Technology Evaluation Form
InstructionalSoftware/Online Resources and Textbook Adoptions
Note to Requestor: Please completeSection 1: Software Details and email the form to the district Instructional Technology Facilitator, Tracie Lenihan
Section 1: / Software Details (to be completed by Requestor) / InitialsProduct / Name:
Product Contact Info / Name:
Credentials to Test / Login name(s):
Scope of Use / District-wide, Program or Building(s):
Grade Level(s):
Content Area(s):
Requestor / Name:
School, Location:
Summer Needs / Will this system be used during the summer?
Submitted / Date:
Needed By / Due Date:
Section 2: / System Compatibility (to be completed by Tech Services) / Initials
Samanage Ticket #
Password / Process for retrieving/resetting password:
Local Resources / Does it require a local database or installation?
Browser Compatibility / Test with student account and staff account, also signify browser versions needed
- IE:
- Firefox:
- Chrome:
Plugins / Name and version of plugins needed:
Drivers / List program(s) or driver(s) requiring desktop installation:
Hardware / List any additional hardware needed:
Operating System / List the operating system compatibility
- Windows Version(s):
- iOS Version(s):
- Android Version(s):
Flash / Flash utilized?
Java / Java utilized?
Videos / Does the program utilize videos?
If so, verify compatibility with browsers & network filter for staff and student accounts:
Internet Filter Test / Staff:
Student Email / Does this product require students to have email addresses?
Student Age Restrictions / Indicate any age restrictions in the Terms of Use:
Section 3: / Integration (to be completed by Tech Services) / Initials
Samanage Ticket #
Manual / Will integration be set up and maintained manually?
If yes, please explain why and then skip the automated integration steps below. (Sample reasons: The system does not support automated integration. Only a small number of generic licenses would ever be used…)
Manual Setup / What steps are needed to maintain manual integration?
How often?
Who set it up?
Auto Options / What are the automated integration options (Blackboard plugin, PS plugin, Clever, FTP, CSV, EasyBridge, Other?)
What integrations were tested?
Does the system support SSO?
If yes, please explain what’s needed to set up and how it works.
Auto Assessment / Does the technology committee recommend initiating automated integration at this time? Please explain why.
(Automated integration usually requires a period of user testing/troubleshooting and should be done in conjunction with field testing when possible. Integration can take a substantial period of time to setup and should be initiated as early as possible so user testing can be completed before school is out for the summer.)
Data Sharing Initiated / Date initiated:
(A data Sharing Agreement can take several weeks to complete and should be initiated by Purchasing before any integration can be implemented)
Data Sharing Approved
(to be completed by Purchasing) / Date approved/signed:
What are the stated Terms of Use?
Auto Implemented / Date auto integration was turned on and field testing began:
Auto Setup / Please describe the integration setup:
- Where does it run?
- How often?
- Who set it up?
Auto User Testing / Please list automated integration user testing results below:
- Does it work for entire classes?
- Partial classes?
- SVL classes?
- Out of district students?
- Content specialists?
- Co-teachers?
- Elementary Students?
- Secondary Students?
Summer Needs / Should integration be turned off during the summer?
Does it need to be switched to pull data from PS summer school environment?
Section 4: / Evaluation Findings During Testing(to be completed by Tech Services) / Initials
Evaluation Results / Does the product operate properly within our network?
Summary of Test Results / Findings & results from implementing the product within our network, including implications from Terms of Use and data sharing:
Support Recommendations / Who might provide technical support?
Integration Recommendations / Who might provide integration support?
Additional Notes / Anything else to keep in mind when utilizing this program?
Section 5: / Additional Information(to be completed by Tech Services) / Initials
Evaluated by / Who evaluated this product?
Dept. Notification / Which departments need to be notified when this product is approved?
Who is the POC for support?
Evaluation Completion / Date
1 of 3 Updated 4/10/2017