PUBLIC WORKS BID SCHEDULE “B” – 2017March 1, 2017
March 1, 2017
The City of Janesville, Wisconsin hereby gives notice that it will receive sealed bids for the following listed Public Work:
C2017-12Landfill Paving Improvements– For furnishing all the labor, materials, equipment, and doing all the work necessary for the construction and completion of an approximately 6810 S.Y. asphalt parking and roadway area, including new curb & gutter; curb & gutter removal and replacement; sidewalk removal and replacement; concrete wall repairs; approximately 340 S.Y. full depth concrete pavement removal and replacement; approximately 6810 S.Y. 2 inch milling; approximately 6810 S.Y 2 inch asphalt paving; grass terrace restoration; and miscellaneous construction items. A pre-bid meeting will be held at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, March 22, 2017 on 4th floor in room 416 at City Hall. Quest Number #4893114
C2017-13E. Milwaukee Street Rehabilitation– For furnishing all the labor, materials, equipment, and doing all the work necessary for the construction and completion of a Local Road Improvement Program (LRIP) project consisting of approximately 23 storm inlet repairs or replacements; 9,400 LF curb and gutter removal and replacement; 5 detector loop replacements; 30,230 SY asphalt pavement milling; 3,600 TONS asphalt paving; 23,600 SF concrete driveway and sidewalk and median nose replacement; 12,000 LF epoxy pavement marking, traffic control, terrace restoration and miscellaneous construction. Quest Number #4893193
C2017-14Black Boiler Slag Chip Sealing– For furnishing all the labor, materials, equipment, and doing all the work necessary for providing and placing approximately 27,000 square yards of crack filling/sealing and Black Boiler Slag Chip Sealing; 500 square feet of infrared asphalt pavement patching; 900 linear feet of crack leveling; 17,000 linear feet of various epoxy pavement markings; and incidental construction. Quest Number #4892898
C2017-15Progress Drive Improvements– For furnishing all the labor, materials, equipment, and doing all the work necessary for the construction and completion of a new right-in/right-out intersection on STH 11 at Progress Drive. In addition, a significant section of Progress Drive and Venture Drive will be paved with the final asphalt surface layer. Construction quantities will include approximately 1,150 SY of concrete pavement; 1,140 LF of curb; 1,020 tons of asphalt pavement; miscellaneous storm sewer, erosion control, striping, signage, grading, restoration, and seeding. Quest Number #4894497
C2017-16Landfill Phase 3 Closure– For furnishing all the labor, materials, equipment, and doing all the work necessary for the construction and completion of a landfill cap to include: grading layer filling for cell; 2-foot thick compacted clay liner or soil barrier layer with GCL; 40-mil geomembrane liner; drainage layer; filter fabric layer; rooting zone layer; topsoil layer; gas system piping and wells; storm water drainage; site restoration; and incidentals shown on the plans and specified herein for Landfill Phase 3 Closure. Quest Number #4894597
C2017-17Ice Arena Dehumidification Improvements– For furnishing all the labor, materials, equipment, and doing all the work necessary for the construction and completion of dehumidification system upgrade. Work includes, but is not limited to, removal of existing HVAC equipment, fencing, and concrete equipment pads; storm sewer modifications; modular block retaining wall; dehumidification system components and related ductwork, piping, insulation, and electrical; masonry wall modifications; concrete flatwork; interior wall framing and finishes; cleaning and painting of interior walls; landscaping and site restoration. Quest Number #4894658
Sealed bids will be received until 2:00 P.M. LOCAL TIME ON WEDNESDAY, THE 29TH DAY OF MARCH, 2017. All bids shall be addressed to the City Clerk’s Office, City of Janesville Municipal Building, 18 North Jackson Street, P.O. Box 5005, Janesville, Wisconsin, 53547, and enclosed in a SEALED ENVELOPE, marked with the name and address of the bidder and contract title for which the bid is being submitted. All bidders shall bid in accordance with, and shall bid upon, the bid forms included in the Contract Documents. Bids will be opened in the Council Chambers at 2:01 P.M. on the same date. The above Public Work will be let to the lowest responsible bidder and must be performed in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contracts on file with the City Clerk.
No bid will be read or considered unless accompanied by a certified check equal to 10 percent of the bid or a bid bond in equal amount, payable to the City as guaranty that if the bid is accepted, the bidder will execute and file the proper contract and performance bond within ten days from the date the lowest responsible bidder's bid is accepted. In case the bidder fails to execute such contract and performance bond within the time set by the City, the check or bid bond shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages.
Complete bidding documents will be available onWEDNESDAY, MARCH 8TH, 2017, at the City of Janesville web site, (under Government, Departments, Public Works, Engineering, on the left sidebar “Public Works Bid Information”). Plan holder lists will be available at this link as well. The download cost for each contract is $20.00 by inputting the Quest project number. Contact at or 952-233-1632 for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with this project information.
2015 Wisconsin Act 55 repeals the state prevailing wage law for local governments effective January 1, 2017. If applicable, Federal Davis Bacon wage rates are included in the Contract Documents, as well as on file in the City Clerk’s Office.
PROOF OF RESPONSIBILITY forms in accordance with Section 66.0901(2) Wisconsin Statutes must be filed in the Engineering Division Office not later than 12:00 NOON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15TH, 2017. Forms are located in the Contract Documents and also available at (under Government, Departments, Public Works, Engineering, on the left sidebar “Public Works Bid Information”). Forms shall show sufficient financial ability, equipment, and experience to perform the Contract. The City’s decision regarding qualifications shall be final.
Said work shall be commenced by, and shall be entirely completed by, the dates set in the proposal for the specific work.
The determination of the lowest responsible and best bid will be decided by the City Engineer, subject to review by the City Council. The Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
No bidder may withdraw his bid within 45 days after the actual date of the bid opening.
Published in The Janesville Gazette and The Daily Reporter on MARCH 6 AND MARCH 13, 2017.