Ref.: SCBD/SPS/DC/VN/RKi/868706 December 2017
Nominations for the third meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity building for the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol
Reference is made to notification 2017-113, issued on 3November 2017 and reminder notification 2017-149 issued on 27 November 2017, inviting Parties to nominate an expert for the third Informal Advisory Committee on Capacitybuilding for the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol as soon as possible but no later than 4 December 2017. Please be advised that the deadline for nominations for the IAC has now been extended to 22 December 2017.
Parties that have not yet done so are invited to submit their nomination before the above deadline. Based on the nominations received, the Executive Secretary will select participants for the Informal Advisory Committee meeting, scheduled for 20-22March 2018 at the Secretariat in Montreal, Canada, on the basis of their expertise, the need to ensure fair and equitable geographical distribution, as well as gender balance.
The nomination should be submitted through an official letter, signed by the Access and Benefit-sharing National Focal Point or the CBD National Focal Point (where ABS National Focal Point has not been designated), together with the completed nomination form attached and the curriculum vitaeof the nominee. The nomination should be scanned and e-mailed to or faxed to +1 514 288 6588 as soon as possible but no later than 22December 2017.
I thank you for your usual cooperation and for your continued support for the work of the Convention and its Protocols.
Please accept, Madam/Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Cristiana Pașca Palmer, PhD
Executive Secretary
Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol
Personal information- Name of the Expert
- Current Job/Functional Title
- Contact Details
Background and experience
- Main responsibilities in the current position
- Specific duties and experience related to access and benefit-sharing (ABS)
- Academic/ professional background and areas of expertise
- Describe what contribution you hope to bring to the work of the IAC
- Provide any additional relevant information