RiverShare Mission Statement:
The mission of the RiverShare Libraries is to provide optimum access to member libraries through resource sharing, including an ILS (integrated library system), delivery, and governance.
RiverShare Assembly of the Whole Committee
East Moline Public Library
November 19, 2015
2:00 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Lisa Powell Williams, RiverShare AOW Secretary, Moline Public Library
1. Roll Call (Lisa)
Bettendorf Public Library (Sue Mannix); Clinton Community College Library (Sally Myers); Clinton Public Library (Brad Wiles);Robert R Jones Public Library District (Jeff Stafford); Davenport Public Library (Amy Groskopf); East Moline Public Library (Laura Long); Kaplan University Library (Marlene Metzger); LeClaire Community Library (Jillian Aschliman); Moline Public Library (Deborah Shippy); Muscatine Community College Library (Nancy Luikart); Musser Public Library (Bobby Fiedler); Rock Island Public Library (Angela Campbell); St Ambrose University Library (Mary Heinzman); Scott Community College Library (Michelle Bailey); Scott County Library (Tricia Kane); Sherrard Public Library District (Bobbi Jackson); Silvis Public Library (Nancy Ashcraft)
Absent: Ashford University Library, Henry C. Adams Public Library and River Valley Public Library District
Guest: BethMosher, Clinton Public Library
2. Approval of Minutes - Brad shared that the August minutes were amended and distributed. Bryon took September minutes but encountered technical difficulties after the meeting. The minutes from September represent the best attempt to record what was discussed.
A. August minutes. Nancy L. moved; Jillian seconded; minutes approved as amended.
B. September minutes. Amy moved; Nancy L. seconded; approved.
3. Financials (Tricia)
Current balance of $178,000.10. December statement will show maintenance contracts of approximately $125,000through Polaris and will take us through October 2016. Motion to approve by Laura. Marlene seconded.Approved.
4. Vice President’s Report (Laura)
Please remind staff who are committee chairs that they need to be on mailing list so that they receive information Laura sends. Brad will check that committee chairs are current on the RS website.
5. Committee Reports
A. ILS Committee
Amyspoke with Polaris about RiverSharecosts going forward, as Iowa libraries remain and Illinois libraries transition to PrairieCat. Approximately, $53,100 remote service cost stays the same. Syndetics costs may drop. Terminal services licenses costs will drop about 44% from$35,100 to$19,656. RiverShare pays for EDI 5 licenses now; using only 3 now, possible $500 year. Total reduction should beapproximately$18,000, not including EDI.
Overdrive willing to work with RiverShare to reduce costs, possible to cut platform fee in half $30,000 to $15,000 for academic/public platforms together.Brad CPL summarized that Polaris and Overdrive are not new contracts, rather change in terms. Jillian requested a written report of this information.Amy provided an overview of the cost totals for each of the Iowa libraries and will send out a spreadsheet.
Amy noted that MuseGlobal federated search could be discontinued which currently costs $9,000/year. Bobby MUS inquired about statistics and Nancy asked for a library by library breakout of statistics.
Cost for MALA continuing delivery to Illinois libraries or Coal Valley hub for July 2016 would be $139 per Illinois library. Sally proposed covering this from the $46,000 in RS reserve funds.
Amy will send out instructions aboutupdating each staff workstationdue to the newPolaris server.
B. Tech Services Committee
Committee met. No report.
C. Circulation Committee
Approved DPL’s request to add additional patron code of READDPL to institute a fine free card to cover juveniles under age 18 for DPL print materialsonly. Sue moved. Tricia seconded. Motion approved.Brad asked if there are any special patron codes for homebound and/or transient patrons. Discussion ensued.There is a computer use only card option.RIP does shelter cards; Lisa Davison at RIP can be contacted for more information.Amy checked and there are homebound and outreach patron codes.
D. PAC Committee
OPAC customization training forthcoming in FY16.
E. IT Committee
Did not meet.
F. PR Committee
Will still continue the RS email monthly newsletter until IL libraries transition.
G. Other
Brad asked Jeff about the overlay consortia futures committee. Laura noted it may be a moot point, as RS will not be included going forward.IL libraries joining PC already have representation on the committee.
6. New Business
A. Reciprocal Borrowing after current fiscal year
An initial meeting washeld with IA and IL libraries. Consensus is that it would be difficult to move forward, due to cost-benefit analysis as boards likely would not “go for.” Laura spoke with a RAILS consultant who will meet with IL libraries in early December to discuss what Illinois libraries can legally offer.
Sue ran data which showed 46,000 lent to Illinois libraries from Iowa libraries; BPL items comprised 52% of that total, three times what was received from Illinois.BPL board is not interested in reciprocal borrowing at this timedue to equity imbalance in a reciprocal borrowing agreement with Illinois libraries. Amy reported that the DPL board is still willing to pursue a fee for service per capita agreement and that no formal action taken at this point. There is concern that without delivery and a shared ILS, this would be difficult to do.
B. MALA service extension for July 2016
There was consensus that a one month extension is sufficient.Remaining Iowa RiverShare members’library cardholders will still receive notification regarding items, but not Illinois patrons.Motion to table by Sue and seconded by Jillian.
C. Overdrive selection policy
Holds ratio change. Current policy called for a 10:1 ratio, which it not viable with current funding level.Recommendation made to change to “Multiple copies will be purchased for high demand titles as budget allows.” Moved byAmy; seconded by Bobby. Approved.
D. RiverShare withdrawal from SHARE Illinois
RiverShare withdrawal from SHARE Illinois was recommended due to Illinois libraries moving from RiverShare to PrairieCat.Laura moved; Nancy seconded. Approved.
7. Old Business
A. RiverShare 28E follow-up
Amy consulted the Davenport City Attorney and sent an email regarding dissolution. Withdrawal is different than termination and does not dissolve the agreement; 50% of the remaining members needed to terminate the agreement. 28E takes precedence in areas of conflict with the bylaws. 28E requires 180 day advance notice for withdrawal. Bylaws state that this must be prior to the start of a new RiverShare fiscal year. There is one 28E plus one addendum and both work together.
B. Vendor contract updates for OverDrive, Polaris, Etc.
Brad noted Illinois libraries would be interested in knowing what they are responsible for once separation occurs. Angela asked what the figures would be for Illinois libraries, if any.Amy shard Polaris cost figure is the figure. Amy noted with OverDrive there are a couple of options. Illinois libraries could continue to be part of RiverShare’s OverDrive consortia. Amy’s perspective is that current RiverShare reserve funds being used to even out costs for remaining Iowa libraries would be good use of those funds and make a clean break.
Laura noted that none of the Illinois encumbrances, other than data cleanup for transition to PraireCat, are grant eligible.
Iowa libraries will plan to meet in December to review cost spreadsheet and will bring updated information to the next AOW meeting.
C. Ashford withdrawal letter
Letter received with withdrawal date effective June 30, 2016.
D. RiverShare bylaws review
Will be discussed at December meeting.
8. Other – No other business.
9. Adjourn – Moved by Nancy L. Meeting adjourned at 3:20 p.m.
The next AOW Meeting is 2:00 p.m. on December 17, 2015 at River Valley Library in Port Byron, IL.