Number of pupils pupil premium grant received
Total number of pupils on roll / 423
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG / 59
Amount received per pupil / £1320
Total amount of PPG received / £96120
Record of PPG spending by item/project 2014-15
Item / Project / Cost / Objectives / Outcomes
Recruitment of additional PT Teacher for one-to- one and small group support KS1 / £4600 / Additional small group support to raise attainment and children’s engagement in learning / Pupils in KS1 made
Progress against new expectations throughout the year in Reading, Writing and Maths based on teacher assessment.
PP Non SEN made good progress (TA) and Test
Improved attitude to learning
Additional Y6 Teacher to enable year 6 to be taught in 3 classes of 20 for literacy and numeracy and to provide intervention and additional support / £19,648 / Increase teacher –
pupil ratio in order to increase impact of Quality First Teaching / PP children improved attainment from 2016
R – 53% compared to 33%
W – 79% compared to 67%
M – 82% compared to 33%
Children attainment in EGPS fell slightly – 65% compared to 78%
Combined 47% compared to 11%
CDP to improve Quality First Teaching – Focus Education, Phonics, Singapore Maths.
CPD to target diminishing the difference for PP / £6167 / Improve provision and teaching for PP through delivery of appropriately differentiated and challenging curriculum through quality first teaching / KS 2 as above
KS1 2017 compared to 2016
R – 70% compared to 80%
W – 60% compared to 40%
M- 70% compared to 80%
Data reflects cohort fall from 2016
Contributions towards
educational and residential trips and school visitors
/ £5,123 / Inclusion for all
children on educational and residential trips and school visitors / Increase in emotional
wellbeing, self – confidence and social interaction.
Contributions towards
variety of after school clubs including Debating, sports, radio and chess as well as booster groups for reading, writing and maths / £3,000 / To ensure adults
maximise learning and provide effective level of challenge for all learners / Maintained and
improved standards in reading, writing and maths across school. Improved attendance of target pupils and engagement
Provided 1:1 Yr 2 and Yr 6 extra tuition
Employment of LSPs to provide intervention support in KS1 2. Target groups and individuals / £43,216 / Pre and post teaching used to pick up children at risk for falling behind cohort.
Effective intervention planned to improve outcomes for PP children / See above
Additional teacher to provide Digital Literacy to group across school 2 x week including Radio day / % cost delivering PP group 2x per week
£1840 / To enable children to use digital technologies to enhance their learning across the curriculum.
To raise self esteem through regular radio broadcasts / Children attainment raised in writing to 79% PP EoKS2. PP –17 children
6/10 KS1 PP children at ARE .
Children highly motivated to participate in lessons and demonstrate skills
Science specialist / £4560 / To enable children to improve self esteem and develop a talent in science / Children highly motivated to participate in lessons and demonstrate improved attitude to learning
EWO SLA – target PP children to improve attendance and engagement / £860 / To reduce % PA and improve whole school attendance / Whole school attendance improved from 96.3% to 96.6%
PA increased slightly from 6.35% to 6.8%
Purchase of Singapore Maths across whole school- additional resources for PP / £15425 / Improve EoKS2 outcomes for PP children to diminish difference with cohort attainment. / Improved outcomes for PP children in maths
EoKS2 increased from 33% to 82%.Gap reduced from 34% to 4%
Continued subscriptions to Bug Club / £213 / To provide interactive
resources that will enhance and enrich the teaching and learning of reading. / Children are happy
and motivated to read evidenced through questionnaires Comparable PP and Non PP responses
Continued subscriptions to My Maths / £180 / To provide interactive
resources that will enhance and enrich the teaching and learning of maths. / Increased % of PP children logging in and accessing. They are motivated to solve maths problems.
Mentoring and 1 to 1
therapy / £15,432 / To support emotional
well being of children / Increase in emotional
wellbeing, self – confidence and social interaction.
Additional teacher deployed deliver intervention in KS2 / £4600 / To increase rate of
progress of FSM and children at risk of underachievement
in KS2 / Diminish the difference between pupil attainment and new ARE.
Accelerated progress for pupils identified as underachieving throughout the KS1
Forest School Sessions
1:15 teacher / £1840 / To engage children and improve wellbeing to be ready to learn with motivation / Maintained and
improved standards in reading, writing and maths across school. Improved attendance of target pupils and engagement. Reduced behavior incidents
HMK resources and school resources including uniform contributions / £494 / Inclusion for all
children in accessing school uniform and homework resources / Increase in emotional
wellbeing, self – confidence and social interaction.
Performance of pupils eligible for Free School Meals or Local Authority Care
Performance of pupils eligible for Free School Meals or Local Authority Care based on New Expectations
2017 End of Key Stage One evaluation
% Expected + (GD) / Writing
% Expected + (GD) / Mathematics
% Expected + (GD) / Combined
% Expected + (GD)
2016 / 2017 / Nat 17 / 2016 / 2017 / Nat 17 / 2016 / 2017 / Nat 17 / 2016 / 2017 / Nat 17
All / 78% / 76% / 77% / 71% / 64% / 69% / 81% / 71% / 76% / 68% / 59%
Dis / 80% / 50% / 61% / 40% / 33% / 52% / 80% / 50% / 60% / 40% / 33%
2017 End Of Key Stage 2 Evaluation
Reading / Writing / Maths
Progress score / Ave scaled score / Progress score / %EXS / Progress score / Ave scaled score
Sch / Sch / Nat / Sch / Sch / Nat / Sch / Sch / Nat
All / +1.60 / 104.2 / 104.1 / +1.45 / 101.9 / +3.66 / 106.4 / 104.2
Dis / +0.6 / 100.1 / +1.8 / 99.4 / +4.4 / 103.9
Total PPG received / £96120
Total PPG expenditure / £127198
PPG remaining / £31078(additional spend from school)