L.C.BirdHigh School

PTSA BOARD Meeting Minutes

June 7, 2010

tHEPTSA Board MEETING was called to order at 7:19by president Karen Caffacus in the LC Bird Library. The Board meeting immediately followed the annual end of year pot luck dinner hosted by Principal Beth Teigenand the June General Membership Meeting.

Meeting Attendees:Fourteen board members and one visitor were present. See names checked below.

Attendees / Office/ Position
X / Karen Caffacus / President, Homecoming Liaison, After Prom Party Co-Chairman, Hospitality
X / Sheryl Johnson / 1st VP-Ways & Means, Winter Fundraiser Coordinator, Orchestra Boosters Rep
X / Katie Reynolds / 2nd VP- Membership, County Council Rep
X / Penny Cole / 3rd VP- Programs, Fall Fundraisers Coordinator
X / Charry Brown / Recording Secretary, Enrichment
OPEN / Corresponding Secretary
X / Kathi Fitzke / Treasurer
X / Beth Teigen / Principal
X / Sarah Davis / Faculty Representative
X / Billie Brown / Faculty Representative
OPEN / After Prom Part Co-Chairman
Wayne Mancari / Baccalaureate Liaison, Scholarships, Book Awards
OPEN / Band Boosters Liaison
X / Carol Wittman / Beautification
OPEN / Chorus Boosters Prep
OPEN / ESOL Representative
Angela Lee / Spring Fundraiser Coordinator
OPEN / Hospitality
RuChanda Gilliam / Junior Ring Ceremony Liaison
X / Paulette Davidson / Bylaws
OPEN / Publicity & Communications
OPEN / Special Education Rep
Audrea Golden / Spirit Wear Coordinator
X / Bonnie Mays / Teacher of the Month Coordinator
Darcy Davies / Volunteer Coordinator
X / Elizabeth Ronald / Web Master
Will Davies / Student Rep –Seniors
Amber Lee / Student Rep- Juniors
X / Tracy Cole / Student Rep – Juniors
OPEN / Student Rep – Sophomores
Caitlin Schoemmell / Student Rep – Freshmen
X / Visitor / Wynton Johnston – Junior

The following handouts were distributed:

  • PTSA Board Meeting Agenda for tonight
  • Minutes of the May 10, 2010 LC Bird PTSA Board Meeting
  • PTSA Check Register Report for 05/11/2010 through 06/07/2010
  • PTSA Financial Report YTD (07/01/09 through 06/07/2010 using LC Bird 2009-20109 Budget)
  • 2010-2011 PTSA Slate of Officers

Special Presentation: Presentations were made to:

Kathi Fitzke: for her years of being dependable, reliable and overall awesome service to the LC Bird PTSA. Its been wonderful not having to worry about the money. She was presented with a certificate and flowers.

Karen Caffacus: for all she did to make this year difficult financial year work and still have carry over for next year. She was presented with a plant.

Minutes of Previous Meetings: Charry Brown reported.

Charry emailed a draft of the minutes of the May 10thBoard Meetingto board members and received corrections from Penny. Those corrections were made to the handouts available at this meeting. It was motioned by Penny Cole and seconded by ElizabethRonald to accept the minutes. The motion was unanimously carried.

Treasurer’s Report:Kathi Fitzke reviewed the financial report.

There a few outstanding invoices. The books will close on June 30th and be given to the auditor. We have good carry over for next year.

1. Monthly Transaction report

Check Register Balance as of 05/11/10: $10,058.27

Total inflows: 746.00

Total outflows: -5,350.20

Check Register balance as of 12/07/09: $ 5,454.07

Net total cash flow: $ -4,604.20

2. Financial Report

Total income to date: $ 31,071.07

Total expenses to date: $ 25,617.00

Overall Total to date: $ 5,454.07

The financial report was approved as submitted with no corrections.

Correspondence Report: Karen Caffacus read:

Two ‘Thank You’ notes from: Beth Teigen for Teacher’s Luncheon and RJ Brown for Book Award.

(The book title “Pocket Guide to Adulthood: 29 Things To Know Before You Hit 30”, received favorable reviews from some of the younger LCB teachers.)


Membership:Katie Reynolds no report.

Reflections: Penny Cole reported.

Next year’s Reflections deadline will be Thursday, 10.24.10 at 3[m.

Baccalaureate, Book Awards and PTSA Scholarships:Karen Caffacus reported.

It went off really well. The speaker, the Honorable Cleo E. Powell,Judge Court of Appeals of Virginia, did a really good job. She received a standing ovation form kids and parents.

The cost of the Book awards – was only $3.00 each rather than $20.00 each.

Senior PTSA Scholarships recipients: There were two $1000 recipients - Will Davies and Leah Neary. There were two $750 recipients - Jasmine Walker and Chase Catherman.

Beautification: Carol Whitman reported.

Special thank you to the 20 chorus and ecology students and several teachers ( Robin Kalman, Sheri Bova, Stephanie Baber, Pat Fore, Denise Blankenbecler) completed first phrase of garden last Friday. She is getting estimates on wall plaque. The 2010 Senior Class left a gift that will be used to purchase the garden bench that will have plaque (Class of 2010) and will be bolted down in garden. There is still have time for others to make suggestions for what should be engraved on the wall plaque . She will continue to see this project though next year even though she will not be beautification chair next year.

Beth reported that the school will coordinate the garden dedication with the dedication of the auditorium refurbished which will be named after Mrs. Gregory.

Teacher of the Month: Bonnie Mays reported.

She has enough supplies for one more TOM. It was agreed to recognize the TOM at the end of year teachers luncheon instead of waiting until the August newsletter. Nominees were:

Cami Graham – Chorus teacher: She stepped up when Margaret Gregory passed away and did a really good job.
Mr. Albert (Maury) Shurlds – Math teacher was voted the winner. He is very fair, teaches geometry, AP calc, pre-calc and prepares kids well. Motivates students to go way beyond what they think can do.

Prom:Billie Brown reported.

Billie asked for feedback on scheduling a Friday night prom for next year.

Dr. Teigen reported that it looks like April 1st is the best date for next year. If not then, we will wait until June 1stto avoid conflicts with AP testing and SOL testing.

There was general discussion about the date and about After Prom options. More details and discussion will follow next year.

Jr Marshall Luncheon:Karen Caffacus reported.

There were a total of 70 Jr Marshalls - 46 Jr Marshalls that are not band kids and another 15 that are band kids. There are canned drinks in cafeteria refrigerator. Plates and napkins are in storage closet. Pepperoni and cheese pizzas will be served.

Penny and Sheryl volunteered to handle the luncheon.

Student Report:

Tracy Cole- commentedon several the end of year activities.

Wynton Johnson – reported on Baseball team – beating Manchester who was number on in the state.

Principals Report: Beth Teigen reported.

Senior parents are invited to end of year luncheon on June 17th at 11:30am.

Dr. Nancy Hoover was named ChesterfieldCounty secondary Teacher of the Year. She was also named the teacher who will represent the county on State level. County officials, her husband and family including her sons were there for the announcement. She gets $1500 to spend on professional development and/or the pre-engineering program.

There will be several new teachers at LCB next year, including:Stacy Maleara – Spanish, Toni Lambert – business, Donna Gocha – chorus, two brand new math teachers, and anew special ed teacher. There will also be some internal moves – an English teacher moving to French. There is still an English vacancy.


Junior Marshals Luncheon: June 9th at 11:30am

Graduation: June 10th , 10am at the SeigelCenter

Karen thanked all the board members and Dr. Teigen for all her support and cooperation.

The Meeting was adjourned at8:07pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Charry E. Brown, LCB PTSA Recording Secretary.

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