close the gap between PP and Non PP children in R, W and M. To provide a range of additional curriculum enhancements. See academic attainment above.
Consultancy Work / £7,124 / Carol Satterthwaite Talk for Writing £3754
Sharon Day Maths Project £3370 / To close the gap between PP and Non PP children in R, W and M. To provide a range of additional curriculum enhancements. See academic attainment above.
Costing for Curriculum projects / £12,571 / Maths in Motion £420
Accelerated Reader £5,000
Islamic Art Project £850
Think 2 Read £4,000
Ipad mini x 10 £2,301 / Supporting PP children to achieve academically in all areas of the curriculum.
Funding for Educational Visits / £12,000 / To ensure all pupils have access to school visits to enrich the curriculum, increase first hand experiences and remove the potential cost barrier. / Visits support the work in the curriculum providing concrete life experiences that may be lacking for our disadvantaged pupils.
Visitors in to school for curriculum enhancement / £2,356 / Pantomime £496
Naila – work-life coaching £900
YMCA self-esteem work £660
History workshop £300 / Enrichment events focussed on contributing to the growing confidence of children and developing their self-esteem, work ethic and love of school.
After school clubs / £1,000 / Enrich the life experiences of children, give them opportunities to develop skills that can support chances of leading healthy lifestyles and lead to extracurricular ambitions – Hockey, Netball, Gymnastics, Arts and Crafts, Cricket, Football…….
Before school club / £12,015 / Encourage children to arrive at school early to decrease lateness and increase attendance. Provide pupils with a healthy & nutritional start to the day so that we meet the fundamental needs of pupils. Ensuring they are in the best position possible to access the curriculum. / Attendance
All –
PP –
Southmere’s Got Talent/Southmere’s Got Style / £3,184 / To provide social and cultural experiences that enrich children’s lives and improve attitudes towards school and learning. To engage parents in a variety of aspects of school life. / % of parents attending after school events –
Uniform Vouchers / £2,600 / To ensure PP children are not disadvantaged and feel confident members of the school community by providing all PP pupils with access to school uniforms / Children feel an active part of the school community.