PTA General MeetingNovember 3, 2015


Robin Dusza

Jessamyn Scott

Vicki Waite

Valerie Lohr

Stephanie Green

Dawn Milam

Karen Yelovich

Tracey Staab

Tom Staab

Jen McMillion

Dana Harris

Angela Roberts

Somer Funk

Shawn Milam

James Henderson

Call to Order 7:07


Past News

Motion to accept minutes: McMillion, D. Milam. Minutes passed. Mr. Lange will post the minutes on the school website.

Thank you for the Halloween cupcakes donated by parents. The parade went off well. The assemblies have been very popular. The next assembly is Thursday: Silly Goose. Spirit Wear and Square Art have gone out. Box Tops have caused commotion because teachers receive extra reimbursement funds. The Philadelphia field trip is coming up. November 12th Pre-K classes closed and report cards go home. Schools are closed on November 13th. American Education Week and the Book Fair are coming up starting November 16th through November 20th. The flu mist date has been rescheduled. There will be an after school clinic on November 19th for children to receive the flu mist. Open door students who request the flu mist will be pulled out. No appointments necessary. The flu mist is only for Fullerton students. Fifth grade parents need to know that Magnet forms are due on November 30th. Vision and hearing screening will be coming up for new students. Winter vacation will begin after school on December 23rd. That will also be pajama day.

Teacher Report (Dawn Baier)

Students are looking forward to the assembly. Everyone is benefiting from the Scholastic magazines. American Education Week is coming up.

President’s Report (Robin Dusza)

Red Ribbon week went over well. A PTA meeting will be held at New Town next Tuesday for board members and general chairpersons and PTA members. Dallas Dance will speak at the meeting. Voting cards and PTA cards are needed for entrance. The cost is $20 and the PTA will reimburse anyone who goes. Spirit Wear sold well. Thanks for keeping the outside board up to date. The newsletter was sent out by Stephanie Green. The next meeting in December will focus on the spring fundraiser. Please bring ideas and input. Invite others to come with complaints, ideas, and help.

Treasurer Report (Karen Yelovich)

The report is in a new format. Spirit Nights have brought in money. We are still waiting for a Box Top check and membership checks to go through. The first yearbook payment was due. Not all teachers have ordered Scholastic magazines. The budget is running as expected.

Spirit Night (Valerie Lohr)

The next spirit night is Tuesday, November 10th at Bill Bateman’s. The PTA has already raised over $2000 in spirit night money. Frank’s Pizza will be the following Spirit Night in December.

Membership (Stephanie Green)

We are at about 50 memberships so far. In November the final count will be taken to decide which class wins a party. Send out membership forms the same day as parents receive school forms during the first week of school. Reminders to join the PTA should go out.

Newsletter (Stephanie Green)

I will try to send out after a meeting. Please send me ideas and suggestions.

Box Tops (Somer Funk)

We collected $793 from Box Tops. Five people helped to count Box Tops. Two classes did not collect any Box Tops. I would like to collect monthly to give more chances. Each class might have a chart to show how many box tops have been collected each month. Parents need more information as to how important it is to save and donate Box Tops. Parents may not know how much money is collected for the school. The Box Tops website has forms. Parents need to be educated. American Education week is a good time to inform visitors of the pluses for Box Tops. Teachers receive half the amount collected.

Fundraising (Valerie Lohr)

Square Art is due today. Orders and money will be counted this week and turned in. A complaint was made that some student art was not “good” for a project. A parent suggested giving prior notice to families so they can instruct their child on what type of picture to make.

New ideas are needed for the spring fundraiser. More help is needed.

Open Floor

Parent complaint: volunteers served food without gloves at a Kindergarten event in June 2015. Are there provisions and rules for serving food at school functions? Ms. Waite said that no homemade food can be served. Cupcakes, cookies, pizza, etc. must be bought at a store.

No instructions came home for Pennies for Pasta box. The class that raises the most gets a party from Olive Garden. An online donation can be made, but it will not be credited to the child’s class. Parents want to rectify this.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00