PTA meeting minutes 9thJune 2015


Ruth Davies

Jennifer Brochwicz-Lewinski

Lisa Logan-Virden

Jackie Heaven

Sharon Tarpey

Jennifer Rafferty

Mrs Taylor

Mrs Williams

Mrs Reeh

Andy Callan

Mr Olabe

1. Apologies

Helen Ward

Richard McCarthy

Claire Visco


The minutes from the last meeting were approved and signed.

3. Treasurer’s address

  1. Cash and Bank

The Bank balance with Barclays as of 9th June is £20,098 (Community Account £20,043, Business Base Rate Tracker £55) and £7,693 with Scottish Widows Bank, totalling £27,791. Of this balance, £570 is the remaining donation from St Joseph’s Pre-School, to St Joseph’s Nursery School. The PTA balance is £27,221.

There are no uncredited lodgements. Unpresented cheques total £275, which comprise: £100 weekly draw; £35 Spring Ball refunds and £140 expenses. Committed expenditure totals £3,162; £150 for weekly draw winners, £50 for a backup box, £105 for wireless mice; £2,170 for white boards and visualisers and £687 for a defibrillator. Therefore, the revised available bank balance across the three accounts is £23,784.

The cost of the friendship benches are to be provided by school as the PTA has previously agreed to donate the cost of the materials/labour.

  1. Income

£184 was received from Easyfundraising for the quarter ending 31st March 2015 (2014: £90).

(£89 is due from Micro Scooters)

  1. Spring Ball 2015

83 guests attended the Spring Ball on 9th May 2015.

Total receipts to date are £11,072. Total expenditure to date is £4,325. £580 is due in total. The estimate surplus is therefore £7,327. The Treasurer provided the Committee with a detailed income and expenditure account and discussed the significant amounts.

Although there were 7 guests less than the contracted 90 guests, forecast ticket receipts are £965.

The Treasurer provided the Committee with an analytical review comparing the income and costs for the Spring Ball 2015 and Summer Ball 2013, and discussed the significant variances and the comparative surpluses. In conclusion, although the Spring Ball 2015 was attended by 40 guests less than the previous Ball, the surplus achieved was only approximately £750 less, which was a positive outcome.

  1. Expenditure

A donation was made for the Holy Communion Celebration on 16th May of £179

  1. Other Expenditure

Hire of Sale Masonic Club for Music Concert £125

  1. Expenditure from Pre-School Donation

The balance on the donation from St. Joseph’s Pre-School is £570.

The Nursery Manager has purchased additional resources, which will be funded by this donation. Conditions are that the donation is for pre-school children attending the Nursery and is ring fenced & accounted for separately.

4. Review of the events from the last half term

The Ball

Ruth said it was a fantastic night and a great success created from a huge amount of work from the committee including people who couldn’t come on the night. We did well keeping the costs down and a special thank you to Gabrielle Chateauneuf for negotiating a decrease in the number of tickets that we needed to sell. Thank you to all that helped.

In terms of the next ball (2017) there are some points that will need to be considered and some aspects that may need to be changed including it being more local. Possibly it could be more low-key and tickets being less expensive so that more people may attend. Mrs Willams asked whether it would be possible for us to join other schools to create one large ball and therefore reduce some of the costs. This will be looked into when planning the next one.

5. Plan of events for the remainder of the 2014 to 2015 school year

a) Book sale- a reminder will be sent out about it next week asking parents to send in books and to attend.

b)Summer fair- US Independence Day is going to be used as the theme which will be good to tie in with the non-uniform day. All the usual stalls will be there. An email will go out this week to remind parents and to ask for help. Outside activities were discussed. the field will be used for football shooting, basketball and baseball; the junior playground will have the ponies and the bouncy castle and James Salt will be doing a golf game for children. Therewill also be whack the rat and the darts game. There will be a beer and Pimms stall but the burgers and hot dogs will come from the kitchen not from a barbecue. Raffle tickets have been ordered which will be sent out the week of 22 June. Ruth will check with Father Woolly about selling them outside church too. There will be preparation in school on the Friday night and the Saturday before the fair for those that need to set up.

c) Summer concert-Masonic Hall is all booked. It needs further organisation with Katrina and Tina.

D)Headteacher for the day- this will possibly take place on the 25th or 26th of June. Angie will help to organise this.

E) Sponsored bike ride- The “giving website” is now set up. The event now needs a bit of a promotional push as the previous parentmail, which it was included in, contained a lot of information.

6. Autumn term events

a) Quiz night-Mrs Taylor suggested that it be before half term.She and Ruth will meet to discuss dates.

b) Sponsored event -Mrs Taylor suggested it be the end of September /October as people get likely to get involved with Christmas events after that. Ruth suggested a cumulative marathon and Mrs Tayor said that we need to think about the logistics and asked Simon for his help.

c) New parents meeting-This is to be held on Thursday, 18th June.Ruth and Jackie will meet to sort out materials needed for the presentation.

7) Other actions

a) Defibrillator purchase- having looked into the two options either a model recommended by Paul O’Neill or an NHS supply chain model, Mrs Taylor has chosen the NHS. She’s going to find out if Paul will do the training to use it.

b)The newsletters-Ruth asked if anyone is willing to take over Carolyn in producing the newsletters.

8) Future spending
Canopies- there has been lots of discussion this at the moment it is looking to be very expensive and much further research needs to be done. Mrs Taylor has therefore has asked to redevelop the grass area outside the staffrooms so that there is a hard surface with a canopy, planters and big benches to provide a quieter area for the children. Somebody has been in to have a look at it and to give a quote for it. Andy asked about the use of astro turf in this area but it is very expensive. The kitchen garden would have to be relocated.

9) A.O.B.

It was suggested that a new photograph of the PTA be taken at the next meeting, which will be October 1st 2015.

Mrs Taylor wished to thank the generosity of the PTA and the parents of the school.