PTO Nominating Form 2018-19

Parent involvement is important to the success of our school. The PTO does its part by improving communication between the school and parents, raising funds, and creating continuity from year-to-year for parent volunteers.

If you are a parent who would like to do your part in supporting the PS 9 community, please consider becoming a PTO officer or a School Leadership Team (SLT) member for the 2018-2019 school year.


The only qualification for all Executive Committee offices is that the candidate be a parent or guardian of a child in the school. The term is one year, beginning July 1, 2018.

How to Nominate:

  1. Fill out the back of this form and return it via the Drop Box located in the lobby of PS 9 or in person at the PTO general meeting which will be held in the auditorium on:May 17, 2018 at 6:30p.m.
  2. Contact a member of the Nominating Committee:
  3. Jessica
  4. David

Nominations will be accepted up to and during the May 17, 2018 meeting.

Beyond filling these elected positions, we are actively recruiting for committee members interested in becoming involved and taking on supporting roles. Please email the nominations committee if you are interested in PTO committee membership.

To find out more about the duties and responsibilities of our PTO officers, please see the our website

To view the Chancellor’s Regulations governing PTA’s (CR A-660) & SLT’s (CR A-655) visit:


Please complete this form to nominate a candidate for the PS 9 PTO elections 2018-19

(drop-off in the collection box in the school’s lobby or email Jessica Flores at , or David Lee at by May 17, 2018 , 6:30p.m.)

Your Name: *

Your Email:

Nominee's Name: *

Nominee's Email:

Position nominated for (Circle all that you wish to be nominated for):

  • Co- President (Fundraising)
  • Co- President (Community Building)
  • Co- Vice President (Fundraising)
  • Co- Vice President (Community Building)
  • 1st Recording Secretary
  • 2nd Recording Secretary
  • Correspondence Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Financial Secretary
  • Parliamentarian
  • Co- 1st Parent-Teacher Liaisons (Pre K-2nd)
  • Co- 2nd Parent-Teacher Liaisons (3rd-5th)
  • School Leadership Team (2 positions available)
  • PTO Board of Directors (2 positions available)
