Agenda Discussion and Notes (Non-Motions)

June 24 – 27, 2004

Fort Collins, COLORADO


Board Members Attending: Evie Kirkwood (President) Jim Covel (VP Programs) Vicki Basman (Treasurer) Lynn Youngblood (Secretary) Rachel Larimore, Lester Hodgins, Bradley Block, Ginger Murphy, Nancy Stimson (for Janice Selvigde) Bruce Stebbins, Steve McCoy, Tom Mullin, Sue Bennett, Pat Silovsky, Vicki Basman, Susan Immer, Carol Leasure, Faith L. Duncan, Donna Richardson

Guest Member Present: Bill Weldon

Orientation to Board

Staff Parade

Evie’s Power Point Presentation

Jim’s Publication Presentation

Vicki’s Activity


  1. a. Strategic Planning/Board Reorganization – Lisa Brochu

b. Long-range Planning – Evie Kirkwood & Lisa Brochu

c. Gates Foundation Challenge – Tim Merriman

  1. Interpreter and Legacy – Tim Merriman

Evie appointed Jim Covel to chair a task force to research changing the “Legacy Magazine” name. She asked him to report at the November Board meeting. Lisa Brochu volunteered to be the staff contact. Evieasked if anyone else would like to work on the committee. Jim said that he’d like to involve Paul Caputo. She also recommended that maybe someone from the VisCom Section might be good to be a representative.

  1. VP Admin and Executive Director Review Process – Evie Kirkwood

Some people have been recommended to replace Bob Jennings, VP Admin. Voting will occur electronically; replacement will fulfill full term through 2005. ED Review process is a task coordinated by the VP for Admin.

  1. Elections Policy Task Force – Evie Kirkwood

When a VP for Admin gets voted in (to replace Bob Jennings) they will be put in charge of heading up this task force, so work can continue on it again. Evie passed around a list of findings and concerns the task force suggested for election process improvements.

  1. Collaboration with other organizations – AAM, ANCA, AZA, NAAEE – Tim Merriman and Lisa Brochu

Besides the collaborative efforts that Tim, Lisa, and Evie have been working on, Evie will head up a session at NIW’04 with representatives from these groups so that we can begin to discuss ways to work together on supporting interpretation or on future projects..

  1. Self-dealing by Board members and Section Chairs – Tim Merriman

There is a problem when a Board member or Section Chair performs a service for pay. Not only do they threaten our 501 (c) 3 status, but more likely they threaten our potential funding if this type of non-ethical practice is noted in one of our audits.

Evie will look into the ethical ramifications and check with other like-minded organizations and the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE). She will also chat with Gail Vander Stoep for other sources of information on how organizations clarify self-dealing.

  1. International Programs – Lisa Brochu
  1. Set Fall 2004 Board Meeting Date – Evie Kirkwood November 16, Tuesday, recommended

As recommended, Tuesday, November 16, and Saturday, November 20.

Board members and Section Chairs were reminded they may attend the NIW at a discounted rate and receive a free banquet ticket.

Reconvened on Sunday:

  1. Standing Planning Committee

It was decided that another standing committee of the organization was not needed at this time. It was noted that there was confusion over listings of standing NAI organization committees in the bylaws, so that needs to be reviewed.

The Secretary oversees bylaws revisions and Lynn was asked to begin work on this. Lynn requested that the board go through the Bylaws, found in the NAI Directory and on the website, and look over changes that needed to occur and email them back to the Secretary.

  1. Fundraising Advisory Committee

After discussion about the merits of forming this committee, Evie asked Vicki to form a committee. It will be made up of donors whom have given more than $5,000 along with a few board members.

  1. Take Pride in America

Tim asked if the board wanted to support the program for $500. Consensus was not to write the check.

  1. Canada Regions
  • Tim reported on the comments from folks at the OntarioProvince. They want Region 1 to have a conference in Canada. Tim asked Regional Directors who have core Canadian constituents to have mini-workshops in Canada. Also, perhaps a NIW could be on the border in Niagara Falls or similar.
  • Faith reported that Region 10 is having a Border Conference next spring. They have also tried this in the past in Canada, but the problem is they don’t fill; it is too expensive.
  • CINP has a branch in Canada and they have participated in their newsletter. CINP is in contact with their representative by email, etc.
  • Region 5 has 500 members south of Canada, and only a few in Canada. Very few can travel to Canada and the few in Canada are not willing to handle all of the logistics of putting on a conference.
  • Region 3 is trying to partner with the Caribbean, Australia, and the Americas. There are testing pen pals.
  • Region 7 goes all the way to the Artic Circle and Mexico; they have only 8 members in Canada.
  • Tim said they are willing to set up events but they need empowerment.

Involving Canada may likely become a long range planning goal, suggested Evie.

  1. Regional Leadership Council update

The RLC will meet on Monday, Nov. 15 before the NIW for strategic planning.

  1. Section Parameters
  2. Jim said he knows there is up-to-date information out there but he doesn’t have it. So, as you are going through the Bylaws and other data, when you come across Section information send it to Jim.
  1. Elections

Brad brought up the staggered election issue.

  • Region 5 would like to do the staggered elections. They have done them since beginning about 1996 or 1997. They didn’t realize they were out of line because the board never acknowledged that it was against the Bylaws until this spring. Regions 2 and 3 followed suite and have staggered elections.
  • Region 5 would like to make a Bylaws revision to accommodate this choice.
  • Evie recommended this as a Discussion Item to the RLC and then possibly a possible motion may arise.
  • Vicki recommended that they consult with the elections chair. Brad indicated that he had.
  • Faith recommended that the RLC and SLC work cooperatively on this; group concurred.

Elections this year will be:

  • All odd numbered Regions.
  • Sections: AAE, CINP, ZA, NCDA, CUA
  • We are also looking for suggestions for candidates for VP Programs and Treasurer. Elections for these offices will also occur late summer 2004.

INFORMATION ITEMS (Written Reports only, found on website)

Officers’ Reports

Regional Directors’ Reports

Sections Reports

NIW Reports

Committee Reports

List Serve Addresses: