Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year Prior Lake High school will adopt the following lettering policy for its theatre participants:
Throughout a student’s high school career, one (1) point may be earned for each production a student participates in. A student becomes eligible to earn a point whether they participate onstage (acting) or offstage (technical staff and/or pit orchestra) and meet the requirements of the Director for that specific run. The student must be in good standing with general attendance, complete 2 hours of technical work, fulfill financial obligations (fee paid) and exhibit positive behavior. A student forfeits their right for a theatre point if they have an unexcused absence, excessive tardies, or behavior that has been disruptive, insubordinate or otherwise negative. This determination will be at the sole discretion of the Head Director, with input from assistants.
At the conclusion of the run of a show, a student who wishes to earn a lettering point for that show will fill out an application, which includes a self-evaluation, to assess their participation and growth. The form must be filled out completely, signed and turned into the Director before set strike after the closing production. If the Director feels that they have fulfilled their responsibilities as it relates to that specific production, the Director will sign the form and file it with any other forms for that particular student.
When the student has earned a total of 3 points, they will earn a theatre letter to be given at the production banquet held after the run of a show.
Student Name______Grade____
Mailing Address______
E-Mail Address______
Name of Current Production______
Role______Year Applied______
Describe a skill or new idea you have learned while participating in this production______
Why do you feel you have earned this lettering point?
Student Signature______
Director Signature______
Point Earned: Yes/No