Town of Saguache
Board of Trustees
Public Hearing for Special Events Permitand Workshop
Followed by
Regular Session
September 21, 2009
NOTE: As there were no letters of opposition received in regard to the Special Events Permit to be approved for the Fire Dept. - New Years Eve Dance; no Public Hearing was needed.
The Town Board went into the workshop at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the Water Supply Protection District. The Workshop ended at 7:03 p.m. and the Regular Session was called into order at that time.
The Town of Saguache Board of Trustees met for a Regular Session on September 21, 2009, with Trustees being present at follows:
Mayor Milton JonesPresent
Mayor Pro-tem Steve SanchezPresent
Trustee Dario ArchuletaAbsent
Trustee Ruth HornPresent
Trustee Carla QuintanaAbsent
Trustee Tina SernaAbsent
Trustee Laurie VigilPresent
Town Staff attendance:
Therese Garcia, Town ClerkPresent
Caroline Irwin, Deputy ClerkAbsent
Dan Pacheco, Public WorksPresent
Town Attorney attendance:
Eugene FarishPresent
Citizens in attendance: Brian Benner, Earl McFarland Insurance; Mark Thomson, SPUR Engineering; Bryan Malouff, RMS Utilities; Stan Murphy, Northern Saguache Volunteer Fire District.
Call to Order: Mayor Jones called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance:was led by Mayor Jones.
Additions and Deletions to the Agenda:
Add under Old/Unfinished Business: Piezometer and perculation tests
Add under Old/Unfinished Business: Resurfacing of Town Streets with gravel
Add under New Business: Fall Festival 2009 recognition
Review/Approval of Minutes:The minutes for the Regular Session held on September 8, 2009 were reviewed by the Trustees.
MOTION by Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez; Second by Trustee Vigil
Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez moved to approve the Regular Session minutes for September 8, 2009 as presented.
Vote as follows: Trustee Vigil – aye; Trustee Horn – aye; Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez – aye; Mayor Jones – aye
VOTE: 4 – Aye; 0 – No; 0 - AbstainLet the minutes reflect the Vote was unanimous.
Review/Approval of Bills: The September List of Bills was reviewed by Trustees.
MOTION by Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez; Second by Trustee Horn
Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez moved to approve the September List of bills as presented.
Vote as follows: Trustee Vigil – aye; Trustee Horn – aye; Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez – aye; Mayor Jones – aye
VOTE: 4 – Aye; 0 – No; 0 - AbstainLet the minutes reflect the Vote was unanimous.
Participation of Citizens:
Brian Benner, McFarland Insurance –Discuss renewal process: questions or concerns from Town Board. Benner understood that a quote from CIRSA was also being sought and Mr. Benner wished to discuss reasoning behind that action by Trustees. Mayor Jones shared that under CIRSA for Special Events Coverage was available at a nominal fee which wasn’t part of the McFarland coverage. McFarland’s premium was lower than CIRSA’s. Mr. Benner shared that Town events were covered – the only concern was a separate entity being insured under Town’s policy. Limited liability was discussed between Mr. Benner and the Trustees. McFarland specializes in public entities and Mr. Benner will meet again with Trustees regarding renewal interest and process.
NorthernSaguacheCounty Fire Dept: The Special Events Permit for New Year’s Eve Dance. Cindy Quinn was unable to attend; Stan Murphy dropped off the application and checks before he was called out on a fire. The paperwork was reviewed by Trustees and found in order.
MOTION by Trustee Horn; Second by Trustee Vigil
Trustee Horn moved to approve the Special Events Permit applied for by the Fire Dept. for the New Years Eve Dance as presented.
Vote as follows: Trustee Vigil – aye; Trustee Horn – aye; Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez –aye; Mayor Jones – aye
VOTE: 4 – Aye; 0 – No; 0 - AbstainLet the minutes reflect the Vote was unanimous.
Sheriff’s Report:The Sheriff was not in attendance. A written report was submitted for the Trustees review. Mayor Jones shared with the Board that a group of teenagers were pickedup in Durango who admitted to ransacking cars in the Town. Photos of items confiscated will be sent to the Sheriff’s Office for owner identification.
Review/Discuss/Approval: Vista Grande Update: Phase I processand to move forward to Phase II. There is one incident reported in Phase I for Vista Grande which is incidental spills from heavy equipment use. Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez mentioned that sellers will be asked to do cleanup of the incidental spills. Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez did not feel that Phase II is needed for Vista Grande. Phase II work by Brownfields will be about the Hammel Superette project. There is no charge for the Phase I report which was done by Colorado Brownfields. Two copies of Phase I was brought to the Town Hall.
MOTION by Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez; Second by Trustee Vigil
Mayor Pro-Tem Sanchez moved to accept the Phase I as is and not proceed to Phase II based on no environmental concerns from Phase I report.
Vote as follows: Trustee Vigil – aye; Trustee Horn – aye; Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez –aye; Mayor Jones – aye
VOTE: 4 – Aye; 0 – No; 0 - AbstainLet the minutes reflect the Vote was unanimous.
Appraisal cost is being waited for. The survey cost came in at $10,000. A September 28th workshop is where budget adjustments would be discussed as long as all numbers are received. October 5th town meeting may become the time to discuss budget adjustments.
Legal Council Report:
Review/Discuss/Approved after First Reading – Ordinance 2009-5: An Ordinance Adopting the 2009 Model Traffic Code by Reference: Every few years, the Model Traffic Code (MTC) is reviewed by municipalities. We have an opportunity at this time to “decriminalize” traffic offenses as well as establishing a fine or fee schedule for items like running a stop sign, minor speeding’s, failure to yield right-of-way, etc. Adopting the MTC with the decriminalization factor provides the Municipal Court with structure. On September 21stintroduce the code, which could be done tonight. As the Town’s official newspaper is a weekly publication of the Saguache Crescent, there is to be anOctober 1stPublic Notice and October 8thPublic Notice to abide by the 8-15 day public notice requirement. At the October 19, 2009 Town meeting the Hearing/Adoption of the MTC would meet public notice and hearing requirements. Ordinance 2009-5 was introduced at this meeting.
MOTION by Trustee Horn; Second by Trustee Vigil
Trustee Horn moved approve Ordinance 2009-5 and to setthe public notice and hearing.
Vote as follows: Trustee Vigil – aye; Trustee Horn – aye; Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez – aye; Mayor Jones – aye
VOTE: 4 – Aye; 0 – No; 0 – Abstain Let the minutes reflect the Vote was unanimous.
Review/Discuss Sample Ordinance in regard to ATVs:By consensus, the Trustees
agreed to table this item for a later time.
Maintenance Report:
Fencing Bid at Lagoon: There was an error in SPUR Engineering’s specifications of 600’ of chain link fencing being left off the measurements. RMS Utilities, Inc. completely enclosed the Lagoon. Request is being made to correct this error and pay RMS Utilities, Inc. for the additional chain link footage work. SPUR Engineering will provide a Change Order for this additional work. SPUR Engineering will work with Public Works to utilize DOLA balance in working on Lagoon or sewer related projects.
MOTION by Trustee Horn; Second by Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez
Trustee Horn moved to approve paying RMS Utilities, Inc. for the additional chain link fencing work.
Vote as follows: Trustee Vigil – aye; Trustee Horn – aye; Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez – aye; Mayor Jones – aye
VOTE: 4 – Aye; 0 – No; 0 - AbstainLet the minutes reflect the Vote was unanimous.
The I&I prior to work being done in the Lagoon and also in replacing Town lines was being registered at 700-800 gallons of water coming in. Now recordings are showing 70-90 gallons of water. Town has not been in violation since work has been done at Lagoon site.
SPUR Engineering will consider in-kind work for the Town up to the value of the $10,000 Lagoon overage due to engineering oversight. More discussion between SPUR Engineering and the Town Trustees will continue.
Written Report: Discussion continued with Trustees about piezometer needs. There would need to be least four. Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez asked if SPUR Engineering could assist with this location process. Division 3 has allowed winter irrigation of fields, allowing them to ice over, and concern is what impact of this way to store water is. SPUR Engineering was interested in assisting with the piezometer location need of the Town and felt that the “ice storage”practices may cause flooding within the Town when thaw happens.
Permanent Ammonia Waiver: The Town should be receiving a permanent waiver from CDPHE within 30 to 60 days- by December 2009. Dan Pacheco spoke to Mindy May last week and she stated that the Town should receive this waiver after the CDPHE hearing board approves it.
Relay System: A quote for a wireless relay system from Spectra Com of $8500 and from Mountain Peak Controls of around $13,000 was received. This system would be for use between pump houses and water tank. Question: Is there a monthly service fee once the system is in place? Public Works will find out this information.
24 Hour Notice to Citizens on Water Line Breaks: Public Works asked that the requirement of 24 hour notice to citizens be removed. Colorado Rural Water Association (CRWA) recommends that repairs be done as soon as possible to avoid contamination. UNCC locates may delay repairs. All citizens on the West side of Town requires a lot more calling as it effects from 9th St. to 14th St. between Christy Avenue and Gunnison Avenue to make citizens aware of water shut offs. Public Works offered to go door to door to help notify citizens.By consensus, Trustees agreed with Public Works request to do away with 24 hour notice.
Stan Murphy- Fire Dept. representative: Mr. Murphy was in the audience on behalf of the Fire Department. He was available for any questions. Clerk Garcia informed him that the Special Events application was approved by the Trustees earlier. All paperwork is in order. Mr. Murphy thanked the Board.
Clerk’s Report:
ScSEED-VISTA Volunteer: A request by Trustees for summaries on activities-services for Town citizensis part of the “News from Town Hall”. Greenfield’s wants to give a presentation for the public. Devon Pollack will be asked for date and scheduling of the CommunityBuilding for this event slated for October 2009.
Written Report: Trustees asked that “News from Town Hall” include HistoriCorps –CPI Saguache Community Volunteer Day scheduled for October 3rd. Article also to give recognition and thanks for the Fall Festival day held Saturday, September 19, 2009.
Old/Unfinished Business:
Piezometers and perculation test: These would cost $14,000 to $17,000 or less. SPUR Engineering was asked to find locations to install piezometers and perculation test locations. This cost is related to Water Augmentation and the need identified by Mayor Pro-tem Sanchez. The data from the piezometers and the perculation testing is needed.
Resurfacing of roads: There are two blocks of Gunnison that need red granite gravel for resurfacing. The cost would be about $3500. This item will be placed on October 5th agenda and also to look at paving projects for 2010.
New Business:
Fall Festival 2009 recognition: This was discussed earlier in the meeting and decided to put something in “News from Town Hall”. A great time was enjoyed by the community and visitors.
Executive Session, if needed. None was needed.
Adjourn:There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:59 p.m.
Milton Jones, Mayor
Therese Garcia, Town Clerk
Regular Session Minutes – September 21, 20091