1. 310 Ohio Avenue – Lot/Block 467-K-213
  2. 712 Indiana Avenue – Lot/Block 558-G-323
  3. 610 Vermont Avenue – Lot/Block 558-C-247
  4. 2046 Naomi Avenue – Lot/Block 467-S-256
  5. 517 Vermont Avenue – Lot/Block 467-R-091 – 517 Vermont Avenue (Representation)
  6. 406 Erie/Harrison – Lot/Block 467-C-263 (Already Had a Public Hearing)

813 Peach Way (Need a time frame – put on watch list)

All property owners were notified along with any other interested parties of this Public Hearing.


ROLL CALL: Bradley, present; Kudla, present; Norelli, present; Skiba, present; Trunzo, present; Wojton, present; Kowalski, present; Mayor Rosemary Bradley, present.

  1. Tim & Sherry Matthews were present. They defended the home that Sherry’s parents own at 517 Vermont Avenue. Her Dad is sick in a nursing and her mother takes care of him 24/7. They wanted to know if they could have some time to have someone look at the house and fix it up. The solicitor told them they would have to submit a time frame of when the work would be done (30 days) and it would be kept on the demolition list until he heard from them. The solicitor took their name and phone number and email. He said if they did not respond then the Borough would continue with the demolition.

Dave Kowalski, President of Council said you need to follow through to get the work done.

The solicitor said if after you review the situation you decide not to do the work the Borough can move forward.

Matthews asked what the cost of the demolition was?

The solicitor said between $7,000 and $10,000. You may be able to get it tore down cheaper yourself. Maybe there is some woodwork that someone can give you credit for.

Angelo Norelli, Council, said the mother is adamant about saving this property. We are liable because we were told that this is an unsafe structure.

Tom Bradley, Vice President of Council, said that he would like to hire Carl Inks as a part time worker at $12 an hour. If by chance we get him to drive the salt truck, he has a CDL License.






ROLL CALL: Bradley, present; Kudla, present; Norelli, present; Skiba, present; Trunzo, present; Wojton, present; Kowalski, present; Mayor Rosemary Bradley

Motion: Skiba seconded by Norelli

To proceed with the demolition of the properties at 310 Ohio Avenue, 712 Indiana Avenue, 610 Vermont Avenue, 2046 Naomi Avenue, 517 Vermont Avenue (Pending time frame), 406 Erie/Harrison Street.

Motion Carried.

PUBLIC COMMENTS (Agenda Items Only – Action Items Only) None


Motion: Wojton seconded by Skiba

To approve the minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of October, 2014, and also the Public Hearing for CD41 Demolition Properties.

Motion Carried.


Motion: Bradley seconded by Kudla

To approve the Monthly Financial Report for October, 2014.

Motion Carried.

Motion: To approve and pay bills for the Month of October, 2014, in the amount of $263,339.74.

Motion Carried.


Sanitation/Senior Citizens – Paul Trunzo, Chair/Council

Number of meals served in October was 532


There was no Bingo in November due to Election Day; and there will be no Bingo in December. Bingo will resume in January.

The Christmas Party will be on Friday, December 12th from 4 pm – 8 pm for active members.

Bob Macey will be at the center tomorrow at 10:30 am to discuss emergency assistance programs.

Sam Piazza will be at the center on Monday, November 24, to discuss energy assistance programs.

Center will be closed on November 27 for Thanksgiving.


Trash should not be put out any earlier than Sunday evening for Monday pickup.

We will have to get Cindy to start citing people if they don’t abide by this.

Municipal Buildings/Property/Honor Roll Committees: Angelo Norelli, Chair/Council

We will take down the clock in the Honor Roll at the end of the holiday season. Someone said the motor burned out. I do see an American Legion emblem on it and I am going to look at trying to have it repaired.

Amnesty Program will be over on November 30, 2014. I will be speaking to Mr. Lawson to see how effective it was. Before we turn this list over to Keystone we called some people who were delinquent and we collected $6,000. I can’t get a good number off of Keystone. We went through the list again and some of these people are business people in town. We can give you a deal if you pay, if not, we will lien you. We are hoping to get responses before the end of the year. Everyone will get a copy of this list and I would like for everyone to look at it. Please let me know if you see any that you want off of there. A lot of homes don’t have the proper addresses. The website is out of date. The County is real laxed in what they are doing. Some of these people owe $15,000 on a lot and they just let it go. We have to pay $20 per lien and we want to send in a list and check for no more than $2,100 on liening properties.

Motion: Bradley seconded by Skiba

To lien the properties and send the list to Keystone Municipal Service.

Motion Carried.

Angelo Norelli, Council, said after the first of the year if someone has a liened property, we do have something that says we can go after the rent that is owed. We are going to do this.

Street & Light/Twin Rivers Council of Governments – Elaina Skiba, Chair/Council

Need a motion to order the roof for the salt shed.

Motion: Kudla seconded by Trunzo


To approve the purchase of the salt shed roof. Paul Trunzo will supervise.

Motion Carried.

Street sweeping Thursday and Friday

Paved and blacktop potholes

Water sealed the new sign at the Honor Roll

Repaired catch basin in Fern Alley

Maintained borough properties

Clean ditch and catch all on Harrison Hollow

Worked in Detroit Hollow

Repaired catch basin at Harrison and Marie

Dye tested main sewer between 3rd and 4th Plum Alley

Finished painting the bike stencils

Other business: The salt shed should be completed by the end of next week for us to start taking delivery of sale for first of November.

The sink hole on the 600 block of Vermont has been repaired and the street dept. will pave it this week.

This Friday, Dr. Mike Kulish will be here to do training for the street department on running the backhoe. This will include loading and unloading with the bucket, safety, and cleanup.

CSX has asked for permission to proceed with their drainage improvement project between Harrison and Seventh Street. The scope of work was forwarded to the solicitor and to KLH. Based on the recommendations of our engineer, it will not affect our flood plain ordinance. Therefore, if council is okay with this, I would like to let CSX know they may proceed with the work.

COG report for the Month of October, 2014

The proposed merger of the Twin Rivers & Steel Valley COGs has created a revised dues schedule. Currently, Glassport’s dues are $5,674.00. The new dues would be $4,750.00. A decrease of $897.00.

There was a workshop conducted by Cargill, our salt supplier on Thursday, October 16th. Ralph Peck from the Street Department attended and information was furnished regarding effective ordering and delivery of rock salt.

COG is unable to obtain a small games of chance license and are therefore looking for an organization to partner with that has a license in order to have a fundraiser. I have given John Palyo contact info for our fire dept. Hopefully they will be able to work together.

Parks & Recreation/Finance & Administration Committees –President of Council/Chair-David Kowalski

The Borough of Glassport will hold a Christmas Parade and festivities on Saturday, November 29, 2014, beginning at 6:00 PM. We are requesting permission to close off the Monongahela Ave., from Fourth St. to Seventh St., during the parade, and from Fourth St. to Fifth St. while the remaining activities are going on at the Honor Roll Park. We intend to work closely with the police department to make this a safe event. We are going to put forth a great effort to make this a success and hope to continue it for years to come.


Talking about having an ugly sweater contest for all Council.

Our Youth Center has all kinds of activities from cheerleaders to basketball on a daily basis. It is in full use.

Sewage Committee/Glassport Development Corporation – Thomas Bradley, Vice President/Chair

Total expenses for the Month of October, 2014…………………………………………..$ 45,964.84

Year to Date Expenses ………………………………………………..……………………………….$ 433,186.82

Year to Date Receipts……………………………………………………………………………………$ 563,829.63

Delinquent Collections………………………………………………………………………………….$ 147,678.71

Investments…………………………………………………………………………………………………. $ 117,034.14

Motion: Trunzo seconded by Skiba

To make an interfund transfer from the Sewer Revenue Fund to the Sewer Maintenance Fund in the amount of $5,787.00. This money comes from the $3.00 increase that we take off of the Sewage collections every month and put into engineering or other fees that are incurred at the Sewage Plant.

Motion Carried.

Tom Bradley, Sewage Chair said we have a Sewage Truck that has an eight foot bed. Like to move this truck to the Street Department and put a plow on it for salting and purchase another truck for the Sewage Plant such as a Chevy S10. They only haul small items so we only need a small economical truck or maybe a F150. We could contact Westmoreland County COG and see what they have. I will need permission to give this truck to the Street Department.

Blair Wojton, Council, asked do you have money to pay for this or is this extra money that you will need?

Tom Bradley said that he would like to get it in this budget year.

Solicitor said you can make it that you will not exceed $30,000. If we need to get that paperwork through we can get it started and pay for it out of the sewage funds.

Paul Trunzo said you will just need a four wheel drive basic truck.

Motion: Wojton seconded by Trunzo

To start the process for the purchase of a truck for the sewage plant.

Motion Carried.

Hydro Tech started to camera the storm sewers and sanitary sewers. There is sewage that overflows into the sanitary sewer between Delaware and Indiana Avenue. If we eliminate that overflow we are eliminating that flooding problem at Shop ‘n Save.

The Sewer Relining Bids were opened by KLH Engineers at the Municipal Building on November 3, 20l4 as follows: Jet Jack bid in the amount of $39,521.50 – Bid Bond Enclosed 10% - Employment Verification

Insight Pipe Contracting, LP bid in the amount of $43,150.00 Bid Bond Enclosed 10% EV received.

Need a motion to accept Jet Jack Bid and get the pipe relined.

Motion: Norelli seconded by Skiba

To accept the bid of Jet Jack in the amount of $39,521.50.

Motion Carried.

This is the bid of Cypress where we took the house on eminent domain.


There were 32 incidents for the Month of October, 2014 and 3 vacant structure fires.

The Fountain in the Honor Roll was winterized by the fire department.

On Friday, November 21, there will be a night at the races sponsored by Citizen’s Hose Company No. 1.

The cost to sponsor a race is $25.00 and to purchase a horse in the race is $10. Need motion to sponsor a race.

Motion: Wojton seconded by Norelli

To sponsor a race for $25.00 for Citizen’s Hose Company No. 1 Night at the Races.

Motion Carried.


The total amount of Vehicle Maintenance for October, 2014 was $ 125.85

Parking Meter Collections for October was $ 207.00

Parking Violation Collections was $ 103.00

Total Magistrate Collections was $1,313.86

Total of all collections was $1,768.86

Total Mileage used on the police vehicles was 4,783

Traffic Stops were 8

Citations Issued were 3

Non-Traffic Citations were 15

Ordinance Citations were 7

Ordinance Comp. were 7


Calls for Service were 367

Arrests were 28

Reportable Offenses were 40

Tom Bradley, Council, commented that he would like to hire a part time workers for the Sewage Plant.

Carl Inks at a rate of $12.00 per hour as needed through the winter. Due to a lack of help. Some people are out on the street and sewage departments. Pending his drug screening he can start on December 1, 2014.

Motion: Skiba seconded by Trunzo

After all the proper screening we will hire Carl Inks at a rate of $l2.00 per hour.

Motion Carried.

There were 8 people who applied for this position.

Elaina Skiba commented that the Borough will make a contribution for an individual who has a lifelong serious illness.

Motion: Bradley seconded by Trunzo.

That a contribution be made by the Borough for this individual.

Motion Carried.


The October UCR Reports are available upon request.

Commend the Chief for keeping the overtime down. Hiring the part time police has helped a lot.

Allegheny County Weights & Measures have certified our parking meters.

The Chief said we are in the process of applying for grants for bike helmets.

We are curbing some of the crime and activities. We are down 75 to 100 calls.

Mayor Bradley said our Code Enforcement Officer Cindy Passarell went out on 22 calls and took care of nuisance structures. She has written up a few citations. She is sending letters and getting things cleaned up. Sidewalks and trees causing a problem on Ohio Avenue. Building Inspector doing a great job also. He is issuing occupancy permits and inspecting areas that have not been inspected that have come to our attention. He will be making a trip to Third Ward School.

Mayor said she would like to remove one meter and put a handicap sign up. Her doctor has approved this. It is by the music store.


Development in the Borough. We are this close to having our application to the County processed and approved. Thank everyone for getting their letters out and hopefully that application will be out for January.

There is some development going on and will be happening in the near future.


Total Collections for the Month of October, 2014 was $9,592.55


The Treasurer’s Report is available upon request.

There will be a budget meeting on November 24, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

The tax levy will be passed at the meeting on December 16, 2014.

SOLICITOR – Gary Matta

Ordinance No. 1139 – Ground Surface Openings excavation, refilling, resurfacing and repaving of streets in the Borough of Glassport. Final revised ordinance received with new rates.

Motion: Bradley seconded by Skiba

To finally approve with all of the changes.

Motion Carried.

Resolution for Tax Anticipation Loan 1 (10/21/2014) for the coming year 2015.

Motion: Bradley seconded by Kudla

To approve the resolution.

Motion Carried.

Loan Issue $3.6 to $4 million dollars. DCED Issues and accrued interest. An amount not to exceed $4 million dollars. There will be a Special Meeting held to pass this debt obligation. Change the address to 440 Monongahela Avenue, Glassport. Can meet on Monday, November 24.

Mayor Bradley asked if everyone was going to be here. Is this all members voting or 2/3 vote or one or how does this work?

Solicitor said you would get the majority vote to make sure that we get the financing.


Elaina Skiba we have a budget meeting that same night so we could just make it for 6:00 p.m. that same night.

Dave Kowalski, President of Council, said to notify the newspaper of the Special Meeting for Monday, November 24, 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

The solicitor said as long as it get advertised by Thursday. The DCED is very stringent and it has to be advertised after the meeting by Thursday.

ENGINEER REPORT – Ken Hillman, Senate

A letter has been submitted to Twin Rivers COG regarding the 616 and 620 Indiana Avenue to proceed with the scope of work. The contracts for Lutterman Excavating to begin work have been signed and returned to COG.

COMMUNICATIONS: Dave Kowalski, President of Council

A letter from CSX regarding the submittal of Municipal Land Use Letter Proposed Drainage improvement Project where CSX proposes to conduct a drainage improvement project between Harrison and 7th Street in Glassport. The project will consist of installing a new 18” culvert under the existing railroad bed as well as grading of existing ditches to promote drainage. If the Borough does not respond to this within 30 days, they shall proceed to submit their permit application to DEP.