Handout #2

Differences Between Legacy & SFS for FY2001

New Terminology

·  Accounting Periods in SFS are identified by numbers (i.e. 1 for July, 2 for August, etc.) rather than by calendar month and year.

·  Chartfield terminology has changed – the following shows the transition from the old to the new chartfields

Unit/Campus Code Business Unit (UWMSN)

DDS Organization/DeptID

Fund Fund

Activity Program Code

Class Code Account

Account Project/Grant

Fiscal Year Fiscal Year

Reference SubClassification/Class

Availability of End of Month Data

Legacy data is normally posted to SFS one working day later than it is posted to Legacy. If errors occur, it will take one additional day to complete processing the data in SFS. This means that at the end of an accounting month, data will not be complete in SFS & WISDM until at least Wednesday following the end of the accounting period.

Legacy Class Codes/SFS Account Numbers

·  Account numbers (Class Codes) have changed – crosswalk tables are available.

·  Sales Credits are classified as Revenue in SFS.

·  Budgets are entered into SFS using unique SFS Account numbers. Attached is a list of those currently used for UWMSN. For some divisions this is a more summarized view of the budgets than they are used to in Legacy.

Legacy Activity/SFS Program Codes

·  Revenue codes now have a Program (Activity) code recorded. UW Madison Revenue will be recorded to program ‘R’ for FY 2001 & FY2002.

·  The Program (Activity) code for Farms is changed from ‘&’ in Legacy to ‘F’ in SFS.

Legacy (Fund/Account)/SFS (Project/Grant other than Funds 133 & 144)

·  In Legacy, budgets entered for Fund/Account (Project/Grant) records were not associated with a UDDS code. In SFS, they need to be associated with an organization. Budgets that are interfaced to SFS for Fund/Account (Project/Grant) records will contain an Organization code of 980100.

Legacy Account Number/ SFS ProjectGrant Number

·  The Project/Grant number in SFS is shown as a combination of the fund and Project/Grant number (i.e. 144AB12). In some cases, the same Project/Grant number has been used with multiple funds. Therefore, combining the Fund and Project/Grant number was necessary in order to have unique codes. This applies to all funds that use a Project/Grant number.

·  In SFS for GPR funds, the Project/Grant (Account) number will no longer be used for Fringes (was A000 in Legacy) and Length of Service (was A001 in Legacy).

Other Project/Grant Issues (Extramural Support funds only)

·  Begin and Ending dates of Project/Grants are required in SFS and transactions are edited against these dates. In Legacy, the dates were not required and date edits did not prevent entry of transactions. Beginning dates in SFS are entered as 90 days prior to the beginning of the project. End dates in SFS are entered as 12/31/9999 to allow transactions to be processed beyond the actual end date of the project/grant. This is a temporary solution – a long range solution will be looked at during the implementation process for UW Madison.

·  Inception-to-date balances are sometimes recorded to Accounts (Class Codes) or Organizations (DDS’s) that are no longer used and have not been carried into the SFS tables as active codes. In SFS these balances are recorded to an organization of 989998 and an Account number that most closely matches the type of expense.

·  Budgets for Project/Grants will contain an Organization code of 980100.

·  Fringe benefits are not encumbered in SFS for Project/Grants.

·  In the Legacy system, fringe benefit expenses (both allocated and actual amounts) that are recorded to a pool Account (i.e. 0001) retain their original UDDS coding. This applies to funds 133, 135, 142, 144 and 161. In SFS, these expenses will appear under the same Project/Grant (i.e. 0001) with an Organization code of:

ü  989999 for funds 133, 144 & 161.

ü  349999 for fund 135.

ü  079999 for fund 142.

·  Three new categories may be shown on most Project/Grants in WISDM. They are:

ü  Unallowable Revenue – this contains transactions coded to revenue accounts that are not allowable for a Project/Grant

ü  Unallowable Expenses – this contains transactions coded to expense accounts that are not allowable for a Project/Grant.

ü  Balance Accounts – this contains transactions coded to Asset, Liability & Fund Equity accounts.

Transaction Handling

·  In WISDM, encumbered amounts are available at a chartfield level. However, it is not possible to determine the balance remaining on an individual requisition from SFS data during FY 2001 & part of FY 2002. Due to WISDM enhancements implemented in November, 2001, requisition balances are now available when the user drills down on the encumbrance amount from a Summary Report.

·  When a payment in Legacy is made against a requisition, the system automatically reduces the encumbrance in the same transaction. In SFS, the reduction of the encumbrance is recorded as a separate entry. The two are linked together by the voucher number found in the third through seventh positions of the SFS Journal ID number.

·  Transactions are interfaced daily from the Legacy system to SFS. The edits in each of these systems function differently and so at times incorrect coding can pass the edits in Legacy, but is found to be in error in the SFS edit process. Rather than allow incorrect coding to be posted to SFS, the error is corrected in SFS and then later corrected in Legacy. This causes two problems for users – first of all, there is a discrepancy between Legacy & SFS until the error is corrected in Legacy. Even then, the audit trail will be slightly different between the two systems because the incorrect coding was never posted to SFS. Secondly, these transactions will not show a voucher number in WISDM. When a transaction is interfaced into SFS, the voucher number attached to that transaction is stored in a temporary table and is re-connected to the transaction when it posts to the WISDM database. When the coding on a transaction changes in the SFS edit process, it is no longer possible to match the appropriate voucher number to that transaction.

Prior Year Cash Balances

·  Fund 162 prior year cash balances are recorded to a UW-System Business Unit and are not shown on UW-Madison’s reports. Contact Trust Funds for information on fund 162.

·  In Legacy, fund 135 has both prior year cash balance records and inception-to-date records. In SFS, all fund 135 funds are recorded as inception-to date. The ending balances were automatically carried over to FY2001 and are reflected (incorrectly) as ITD balances. We hope to resolve this problem, but in the meantime, you can see the correct amounts by changing the accounting period to YTD.

Document Reference Information

·  The first two digits of the SFS Journal ID number can be helpful to identify certain types of transactions. Following is a list of codes currently being used. Note that for budget entries, the code is six digits instead of two:

·  Legacy Voucher numbers are reflected in the third through seventh position of the SFS Journal ID number. The two-digit suffix that is part of the Legacy non-salary voucher number is not carried into SFS.

·  The last three digits of the Journal ID number form a sequence number that is used in processing.

Journal ID Mask


Transaction Type

PR / Salary expense detail and employee share fringes from payroll runs.
FB / State share fringe benefit expense from payroll runs.
. / These journals result from UWPC Payroll initiated state share fringe benefit adjustments loaded to Legacy via FTP.
FX / These journals result from the extramural rate calculation process run at the end of each month in Legacy. All transactions in these journals will be coded to one of the fringe “pool” class codes.
JR / Any type of internal transfer that has been interfaced to Legacy or was initiated by UWPC Payroll or Accounting staff and posted to Legacy.
MW / Vendor payment transactions posted in Legacy. All Legacy transactions (except payroll salary) that generate a C series check fall into this category.
PO / All Legacy encumbrance transactions (from regular PO’s or from salary encumbrances) that are interfaced to SFS.
BDRBRB / Red Book budget data.
BDPYPY / Budget data related to the carryover encumbrance open balances at the end of the prior year.
BDRBSL / Red Book budget data for Smith-Lever activity (fund 143).
BDRBHA / This mask code is used to identify Red Book budget data for Hatch-Adams activity (fund 142).
BDADDE / Budget additions or deductions..
BDTRFR / Budget transfer transactions.


Budget Accounts Used for UW Madison for FY 2001

1) The following accounts are used for funds that are not set up with Project/Grants

SALCLA – Classified Salaries

SALLTE – LTE Salaries

SALSTU – Student Salaries

SALPRM - Permanent Salaries

SALUCL – Unclassified Salaries

GRDAST – Grad Assistant Salaries

LTESTU – LTE & Student Salaries

FRING1 - Fringes

SPEXP1 – Services & Supplies

CAPEX1 – Capital Expenses

SPPUR1 – Special Purpose Expenses

FNAID1 – Financial Aid

SALCR1 – Sales Credits

2) The following accounts are used for funds that are set up with Project/Grants. Which accounts are used for each Project/Grant will vary.

ZSALFA – Faculty Salaries

ZSALHR – Hourly Salaries

ZSALOT – Salaries, Other Personnel

ZSALPA – PA Salaries

ZSALPRE – Pre-doc Salaries

ZSALRA – RA Salaries

ZSALRY - Salaries

ZSALSR - Salaries, Sr. Personnel

ZSALST – Staff Salaries

ZSAPHD – PHD Salaries

ZFRING - Fringes

ZCONSL – Consultant Services

ZSTIPD - Stipends

ZTUIFE – Tuition & Fees

ZEQUIP - Equipment

ZCAPOT – Other Capital

ZSUPPL – Supplies

ZTRAV - Travel

ZTRAVD – Travel Domestic

ZTRAVF – Travel Foreign

ZSPACE – Space Costs & Rentals

ZLABIN – Lab & Instructional Materials

ZPATNT – Patient Care

ZSUBCO - Subcontracts

ZFEES - Fees

ZPUBLC - Publications

ZALTER – Alterations & Renovations

ZCOMPU – Computing Costs

ZOTHER - Other

ZSALES – Sales Credits

ZOVRHD - Overhead

ZLUMP – Lump Sum Budgets

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