PTA Committee Meeting 27thJune 2016
In attendance:
Vicky Matykiewicz, Liz Carlsen, Emma Coombs (minutes), Phillipa Smith, MrsBenson, Mags Stubley, Kate Sarsfield, Lisa Madden, Clair Ranns, Helen Mills.
Martin Elliot
Mags has agreed to act as a General Officer on the PTA committee. Her experience, particularly regarding health and safety is greatly welcomed.
The two sheds look great – thanks go to Vicky and her husband.
The order for the reading books will wait until after the BBQ. They should be ordered through school as there will be a discount and the VAT can be claimed back.
Cake Stall:
Thank you very much to 1L for the cake stall. The stall was held after sports day and an amazing £114 was raised. The next cake stall will be 1K on the last day of term (22 July).
Financial update:
We now have online access to the PTA account. We can now reimburse expenses by BSCS rather than cheque. Phillipa will find out about getting a second approver for the account.
PTA have a PayPal account, but Phillipa is the only one who knows the login. It was decided that Lydia should also have the details. This will be useful when using Amazon and ebay etc.
The 2014/15 accounts are ready for auditing. Lisa’s husband has offered to carry this out.
It was agreed that Phillipa will count the money for all of the stalls after the BBQ, before banking the money.
Phillipa has put together a form for PTA expenses. This will make it easier for Phillipa to account for the money paid out.
Phillipa will investigate easyfundraising further.
BBQ Planning:
Set up will start at 1.30 and we had a discussion about the possibility of starting to set up in the playground before the end of school.
The Committee are very grateful to Joseph for the loan of his PA system for events. There was a discussion about the possibility of buying a PA system for the future.
The food order contingency was decided. The wet weather plan was discussed.
Update from the Governors:
Helen Mills (Chair of the Governors) gave an update. Concerns had been expressed about the turnover of staff at school in recent years, and the school’s communications about this. Helen went through the list of staff who have left recently or who are planning to leave at the end of this school year. She was keen to give reassurance that for the majority of staff, the reason for leaving is retirement, further training or promotion.
An idea for the future could be to have a Governor linked with the PTA Committee. We would all be keen to work together more.
Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 12th July 7pm in the room upstairs at So! Bar and Eats (on Otley Road).