Potential questions to ask with the bioenergy plots:
The following list of questions represents all of the awesome brainstorming our partner teachers did at the Summer 2010 GK-12 workshop. They are organized such that those listed at the top are those which can be answered using the core data that everyone will be gathering from their schoolyard plots. Questions which would require additional data collection follow, separated by a dashed line. Example hypotheses (Ex Hyp) are given for many of the questions. To all of the creative teachers, fellows, and leaders who have helped create this list: Thank you!
Questions we can answer using the core data we will gather using protocols:
- How does productivity vary among treatments?
- How does species composition change over time within the mixed prairie?
- Example hypothesis: Species composition will change over time with respect to perennial vs. annual plants, and legumes vs. non-nitrogen fixers
- How does species composition differ between the fertilized vs unfertilized prairie?
- Unfertilized plots will have greater plant diversity
- Will the insect community be more diverse in the harvested or un-harvested plots?
- Un-harvested plots will have a greater insect diversity
- Will the insect community be more diverse in the fertilized prairie plots?
- Fertilized plots will result in a greater diversity of insects.
- Will the functionality of insects differ among treatments?
- Ex Hyp) There will be more functionally diverse insects in the prairie compared to the switch grass.
- How does the insect diversity change throughout the year?
- Ex Hyp) Insects will be more diverse in the May sampling than in September.
- How will legumes be affected by fertilization?
- Fertilized plots will contain fewer legumes.
- Which plots have highest total productivity?
- Ex Hyp) Plots which were fertilized will have the highest productivity.
- After several years, which treatments will have more nitrogen in the soil?
- Ex Hyp) The monocultures will have more nitrogen in the soil than the mixed prairies.
- Ex Hyp) There won’t be a difference between fertilized and unfertilized plots.
- Ex Hyp) Unharvested plots will have more nitrogen in the soil than harvested plots.
Questions that require collection of auxiliary data:
- How does diversity affect the prevalence of invasive species moving into area?
- Example hypothesis: High diversity plots will be invaded less than low diversity plots.
- How does genetic variation compare in monoculture and mixed prairie?
- Example hypothesis: Mixed prairie will have more genetic variation compared to switch grass.
- How does the location within a plot affect plant characteristics?
- How does the insect diversity change throughout the year?
- Ex Hyp) The number of insects will be related to the number of flowers present over time.
- Will fertilization of the prairie plot increase the number of flowers that bloom?
- How does microbial diversity vary across treatments?
- Ex Hyp) There will be greater microbial diversity in the prairie plots compared to the switch grass plots.
- How will legumes be affected by fertilization?
- Legumes in fertilized plots will contain fewer nodules.
BEST Experiment Updated February 25, 2011
Questions and Hypothesespg.1