Mrs. Schneck
Culinary Arts I
1. Each student is expected to arrive to class on time. When the bell rings, you are expected to be seated and quiet. Tardiness to class will be handled according to the policy in the student handbook. Class is approximately 40 minutes long and we cannot afford to waste time.
2. Regular attendance is important. It is your responsibility to see me the day you return for any missed work. Tests or quizzes must be made up on your time, not class time. If you are absent for part or all of a cooking lab, you must complete a make-up lab assignment in order to get credit for that day.
3. Each student must come prepared with a pen or pencil every day. You will also need a pocket folder.
4. Each student is to follow the set classroom and laboratory procedures at all times.
1. All books (other than your cooking folder), purses, backpacks, hats, jackets, etc. are to be left in the designated area of the room. These items cause unnecessary clutter and can be a safety hazard.
2. No cell phones, I-pods and other electronic devices are to be used in class.
3. All handouts are to be kept by you in your pocket folder. There is a basket in the room where you notebook is to be kept. It is not to leave the room. Papers may go home to study for a test or quiz, but should be returned in time for the notebook check.
4. No one is to comb/brush their hair, apply make-up or spray perfumes in the food room at any time.
5. Students are asked to sit only at their own tables in their own chairs. The counters, the tables and the computers are off limits.
6. Under no circumstances are students to be in the lab area, cabinets, drawers, refrigerators, or using any of the class equipment without permission.
7. Lavatory use will be at my discretion. Please follow classroom procedure.
8. Please push in your chairs when not in use so no one will trip over them.
9. Students may not leave the class until they are dismissed by me, not the bell. You are not to line up at the door at any time. Remain in your seats until dismissed.
10. See me before or after class if you have a problem with another student or a question about your grade. I am available after school and can be reached at my email:
Full Year Syllabus
Culinary Arts I
Mrs. Jill Schneck
Course Description:
Culinary Arts I is an entry-level course in food and nutrition. It encompasses safety, sanitation, nutrition , use of equipment and principles of measurement. The course will cover food preparation techniques in the following areas: grains, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, eggs, meat and poultry. There will be an emphasis on time management, safety, nutrition ,and meal planning including the significance of food as it relates to various cultures. The students will plan, prepare and serve foods representing the various regions of the United States. This class includes a balance of class work, demonstrations and hands-on experiences.
Objectives: The student will be able to:
1. Identify, safely use and care for correctly, the basic cooking tools.
2. Demonstrate knowledge of cooking terms and ability to follow various formatted recipes.
3. Demonstrate correct measuring procedures when following a recipe.
4. Demonstrate an understanding of kitchen safety and sanitation.
5. Identify the major components of the Food Plate, the philosophy behind the design and demonstrate how to use it when planning daily food intake.
6. Select and use vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy and proteins in recipes that represent various parts of a meal.
7. Identify the major nutrients in vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy and proteins and state how they help the body.
8. Describe various methods of selecting, cooking and storing vegetables, fruits, grains, dairy and proteins.
9. Understand the evolution of the cuisine of the United States. Identify ingredients readily available in each region and prepare foods specific to those regions.
Text/ Resources:
The World of Food
1. Basic skills and concepts
2. Safety and Sanitation
3. The Food Plate
4. Introduction to Vegetables
5. Introduction to Fruits
6. Introduction to Grains
7. Introduction to Dairy
8. Introduction to Proteins
9. Vitamins and Minerals
10.Regional American Cuisine
The activities will include: discussions, demonstrations, lab work, worksheets, assignments and projects.
The students will be evaluated using the following methods: Tests and quizzes, class participation, lab preparation, demonstrations, projects and assignments.
Grading Policy:
All assignments have a point value. Student points are added up at the end of the marking period and divided by the total possible points to determine the marking period grade.
Required Materials:
Students are required to bring in a pocket folder to hold their papers for this class. The folder stays in the classroom and individual papers may go home to study from and then be returned to the folder. Folders will be checked on a regular basis. Students are also required to be prepared with either a pen or pencil daily.
I have read and discussed the classroom rules and procedures and understand them fully. I agree to abide by these rules and the overall rules of this class and the school and understand the consequences if I fail to follow these rules.
Student signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian signature______Date______
All students are expected to taste all foods prepared in class. However, there are times when a student cannot eat certain foods because of medical, religious or ethical restrictions.
Please indicate the food restrictions your child may have. These restrictions should not include likes and dislikes, since trying new foods is an important part of the educational purpose of this class. If there are no restrictions, please write “NONE”.
Parent/Guardian signature______
Please contact me at any time with any questions or concerns at . I’m looking forward to a great year getting to know your child.